Together we build our brains to grow and learn.
Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa lahi atu and Namaste
Welcome to our Mindcrafters page. We are a year 3 and 4 class at Flatbush. Our motto for learning is that we build our brain together to learn and grow.
Please fill in our google form for the check in of how everyone is feeling. Please click on the link.
| Karakia Timatanga Start each day with saying the karakia timatanga with your whanau, If you cannot remember the karakia, then learn one line at a time. When you have learnt that line, then learn the next line. Slow, but steady. |
Welcome back to school |
Welcome to Term 4
Week 8, Term 4 - CRT with Ms Young
This term Rm 14 have been working on NZ native animals. Through art they have created a stencil sketch of their chosen animal. They used chalk and pastels and had to learn the Maori name of their animal. They then created a class animal song. Here is the video link below:
Week 6 (16th November to 20th November 2020)
Week 5 (9th November to 13th November 2020)
Duffy Theatre
Week 4 (2nd November to 6th November 2020)
Week 3 (26th October to 30th October 2020)
Week 2 (19th October to 23rd October 2020)
This term we are learning how to play tag. We have had so much fun.
Week 1 (12th October to 16th October 2020)
This week we had STEM with Mr Avatea and buddy reading with Room 2.
Here are photos of our class reading with Room 2 (our buddy class). What a great way of working together (Mahi Ngatahi).
Welcome to Term 3
Week 10 (21st September to 25th September 2020)
Week 9 (14th September to 18th September 2020)
Arts Day
Drumming with Mr D
Week 8 (7th September to 11th September 2020)
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Canopy over the turf
Week 7 (31st August to 4th September 2020)
Friday 4th September Basketball
Basketball continued today. We joined with Room 15 and had so much fun!
Garden To Table
We had garden to table today and we combined with Room 13.
Thursday 3rd September
Drumming with Mr D
We had drumming with Mr D today. Mr D changed the session to make it safe for everyone. So we learnt about body percussion and we used our feet and hands to make sounds. Then we played a game without touching each other. Hopefully the students will remember the body percussion actions, so they can show the others when they return.
Buddy Reading with Room 2
Today we had a buddy reading session with Room 2. Room 14 are learning to introduce themselves to a person in Room 2. I think they all enjoyed reading and listening to each other. What do you think?Tuesday 1st September
First day of Spring. Yay!!
Monday 31st August
Welcome back to school. Today we started our day with a run outside. We had a google meet to see if anyone else would get on. The children in Room 14 got to practise opening google meet by themselves and how to open the camera on the chrome book. We were lucky to go into Room 13 to play Kahoot! What an amazing online learning tool and fun as well.
Week 6 (24th August to 28th August 2020)
We come back to school on Monday 31st August. See you all then.
Flat Bush Distance Learning Activities
These activities are linked to our school values. For more information go to: Term 3, Week 5 and 6
Follow this timetable and take it easy. Be kind to yourself and others.
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Friday 28th August
We had a google meet today. I forgot all about it, but lucky Elisara messaged me on google hangouts and reminded me. Today we were practicing trying to present. Nyreen also asked about playing Kahoot when we get back to school. See you all on Monday. Woohoo!
Tuesday 25th August
Here are some online stories that Mrs Mayerhofler has shared with us. Hope you enjoy listening to them. You can have a go at writing questions, just use your home learning book. Which story is your favourite?
SUPERHERO DAD - Written By: Timothy Knapman Illustrated By: Joe Berger |
SUPERKID - Written by Claire Freedman Illustrated by Sarah McIntyre |
The day I lost my super powers - Written by Michael Escoffier Illustrated by Kris Di Acoma |
Amazing Spiderman Read Aloud |
INCREDIBLES 2 Story Book Read Along | Disney Books for Kids| Superhero Books | Kids Books Read Aloud |
Ten Rules of Being a Superhero - Written and illustrated by Deb Pilutti. |
Superhero Instruction Manual book by Kristy Dempsey read aloud! |
Charlie's Superhero Underpants - Written by Paul Bright Illustrated by Lee Wildish |
Google Meet with Room 14
We had another google meet today. Simi and De’Andre joined us, which was great. Also Tatianna was able to get on, I think she will try again on Friday. First we talked about what we had been doing. After that they tried the challenge from Miss Young and had to stretch because their legs were sore. Next we looked at the student inquiry, and the students are going to draw some pictures of objects that make sounds, use magnets and electricity for our next google meet. Finally we listened to a great story – 10 Rules of a Superhero. Keep learning, Mindcrafters. I am super proud of you all.
