Room 13 The Golden Snakes
The greater our shine is, the greater our reflection on others.
The farther we slither in learning, the more our fangs sink into knowledge.
Our venom spreads to others, to share our ideas.
We are The Golden Snakes.
Ko te nui o te whiti, ko te nui o ta tatou whakaaroaro ki etahi atu.
Ki te tae atu ki runga i te ako, ka piki haere o tatou matauranga ki te matauranga.
Kei te horahia ta tatou whiu ki etahi atu hei tiritiri i o maatau whakaaro.
Ko tatou nga nakahi koura.
Week Nine
WOW, the last week of School.
Too fast.
So many things happening this week: A game of Cricket on Tuesday.
Shared Lunch on Wednesday. Disco Wednesday night. Prizegiving on Thursday.
Movie Thursday afternoon. Friday was our last Kapa Haka practice. Please ignore the shaky camera, I didn't have a tripod.
Year 6 Graduation on Friday.
WHEW. What a week. Non-stop action.
Week Eight
On Monday our school reports went home. Have a look and see how much we have improved this year.
On Tuesday, Mrs Browne came to read us another Winnie the Pooh story. Only one more week left for her to come. We read about How Tigger's can do anything. Well maybe not. Ask the children how they got up the tree and how they got back down again. It is so great having good friends that we can rely on.
Digital Technologies. On Wednesday we had an amazing session in the Library learning to do coding. We got to create the story of Maui on a program called Scratch. It was so fun.
On Thursday we were so honoured to go to Room 5 to help them open their Art Exhibition. We said the Karakia and sang a Waiata. Then our buddies took us around the class and showed us all their amazing work on Celebrations.
After that we all went home and brought our parents back to school to share our learning. We had to find two things that we were proud of and tell them why, then we had to find something that we want to work on to improve. It was great to see so many parents come and see our work. Come and see what 2020 means to us.
Week Seven
On Wednesday we had Rooms 12 and 14 join us in Room 13 for a movie. We watched Jingle Jangle. First we went outside and played Octopus then we went inside. Everyone got very comfortable.
On Thursday we had Garden to Table. We learnt how to make sweetcorn and spinach fritters with tomato relish. SOOOO YUM.
Friday came around again and we had the awesome Rush come to share with us about the Christmas Story.
Also on Friday we had a fantastic group of students come from Manurewa South to play sport with our Flat Bush Team. There was Touch and Basketball. What a fantastic time we had cheering on both schools.
Week Six
On Monday the Lucky Mrs Hira had a visitor in her class. Robbie Rakete from The Breeze came in to Room 15 to share his new book, written with his radio co-star. It's a really great book. You can get yourself a copy from the Warehouse for $19.
Come and introduce yourself to the students in Ruma Tekau ma toru. They may have a couple of questions for you answer.
Tēnā koe
Kia ora, ko ______ tōku ingoa, ko wai tō ingoa? (My name is _____, What is your name?)
Ko _______ tōku ingoa.
Ā, __________. He pai te tūtaki ki a koe. (Nice to meet you)
Silent reading time we can read to our teddy bears.
Launchpad on Friday. Rush always delivers a good story with a great message. This week we talked about doing what we say we will do.
On Friday we had a visitor to Flat Bush School. Joseph Parker and Duffy came to school to share with us why it is so important to read. Check out the page on our website.
Week Five
Miss Browne wrote lots of information here for the week this week but silly her forgot to press save.
On Friday the Travelwise Crew had there Online Celebration to celebrate all the work they have done this year. Every year I have to let Auckland Transport know what activities we have done for the year and apply for an award. Each year I apply for a silver award because we work hard but there is always more that we can do. This year Auckland Transport decided that we had done enough for a gold award so well done to this year's Travelwise Crew for earning a Gold Award.
This week there was some more testing so that Miss Browne can write our reports. She is really proud with us to see that we have all improved and we hope that you enjoy reading our reports.
