Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tekau ma tahi| Ko te Rāhina 11 - Rāapa 13 o Paenga-whawha i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tekau| Ko te Rahina 4 - Rāmere 8 o Paenga-whawha i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
It is our last full week of school for Term 1.
Fa'afetai tele lava
Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuaiwa| Ko te Rahina 28 o Poutū-te-rangi - Ramere 3 o Paenga-whawha i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
It's great to have Malia and Tianini back with us this week! They joined their fellow lego masters in Room 12, creating
Malo lava
Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuawaru| Ko te Rahina 21 - Ramere 25 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
The pouring rain didn't deter us from being at school on Monday...A special welcome back to Ma'imoa, Wyntah and Jayeton-Lee!
In Room 12 we love learning through play. We have a keen interest in connection, rotation, orientation, transformation and trajectory activities:
Nāku iti noa, nā
Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuawhitu| Ko te Rahina 14 - Ramere 18 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Our learning space has been buzzing this week...with the return of many Rm 12 akonga to face to face learning!
Fa'afetai tele lava
Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuaono| Ko te Rahina 7 - Ramere 11 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
It's great to be back at FBS! Cleo, KC and Non Non were the first three back on Monday. On Tuesday Maata, Kristopher, Folau and Irae were back at school too. We also got to hang out with Fusion and Damascus from Room 13 too. We miss the rest of our classmates and look forward to seeing you again soon...
This week we worked with the AMAZING Mrs Tupou in our FBS garden. We potted thyme to take home to share with our aiga. We picked cherry tomatoes and rosemary from the school garden to eat too!
We finished colouring in our animals for our 'Giraffes Can't Dance' mural that we created with Mrs Mafileo. We glued our animals onto the finished painting and put it up on our class wall too. It was hard work!
In Room 12 we know we come to school to learn!
Ma te wa
Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarima| Ko te Ramere 4 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Today is the last day of distance learning. Check out the learning tasks below:
Flat Bush School reopens on Monday 7th March 2022. I look forward to seeing you then.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarima| Ko te Rapare 3 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Irae, Maata and Non Non are driving their own learning! They are keen FBS learners who took turns sharing what they have been working on at home. Each of them are digitally savvy too, using their family devices to connect online for our GoogleMeet. Well done ladies! Who will we see today at our Room 12 Hui ?
Choose what you would like to work on today from the list of tasks below:
Malo lava
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarima| Ko te Raapa 2 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
It was great to see Irae, Grace and Non Non online yesterday. We agreed to meet each day this week. Please join us via Google Meet at 10am for our Room 12 Hui if you can.
Mrs Mafileo dropped off a Year 3 Homework Workbook to Grace and Irae at their request. If you don't have a workbook at home, you can access the pages here: Unit 16: Families. Alternatively you can do other home learning tasks of your choice.
Try out the following learning tasks at home today:
Fa'afetai tele lava
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarima| Ko te Ratu 1 o Poutū-te-rangi i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
We look forward to seeing you online today at 10am: Room 12 Hui. This will be a quick check in to connect with each other and see how we are going with distance learning. Attendance is optional.
Today is the first day of March. Have a go at the following activities:
If you have photos for your home learning and would like it to be posted here on our class page, please share them with me via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
Ma te wa
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarima| Ko te Rahina 28 o Hui-tangaru i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Welcome to our distance learning for Week 5! Check out today's tasks below:
| Monday 28th February 2022
There is no pressure to complete all of the above activities. Do what you can. If you have any questions please get in contact via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
There is no online hui today. We will meet online tomorrow: Tuesday 1st March at 10am. Attendance is optional. Check your school email for the Google Meet invite. I will send out a reminder text to your parents tomorrow morning. We look forward to seeing you then!
We trust you and your whanau/aiga are well, taking care and being kind to each other as many of our FBS community self-isolate this week. Thank you for learning from home in our shared efforts to combat the Covid-19 Omricon variant.
He waka eke noa, we're all in this together!
Nga mihi nui
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuawha| Ko te Rahina 21 - Ramere 25 o Hui-tangaru i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Congratulations to our Team Whanake Award winners (see photos above and below). A special shout out to our photographer Ms Browne in Room 13.
He pai te mahi
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuatoru| Ko te Rahina 14 - Ramere 18 o Hui-tangaru i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
Our Community Swim sessions begun this week! We love being able to get out into our local Otara Leisure Centre, working with our super swimming instructors. Check out our photos above.
Room 12 students have our Community Swim session on Thursdays from 10.30am-11am.
We leave school at 10am and return to FBS by 11.30am. Please ensure your child brings their togs, a towel and a swimming bag (for wet togs and towel) to school EVERY THURSDAY.
This term we have been exploring our artistic skills drawing self portraits, thinking about what makes us special, sketching our families members and writing about our favourite place. In Room 12 we know we come to school to learn!
We ended the week off with a bang, celebrating the learning of Kristopher and Mahkaylah-Raven in Room 12 at our Team Whanake Talanoa. Congratulations!
Fa'afetai tele lava
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarua| Ko te Rahina 7 - Ramere 11 o Hui-tangaru i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
How did you spend your long Waitangi weekend?
Malo lava
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuatahi| Ko te Rapare tuatoru o Hui-tangaru i te tau 2022
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings whānau and friends…
It's great to be back to at FBS for face to face learning! We've had a great first couple of days back at school. We're getting to know each other and settle into our new 2022 school routine.
We'll continue to keep ourselves and others safe by wearing a mask while we are at school, social distancing (where possible), keeping our classrooms well ventilated, and working outside as much as we can. Washing our hands before we eat, sanitising our hands before entering the classroom and sneezing/coughing into our elbow are what we do too to fight Covid-19.
Mrs Mafileo is looking after our AMAZING Room 12 learners until Miss Patterson returns to school. How lucky are you!
Nāku iti noa, nā
Mrs Fiona Mafileo & Miss Elisa Patterson