Student Inquiry
Here is our student inquiry for Term 3. In Room 14, we have already explored light, heat and forces / movement. This means we need to look for examples of objects that makes sounds, use electricity and objects that have magnets around our homes.
Here are some pictures of everyday objects of forces and energy. I have drawn pictures for light, heat and movement / forces. Room 14 learnt about heat, light and movement before lockdown. You can have a go at drawing everyday objects for sound, magnetism and electricity. This can be shared at our next google meet. Are you up for growing your brain, Mindcrafters?
CRT - Kia Ora Rm 14. Let the games begin 26/8/20
I hope you are all doing well during this lock down. Unfortunately we will not get the chance to catch up today for CRT so instead Mr Moiho and myself have decided to put forward a challenge for your class. Your class will be challenging Rm 7 in the explodes challenge. When we are back at school we will get together and see who can do the most explode jumps in 1 minute. If you think you can master this, then you may just win the challenge for your class. If you can make a video and send it to your teacher even better: Check the video below for details.
Monday 24th August
Nyreen Helping Out at Home
Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT)
We were lucky enough to go to MOTAT. Below are photos of 6 types of simple mechanisms. Use these photos to help and remind you what simple mechanisms are and then start the scavenger hunt. Simple machines power point.
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The Wedge | The Inclined Plane | The Pulley |
The Wheel and Axle | The Lever | The Screw |
Week 5 (17th August to 21st August 2020)
This week we start distance learning again. Whanau can pick up the home learning packs from Flat Bush School on Monday 17th August between 9am and 3pm. The middle school pack can be collected from the library.
Friday 21st August
Tyler's Distance Learning
Scavenger Hunt – Simple mechanisms around our home Tyler has found a lever. He used the spoon to open the milo tin. Tyler’s writing: I used a spoon to open up the milo tin to make me a hot milo. Great learning, Tyler. I love it. |
Google Meet with Room 14
I am getting better at taking photos of our google meet. Thank you for coming onto the google meet today. You are awesome and deserve a gold card when we get back to school. We looked at the Flatbush web site and the distance learning activities and also reminded everyone to go onto Studyladder. Zainab and MadisynBlue showed us a Tik Tok dance. Have a great weekend everyone. Miss you all.
Thursday 20th August
Hey everyone, on the Home Learning TV today, Monique Cox-Trimmer who leads Early Literacy talked about simple machines and how to construct your own game. Check it out - Home Learning TV.
Wednesday 19th August
Here is a photo of our radish seeds we planted at the beginning of Term 3 as part of Matariki. I brought them home so I could water them, but I think it needs a little more sun. Come on, sun, where are you?
Tuesday 18th August
Google Meet with Room 14 |
Today some learners from Room 14 had a google meet. I am super proud of you all for getting onto google meet with the help of your whanau. We had Nyreen, Josiah, Zainab, Elisara and MadisynBlue join us today. Some things that they talked about was the maths sheet in the learning pack, the Superheroes writing and exercising. Elisara’s brother also showed us how to open the camera on the chromebooks. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to photos from you all. We decided that we will google meet on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm (lunchtime). Our next meet is Friday 21st August at 12pm lunchtime. |
Excavator at School
Hey everyone look at this amazing machine. I wonder which machine this attachment on the excavator would be under: wedge, inclined plane, pulley, wheel and axle, lever or the screw. Which one do you think it belongs to?
Monday 17th August
School Value | Activity |
Arohatia We encourage each other. | Email your teacher and tell her what you are doing or what you are learning: Tatianna emailed today to go onto Studyladder. Elisara google chatted today for a google meet, which we will have tomorrow at 12pm (midday). Mrs Ezekiela has sent a google invite to Room 14 Mindcrafters for a google meet on Tuesday at 12pm. Nyreen filling out the morning response form. MadisynBlue emailed saying hello. |
Week 4 (10th August to 14th August 2020)
Friday 14th August
Information from the news this evening, Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 for another 12 days. Home learning packs can be picked up from Flat Bush school on Monday. If a text has been sent, please send a reply via that text message.
Wednesday 12th August
On Tuesday the 11th of August, Jacinda Ardern announced that Auckland will be moving into Alert Level 3 on Wednesday the 12th of August at midday. The rest of New Zealand will be in Alert Level 2.
This week, think of something kind that you can do for someone at home.
If you need to reach out or have any questions, please email me on naomie@flatbush.school.nz.