Week Four
Oh dear. We were at school this week. We were so busy that Miss Browne didn't even get her phone out to take photos.
Come and see our work in our class and ask us what we enjoyed, what we learnt and what we want to do next. We're sure you will be surprised.
Week Three
Short week this week. Monday was Labour Day, we got to stay home and spend time with our families.
On Tuesday, Rooms 9, 11, 12 and 13 finally got to go on a School trip. We have been waiting all year. We had a great time.
Because we went to Motat on Tuesday, Mrs Browne came in to read this week's Winnie The Pooh story on Thursday. Poor Piglet, surrounded by water. Ask the children what happened in the story and how Piglet was saved.On Friday we had Rush come in to share a great message about not being afraid. Ask the children what happened in the story.
On Saturday it was Miss Browne's birthday. We went for 2 really lovely walks then out for lunch. While sitting in the restaurant eating lunch the heavens opened and it rained and rained. It was still a fantastic day.
Week Two
Niuean Language Week - What a great start to the week. Rooms 22 and 13 sang the Niuean National Anthem. Li'amanaia's family came and opened our week with a blessing and a Tekalo - a traditional Niuean War Dance. What a great start to the week. The family also came in during the week to teach the children some fantastic Niuean games. Coconut throwing, 3 legged races, relay races and some even had a turn on stilts. What fun.
On Friday the Travelwise Crew got to go out on Biards Road with the Police. They had the Lazer gun and were checking out the speed of the cars coming past our school. If people were driving slowly and safely they were pulled over and the children thanked them for being safe. They received a postcard and a small gift. They also pulled over those that were going too fast and talked to them about how important it is to drive safely around our school. They were given a postcard about safe driving. The children had a great time.
Week One
Welcome Back to Term 4. Last Term of 2020. I hope you are as excited as I am to be back at school.
First week back we had our first session of TAGS sport under our flash new roof. Known as the COLA (Covered Outside Learning Area).
Please enjoy your 2 weeks of well deserved break. I hope you have a great time with your Whanau. I am going to be doing lots of walking with my parents and my dogs. Here are just a few photos that I took on my holiday. We met a beautiful family of swans and some very big fish. We also went to the Temple for Lunch one day. Such a lovely meal.
Week 10
Last week at school. This term has gone quickly. It feels like its Term 6 already. This week is Sign Language Week. See if you can spell your name.
Unfortunately this week sees our last few days with Mr Williams. Check out our Farewell Assembly. We will miss him so much.
Week Nine -
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori
What a fantastic start to our Maori Language Week. Ruma Rua Tekau, Ruma Tekau ma rua and Ruma Tekau ma toru led the whole school Google Meet to start off our week. We shared Karakia Timatanga and waiata that we have been working hard to learn.
Tuesday we had our last swimming session. What fun we had.
Karawhiua - Have a go
Give this sheet a try and see if you can get all the body parts in Maori.
Week Eight - Tongan Language Week
Tongan Language Week at FBS, 2020
Kaveinga - Fakakoloa ‘a Aotearoa ‘aki ‘a e Lotu Mo’oni
(Theme - Enriching Aotearoa New Zealand through prayer and faith)
What a great start to the week. The whole school went on to Google Meet to join the Tongan group for Opening Prayer and the Tongan National Anthem. So great to see a few more faces in class. Still waiting for a few of our friends to come back to school. We hope to see you soon.
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuawaru - Term 3, Week 8
Rāhina, te 7th o Mahuru, 2020
Challenge completed: Rm 13 "Butt kick challenge"
Congratulations to Vaughn and Akanesi from Rm 13 who won the Butt kick challenge. It was a close finish with both students both achieving 120 kicks each. Thank you all for practicing your challenges during the lock down and for taking part in our challenge today!! Here is our Butt kick challenge video:
On Tuesday we had swimming. Always so much fun.
We had some join us from Room 12 and we played a Kahoot with them.
Miah created her own Kahoot! on Fairytales. It was great fun. Unfortunately Miss Browne came fourth so she didn't make it onto the podium.
On Thursday we had Mr D come in for drumming. Check us out with our rhythm.
Week Seven - Back to school
Very small class today. Welcome back to school everyone. So much to do but definitely not enough time to do it. Please don't stay away too long. Can't wait to see you all back in class.
We took some time out and had some fun with Kahoot! In the afternoon we invited Room 14 in to join us for another couple of games. It was really fun to be able to spend time together.
On Tuesday we went back to swimming but as we had really small numbers Room 13 joined with Room11. So we had 10 swimmers. It was a good day.
On Friday we were lucky enough to have our Mufti day. We also had a sausage and fizzy drink as a Thank you to all those people who came to Conferences at the beginning of term.
Room 13 and Room 14 joined together for Garden to Table. What a great time we had and our muffins were delicious.
We also had some Room 15 students join us for Basketball in the afternoon. We have had a fantastic week of joining together with our schoolmates and having lots of learning and fun. Remember to come back to school next week for Tongan Language Week.
Week Six - Still at home with Whanau.
It has been great talking to so many of you on our google meetings and reading your emails. Please keep sending me your learning photos so that I can put them on our class page. Keep checking the School Website for up to date information so you know when we can be together again.
Keep doing these fantastic activities.
Week Five and Six Distance Learning Activities
Our third Kahoot! on our class google meet. Well done Ethan, Tyler and Begonia for getting the top three scores.
Check out some of these awesome Super Hero Stories. Have a watch and see if they can help you with your writing.
Week Five - At home with whanau
LEVEL THREE: Some teachers will be at school on Monday for you to pick up your learning packs. Middle school please come to the Library between 9.00 and 3.00. Please remember our morning check in at the top of the page. Don't forget you can contact me at any time through email or phone. There will be weekly activities on here that you can do and share. Please share photos with me so I can add them to our page.
Please remember to stay home, be safe, be kind, be loving, be supportive, be together.
Here are some fantastic activities for you to do this week.
Week Five Distance Learning Activities
Have a look at these home learning tasks:
Simple Machines Student Inquiry Home Learning Term 3 2020
There is a hard copy of the Scavenger Hunt in your Learning Packs.
Remember when reading your books
Week Four
This week is non-stop full of fun and learning. On Monday we had some student teachers come and take some groups from the Middle and Senior classes. They took their groups outside and did some Science experiments and did lots of talking. Monday afternoon we were very lucky to have Mr Avatea come into Room 13 and bring the Bee Bots for the class to practice some coding. It was great fun.
On Tuesday morning we started our day with Whakawhanaungatanga with Ruma rua tekau. We are learning 2 really awesome new Waiata and our School Pepeha. After that Mrs Browne came in to read the story of Eeyore's Birthday. Come ask the children what happened in the story. Poor Eeyore, not a lot can cheer him up.
Week Three
What an amazing week this has been. We started our week with the Cook Island Group performing and starting our week with the flag raising and karakia and National Anthem. Wow they were good.
Tuesday we had Mrs Browne coming to read to us about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet trying to catch a Heffalump. Come and ask the children what a Heffalump is and how they tried to catch it.
We were at swimming again. Check us out, we're getting pretty good. Dre' and Reginald forgot their togs but they got to watch so next week they will know what they are meant to do.
Wednesday we had an amazing time in the hall watching and taking part in activities in the hall for Cook Island Language Week. What a fun time we had.
Lots of work being done in our class. The turtles are learning to write a Report.
Thursday we had the Fantastic Mr D come in for drumming again. We are building our confidence to stand in front of the class and share a beat. Can't wait for next week.
Week Two
Wow Week One went so fast. This weeks story with Mrs Browne was how Eeyore lost his tail. We met Eeyore and the wise Owl. He was very wise but couldn't quite spell his name right and he only used the letters he needed for writing. Keep trying to spell your unknown words as we can only get better. Ask the children where Winnie the Pooh found Eeyore's tail. When it was found, Christopher Robin nailed it back on in the hopes that it wouldn't fall off again.