Tuesday 11th August
Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT)
On Tuesday, Rooms 14 and 15 travelled to MOTAT on the bus. Even though it was wet, we all had a fantastic time. As part of our inquiry into the ‘Physical World’, we were finding out about the phenomena of forces, the different types of forces in our everyday lives and how simple machines can decrease a person’s use of force. Here are some photos:
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We arrived and are listening to the educator. | Inside the MOTAT classroom. | Look at these simple machines. |
Working together to make simple machines. | What is this thing? Do you know what it is? | How do these work? |
What should I make? | a robot … | OR a ferris wheel |
A tower with gears. Great mahi ngatahi. | Waiting for the tram. | A student in the cab of the tram. |
Week 3 (3rd August to 7th August 2020)
Cook Island Language Week 2020 - Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani i Aotearoa 2020
The theme for 2020 is ‘Kia puavai to tatou Reo Maori Kuki Airani i Aotearoa.’ This means ‘That the Cook Islands Maori language may blossom throughout New Zealand.’
Here are some pictures of how we celebrated Kuki Airani Language Week at Flat Bush School. We started with the opening of the language week and raising of the flag.
We were also very lucky to have Manurewa High School Cook Island group perform for our school. They were amazing.
Mama e, Papa e
Week 2 (27th July to 31st July 2020)
Artwork of our Atua / Guardian (from the book 'In the Beginning')
Week 1 (20th July to 24th July 2020)
Matariki Celebration
To start our Matariki celebration this week, our class read 'Matariki Breakfast'. We found out that when 'the Matariki stars returns, this shows us that a new year is starting. The sun will return and the days will be longer.' So this is the best time to plant crops. Here is the link for you to read 'Matariki Breakfast' online. The whanau in the book had a breakfast early in the morning together to celebrate and remember. Mindcrafters also learnt 'He waiata Matariki' from youtube. It has a catchy tune and we have enjoyed singing it. |
Planting our Seeds
We planted some radish seeds. Zainab is in charge of watering our plants and taking it outside for fresh air and rays of sunshine when we have it. We would like to thank the Taha Maori team for supplying the containers, soil and seeds. It was a great help.
Here are the instructions for 'How to plant seeds'
Welcome to Term 2
Week 12 (29th June to 3rd July 2020)
Middle Team Assembly
The middle team had an assembly in the last week of term 2 to celebrate our successes and to sing together. Here is a photo of some of the certificates that were given to students for their fantastic learning. Thank you Miss Patterson for the lovely photo.
Nyreen's Glasses
Nyreen recently got some new glasses and she wanted to make a video of how to take care of her glasses.
Week 11 (22nd June to 26th June 2020)
CRT Room 14 - Myths and legends
In the beginning retold by Room 14.
Walt: Make a video, retell a story, Use art work to create different pictures to match the words of the story, Use a loud clear voice, Change voices to be like the character.
Matariki. We have also learnt about Matariki. We have made some Matariki stars for Rangi the sky fathers cloak.
Thank You Letter for Stationery
Week 10 (15th June to 19th June 2020)
Week 9 (8th June to 12th June 2020)
Google Meet
This week, the middle team (rooms 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) are using google hangouts to say the morning karakia altogether. This takes place from 9.00am to 9.10am every day. Different classes host each meet and students lead the karakia and songs that their classes have learnt. These quick meetings provide the opportunity for students to practice presenting and being a member of the audience. I have found this has been great learning for myself as well as the students.
Here is a story we have been listening to and reading in class. This links quite well to our inquiry this term of Kaitiakitanga, Guardianship.
Science Experiment
Week 8 (2nd June to 5th June 2020)
Class Photos
We had class photos on Thursday. Details on how to order should be on the website soon.
Week 7 (25th May to 29th May 2020)
More Bubble Pictures
Week 6 Update
Our Bubbles
Siosifa explaining who is in his bubble
Week 6 (18th May to 22nd May 2020)
We are back at school. Yay!
This week our focus is on re-connecting and checking how everything went for everyone. One thing we are going to do together is draw pictures of who was in our bubble and upload these to our web page. We will keep you updated on our web page.
Week 5 Update
This week has been interesting and I got to google meet with 3 students, which was very good. However, once we go back too school, one student is going to teach everyone to use google meets. We are looking forward to going back to school.
Google MeetElisara and his brothers
Catching up with Zainab
Hello Nyreen
Week 5 (11th May to 15th May 2020)
Welcome to week 5 of distance learning. We are currently waiting for the announcement from our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern and her team to find out whether we are moving from Alert Level 3 to 2.
It is official everyone - school will be opening. Woohoo!!
On Monday Jacinda announced that we are moving from Alert Level 3 to Level 2. Well done, New Zealand and our community for all your hard work and support with distance learning. This means Flatbush will be opening on Monday 18th May from 8.30am. More details about how this will look is on this page.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again. We hope you are all looking forward to coming back to school. Yay!