This week we started Swimming. We had so much fun.
Drumming again on Thursday. Mr D keeps making things harder. It is a great challenge for our brains.
We had our Celebrating Success on Thursday afternoon. I am so thrilled to say that I saw 20 parents of my 22 students. Such a good time meeting new parents and parents that I have met before. Thank you everyone for making it such a success.
Miss Browne finally put up our collaborative art picture. We think it looks amazing.
End of the week and today we had our first session of Basketball. We love playing Golden Child. We learned so many great skills. It was a bit cold today but we warmed up quickly running after our balls.
Have a great weekend and we look forward to all our new learning next week.
Week One
Celebrating Matariki this week. We have listened to some amazing stories. See if you can read, Matariki Breakfast, Matariki kites and A Matatriki story. We have learned a Haka Whetu. Check out this awesome story by Whaea Rochelle from the Christchurch Library.
On Monday we used the Rakau sticks.
On Tuesday we tried to make these folded paper stars. It was very tricky. Watch the video and give it a go if you think you can.
On Wednesday Miss Patterson played Matariki Bingo. What a great time we had.
We wrote an Acrostic Poem for Winnie the Pooh. We also planted some seeds in class. Can't wait until we can eat our Radishes, Cauliflowers and Spring Onions. YUM!
Then on Thursday we did Rock Painting with Whaea Dinah.
Also we had Drumming with Mr D.
Thank you everyone that made our Matariki time so much fun.
Welcome back for Term 3
We have lots of great stuff going on this term. On Tuesdays we have Mrs Browne coming in read with us and we will be going Swimming. On Thursdays we will be doing Drumming with the awesome Mr D. On Fridays we will be having Bible and Basketball. We will have Mr Avatea coming in to do STEAM with us. We will be doing lots of Science also Writing stories, Reading lots of books and coming up with lots of Maths questions to ask each other, as well as Statistics. We are going to be so busy, We can't wait. Remember to come to school to see your friends and the teachers and grow your minds.
Last day of the holidays and Savana and I went to the Zoo. What a great day it was. We hope you had an amazing holiday with your Whanau and can't wait to see you next week.
Halfway through the holidays. I hope you have had an amazing time with your Whanau. This week is the celebration of Matariki. We will be learning more about this and creating artwork, food and memories in Week one of Term 3. Remember to bring all your empty yoghurt containers to school. I look forward to seeing you next week. Stay safe, stay well, stay healthy, stay warm and keep smiling.
Here is a couple of wordfinds I created using a great website. Feel free to do them and if there are any words you don't know, remember to look them up.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Miss Browne
Week 12
Wow the last week of Term 2 already. That has gone so fast. On Tuesday Mrs Browne came in to read us the next Winnie the Pooh story. This time Winnie the Pooh got stuck in Rabbits door to his house. His tummy was too big. We heard a big POP!! Ask the children what happened in the story. How did Winnie the Pooh get stuck? How did he feel? How did he get out?
Our Tuesday funny: "Mrs Browne is coming today to read the next Winnie the Pooh story" said Miss Browne. "YAY!!" shouted the children. After the story was finished one of the children said, "See you next Tuesday Mrs Browne". "No you won't it is holidays next week," said Miss Browne. All the children said "AWWW". They wanted to hear the next story but didn't want to wait til next term.
Using the Winnie the Pooh picture of Christopher Robin and the rabbits pulling Winnie the Pooh, we worked in groups to create an interesting story using Stephen Grahams Descriptive Writing Frame.
Here is the story that the Golden Snakes came up with by working together as a team - Mahi Ngatahi.
After a block of awesome learning we had some Just Dance fitness to have a brain break.
We are looking forward to our Mufti Day on Thursday. Miss Browne is going to wear her school uniform.