Week 4 Update
This week has been quiet online, but hopefully that is because everyone is busy doing the distance learning activities from the Flatbush website.
Mother's Day - Sunday 10th May
What did you do for that special lady in your life to show how much you care and love them?
Week 4 (4th May to 8th May 2020)
Welcome to week 4 of distance learning (learning from home). Check out the Flatbush activities for weeks 3 and 4. The activities are based on our values and you should try to choose 1 activity from each value every day. You can choose more than 1 each day.
Also, continue with the learning activities in the Ministry of Education pack and the home learning activities from school. Remember to tune into home learning TV on TV2 +1, TVNZ on demand from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.
This week I learnt how to draw stick figures from Whaea Bec's daily diary sessions from home learning TV usually on at 2.40pm. So I have included a picture of who is in my bubble (above).
Week 3 Update
This week I chatted with Elisara online about how he was doing in his bubble. It was great catching up. I can see eight students have been working on Studyladder. Awesome learning, keep it up. Grow, grow, grow your brain.
How to make playdough
Week 3 (29th April to 1st May 2020)
This is week 3 of distance learning. On Monday 27th April at 11.59pm, we move out of Alert Level 4 into Alert Level 3 for two weeks. School will re-open on Wednesday 29th April. However, only send your child/ren to school if you are unable to look after them, while you return to work. We must continue to stay in our bubbles, whenever we are not at work, school or buying groceries.
New learning packs will be available for all families that need more resources to work on at home. These can be collected from the school library on Wednesday the 29th of April. Check out the Alert Level 3 page on the front page (click on this link).
Week 3 activities are on the school's distance learning web page. Remember to share your photos from your school email address.
A reminder if you need a food parcel, ring this number, Auckland City Council help line 0800 22 22 96. It may take a few days, but it will be delivered.
Siosifa and maths learning
Update on Week 2
Some students have sent photos of learning in their bubbles. Mindcrafters, if you are able to, please send some photos of what you are doing in your bubble for our web page.
Anzac Day (Saturday 25th April 2020)
Zainab showing Anzac Display
Week 2 (20th to 24th April 2020)
Well that is week 1 done. Let's see what distance learning activities we have for week 2.
FBS front page - There are new distance learning activities for week 2, these align with our school values. Have a go and have fun.
Home learning TV - watch the home learning activities on TVNZ 2+1 and TV OnDemand.
This week I have spoken to some more families about how they are going during this time. The general feeling with the children are that they are enjoying distance learning using the home learning packs, watching the home learning TV and for some learning using the devices.
Our Mindcrafters have been enjoying working hard on the distance learning activities. Have a look at what they are doing.
Siosifa and Alisi in their learning bubble
Siosifa and Alisi have been reading, writing and doing some addition. Thank you for the photos, they are lovely. Siosifa I like your haircut and I can see your brain growing.
Great focus!!
Zainab's Letter to the Prime Minister
An email sent by Zainab today. Super proud of you for sending some photos of your learning.
Update on Week 1
In week 1 I have received emails from 3 students in Mindcrafters. If you have a device, your email address and password are at the back of your home learning book. If not, then we can catch up in class when we can.
It was nice chatting to Nyreen online this week.
Week 1 (15th to 17th April 2020)
Welcome to our wonderful learners and your families. I hope you have all had a great staycation (holiday at home) and are safe and well. I encourage you to continue being positive and kind towards everyone in your bubble.
This is a great opportunity to grow our brains.
Short message from Mrs Ezekiela
My email address is naomie@flatbush.school.nz
I am wanting to reconnect with everyone in this first week of term 2 and I have been wondering how you all have been and how I can help you. At the back of your home learning book in the school pack that was sent home, you will find your email address and your password. If you have a device, you can email me and let me know how you are. I am so excited!!
The beginning of this term will be a little different. Learning will be from home and activities will be shared on the school website and our class page. This is new learning for me as well and we will take it slowly and not stress too much.
As part of our distance learning (learning from home), here are some activities you can try this week. These activities are based on our school values and can be drawn or written in your home learning book.
Mahi Ngatahi (We work as a team)
Start each day with saying the karakia timatanga with your whanau.
Tu Pono (We know who we are)
Draw a picture with labels of who is in your bubble and write about what you have been doing with your whanau. As part of your physical activities, watch Les Mills Born to Move on TV2 at 3 o'clock. When we meet up again we can all share our favourite moves.
Whakawhanaungatana (We work for each other)
Make time in the evening to watch the news at 6pm with your family. Share one thing that we understand from it. Watch Amped on TV3 at 11.30am - try an experiment from Nanogirl.
Remember to be kind, stay safe and stay strong.