Wow Miss Browne looked funny in her school uniform but she didn't care and we all had fun. We had a great day and enjoyed a shared snack with our Kapa Haka Buddy class Ruma Rua Tekau. Also we had a fun afternoon of eating, playing, learning and comradery with our Buddy class Room 5.
On Friday we had a Middle School Assembly led by Whaea Julie. It was really good to acknowledge some hard workers and do some singing together. Mr Moiho came and played some songs for us on the guitar and Whaea Julie showed us the actions to a Waiata.
Room 13 wishes everyone a fantastic holiday and we will see you all in Term 3.
Kia pai te hararei
Week 11
One more week gone, one week left. Wow we are moving so fast. On Monday the teachers went for a walk to look at everyone's Learning Walls. I enjoyed telling them that my Golden Snakes want to share their learning and encourage others. To be the BEST that they can be. Feel free to come into class and check it out.
Mrs Browne came in this week and read us a story about Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh. Written by A. A. Milne. Did you know that Winnie the Pooh's name was actually Edward Bear? We heard how Christopher Robin walked down the stairs and held Edward Bear by one paw and banged his head on every step as he walked down the stairs. Thump Thump Thump. Poor Edward Bear. Winnie the Pooh wanted some honey but when he tried to climb the tree the branch broke. So he had a good idea of covering himself in mud and floating up to the beehive so the bees would think he was a little rain cloud. It didn't quite work how he wanted it. Come and ask the children what happened to Winnie the Pooh.
First we drew our own bear in our books. Then we wrote some sentences about our bears, using one sentence for each subject; colour, number, size, texture, doing, position and shape.
Here are some of the stories we wrote and how we made them even better.
Well loved Bear
Thursday saw Room 5 come in for buddy reading and then Whakawhanaungatanga. Those actions are coming along really nicely.
Friday sees the awesome Rush coming into school for Launchpad: Champions. We really enjoyed listening to the story of Daniel and his friends and Paul and Silas. Don't forget to ask the children about the stories. Thanks Rush for coming in to teach us. We really look forward to seeing you.
Friday afternoon and we were lucky to have the awesome Miss Young and the talented Mr Moiho. We got to play some Dodgeball. So much fun. We ran so fast so we didn't get hit.
End of week 11. Have a fantastic weekend. Ka kite a Rahina. See you on Monday for Week 12. Mufti day on Thursday. Early finish on Friday.
Week 10
So much work and fun this week. Miss Browne brought a whole lot of cardboard boxes to school. She didn't want to throw them out so we brainstormed all the different things we could make with them. We had fun working out what we could make, what we needed to make things and working out the steps that we would need to take to make our chosen project. We worked hard in our books so we could get to the fun stuff of cutting boxes and making a huge mess in class. Luckily Miss Browne didn't get a photo of the mess.
We finished up our designs on Thursday and on Friday we got to get the paints out and choose what colours we were going to use. Working in groups we shared paint and brushes. Some of us were quick and others took a long time to paint.
Miss Browne will take photos of our finished projects on Monday as they were still wet and she didn't want them to get wrecked.
Pryncess finished her project. She made some stick puppets. Have a look at her photos and read what she did.
Keep on eye on our page to see what everyone else did to make their project and to see our finished artwork.
Week 9
This week we welcomed back Tony and Louis. So good to have your smiling faces back in the classroom. We also had a return of Karii on Monday but I forgot to get a photo. Hopefully he is back with us tomorrow.
Middle of the week and we have a story time session. Everyone made themselves very comfortable.
We had a game of ABC - Fruit and Vegetable. It was quite hard for a few of the letters so we looked up a few of them.
We had a fantastic afternoon with the beautiful Miss Young and awesome Mr Moiho. We finished our Mihimihi. You are welcome to come into class to see all our amazing artwork.
Can't wait to see what happens next........
Kapa Haka practice with Ruma Rua Tekau
This week was a very special week of celebrating our awesomely fantastic Support Staff. Without which our school would not run so smoothly. Wednesday was a lunchtime game of Basketball between the teachers and the teacher aides. Miss Browne was not so good at playing but she had fun. The teacher aides won that game but we are sure it was only by one point... maybe... we think... hahaha. All the classes made cards with a lot of thought and Aroha going into each and every one of them.
End of week 9 already. This term is flying by. Only 3 weeks left of term.
Keep checking to see all the exciting things we do in class and what's going on around our school.
Week 8
We have been working really hard in Room 13 this week.
But we still have fun too.
We had our class photos on Thursday and of course it rained so Miss Browne had to do her hair before our photo.
We have been teaching Room 5 and Room 14 some beautiful Waiata and karakia in our class during the week. It is really awesome to be able to share our knowledge with others. The Golden Snakes have been very lucky to have Darrell and Kimble join us from Room 19 and teach us how to build a 3D house on our Chromebooks. So much fun. We'll show you when we're finished. Miss Browne had a lot of teething problems but the Golden Snakes haven't been laughing they have shown her how to do it too. It is fantastic when the students become the teacher.
Moving into the weekend and I start it by visiting Mrs and Mr Browne aka My Mum and Dad. We usually go for a walk in the afternoons but today was wet and cold so I took a photo on the Balcony with Mum so you can see the view from their apartment. Dad hadn't done his hair so he stayed inside.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend. See you in Week 9 for more learning, more sharing, more laughter, more classmates, more fun, more everything.
We ended Week Seven by listening to our Class President Applicants. On Monday, we heard their speeches again to refresh ourselves on what they want to do to make things better and easier.
We had our voting on Monday with 13 people in class. With 7 out of 13 votes, Miah is our new Class President. Our second vote was for Vice President and with 7 out of 13 votes, Tyler is our new Vice President. We will keep you updated with how things change in Room 13.
Miss Browne - Mama Snake
Friday 29 May 2020
The End of Week Seven and we are still missing several of our friends. We have done so much this week.
Room 13 has created a Newspaper with all the news that we heard while on Lockdown. We have drawn our bubbles and shared with everyone what we did with our Whanau during Lockdown. Using our rules for keeping safe we have created posters. Come and see our artwork on the windows of our class. Or even look at our work in this weeks newsletter. Even Miss Browne's work made it in.
We even made a big mess in our class making faces using Nature. The class went outside on the hill and got lots of leaves, sticks and acorns to make faces on Black paper using PVA glue. It was fun and sticky. Things kept falling off so we had to make sure we used lots of glue.
Not only that but this week was also SAMOAN LANGUAGE WEEK. It was amazing to be learning new words and songs in Samoan. What a lot of beautiful colourful Samoan clothing we saw this week. We made a Tapa Cloth in class and talked about the different patterns and designs.
Today we also had speeches in class for Class President. We will be having our voting next week to see who will be Class President and Vice President. Good Luck to our applicants. Some very important things were brought up in their speeches, I hope you can fulfill all your promises.
Remember Monday is the Queen's Birthday. We are allowed to celebrate at home, so remember to come back to school on Tuesday 2 June. WOW, June already.
Enjoy your long weekend and we will see each other again on Tuesday.
Miss Browne - Mama Snake.
Welcome Back to School
Week 6: It was so good to see some Golden Snakes back at school yesterday. Remember to bring your Distance Learning Activities to School. I look forward to seeing more of you this week. Remember to wash your hands, cough and sneeze into your elbow and stay out of other peoples breath bubbles. Let's get back to school, see our friends and teachers and get back into learning and sharing our experiences.
We got this. Let's do it together.
I know sometimes it is hard to join our online meetings. But I still want to know that you are doing okay. Please Click on this link and answer a few simple questions for me. Feel free to do this everyday.
Welcome to the weekend
You have worked hard this week. Make sure to have a great peaceful, restful, loving weekend with your Whanau.
Thank you to those who sent me recipes as part of our challenges this week. Keep sending them in. I am sitting in my Lounge halfway through the Marvel Movies Series. I have just finished Ant-Man. All I can smell in our house is the Beautiful smelling Banana Bread that Miah and her Mum sent me for her recipe challenge. I can't wait to try it. Next up is Tyler and his family's Chocolate Cake. I might have to share it with my Mum for Mother's Day. Check out the recipes and my photos of the finished dish below as I make them. By the way the Banana Bread is delicious.
Happy Mother's Day to all our Fabulous Flat Bush School Mothers. Staff and School Whanau feel blessed with your Whanau this Sunday. Have an amazing day.
❤ Happy Mother's Day ❤
Miss Browne
Mama Snake.
Keep in touch. Keep checking the Website for updates. Stay Safe. Keep Smiling. Keep Loving. Keep Supporting. Just being with each other is a blessing.
Welcome to Term 2. We will be seeing and doing things a little differently. It will be a learning curve for all of us. Take it slowly, do not get overwhelmed, everyone is here to help. Please don't forget to keep sending your photos to me.
Please keep safe. Check out this information about what Level 3 will be like. Click here
Week 5 activities: Good to see a few more of you on our learning programs. Try and join us for our class meetings. Follow you email for the link.
This weeks things to do. Click here for the link.
Week 3 and 4 activities: Keep trying to get on to your email for those who haven't. I have set up another meeting and sent you the link. I will keep adding meetings as we go. Please bring anything you want to share to our online meeting.
This weeks things to do. Click here for the link.
I have added some photos from term 1. Look at those awesome learners.
Keep up your outside activities.
Week 2 activities: Keep up your dancing skills at the bottom of the page. See if you can find some new dances that you can share with the class when we get back together.
Give some of these a try. Click here for the link.
Week 1 Challenge:
1. Draw your family bubble with names or send a photo. Tell me about your Bubble.
2. Learn a dance & send me a photo/video. Click on the links below and follow a dance routine that you like from the list below or choose one of your own. Don't forget to share it with your Whanau and get the whole house dancing:
Just Dance - We No Speak Americano
As an alternative you can join in the fitness activities on TV2 at 3:00pm - Les Mills - Born to Move
3. Make time in the evening to watch the news at 6pm with your Whanau - share one thing that you understand from it.
Ata Marie
We are coming to the end of Week 4.
Thank you for sharing your Lockdown Work with me. Keep the photos and videos coming. I really enjoy seeing your smiling faces during our class meetings and hearing what you have been up to. Don't forget your 2 challenges to do by Friday. Find ten things around the house that start with the same letter as your name. Choose a recipe that you and your family like to make and eat and share it with me. I will try and make it.
Stay safe. See you online tomorrow.
Friday 1 May 2020
Po Marie Nakahi Koura
Going into another weekend I reflect on all the new things I have learnt this week. I want to thank you Golden Snakes for joining me on this journey. Together we can accomplish anything. Some of you have been lucky enough to receive help with devices or food parcels. I want you to know we are in this together and if you need anything you can contact myself or the School. It was great to see so many of you come and collect your new learning packs from school this week. Check your emails for your invite to the class meeting. It would be amazing if we could get the whole class on but remember to turn your cameras on and be in a room with not a lot of noise. We want to be able to see and hear each other. See you on Monday. Have a great weekend. Remember to get outside for some fresh air and Vitamin D.
Miss Browne
Tena koutou katoa Tamariki Ma
Sitting here in our bubble I am thinking "What are my little Snakes doing?" In my bubble I have, Savana, Eden, Akuma, Taco, Blackie, Cassie, Tortilla and lots of fish. Who is in your bubble? Draw a picture, does anyone still have to go to work in your house? Are you getting outside for some Vitamin D? What has been your favourite activity so far?
Thank you to those who have emailed me. I really enjoy seeing what you are doing with your families. Remember you can email me on at any time.
Over the next little while we will be putting some things on here for you to do and to see. If you have any questions remember to email me. Remember your email username is your name and number that you enter at school but you need to put after it. You should all know your passwords but if you get stuck email me and I can reset it for you.