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Term 4, 2021
ONLINE ZOOM CLASS - Please click on this link for Zoom Class Info
LEARNING PACKS - Learning packs will be available tomorrow only from 10am to 1pm only. School will officially be open from Wednesday 17th November 2021 onwards.
ONLINE LEARING - Online learning will also take place this week from Wednesday onwards. If you would like to jump in on these online sessions, you will need to download the Zoom app, in order to join these sessions. There will be a timetable coming out soon, so please look out for the times. I will be onsite on both Wednesday and Thursday, but will see you online on Friday - wish me luck, it should be interesting!
READING ACTIVITY - The Solar System Vocabulary (write the answers only)
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Write 8 interesting facts about the Planet Earth and then draw a picture of one of those interesting facts.
READING ACTIVITY - Shooting for the Stars (write the answers only)
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TOPIC ACTIVITY - The Solar System (write the order of the planets)
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Let's test your planet knowledge...![]() |
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This week I wanted us to look at something different, something interesting...what do you know about PLANETS? Have you ever wondered what is out there? Are there any planets out there that is similar to our planet?
Let's see what you NOW know about Planets? 1. How many planets are there in our Solar System? 2. Which planet is closest to the Sun? 3. Which planet is the hottest? 4. What is the biggest star in our Solar System? 5. What holds the Solar System together? 6. Which planet takes 88 days to go around the Sun? 7. Why is Earth called the goldilocks planet? 8. Name the planet that has a ring around it? 9. Which planet takes 164 years to orbit around the Sun? 10. Which planet is known as the Red Planet? | Looking at the different planets on the clip. Pick a planet, draw a picture of that planet and write 2 interesting facts about the chosen planet? Here is an example; Interesting facts about Mars 1. Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun. 2. Mars is smaller than Venus and the Earth, but bigger than Mercury. |
Here is another way of learning about the planets - check out this cool song!
Hi Room 22, I hope you have all received the NEW learning pack for this week. There are plenty of cool activities in there, that I know that you'll enjoy. Remember to pace yourself, try and complete 1 or 2 activities each day. Seeing that you'll have enough to hopefully keep you busy, this week, I'll be putting up on our page readers for you to listen and read to. Just an added bonus, I want to see how good you are at reading, so I'll have questions alongside it. See if you can answer them correctly and once finished, PLEASE SEND THEM THROUGH FOR MARKING! - thank you x
READING BOOK 1 Monster's Lunch | Please click on the following to download the book for the child to read and listen to. The link will take you to the book. The audio is underneath the book and to download the text, you click on the image that says text. | QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BOOK 1. Why was Monster nervous? 2. What were some of the new things that the children showed Monster to do? 3. What was munchy and crunchy in the Monster's lunch box? 4. What was munchy and crunchy in the children's lunch box? Good luck! |
READING BOOK 2 Stick Insects | Please click on the link, which will take you to site for both the audio and the book. | QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BOOK Write 5 interesting facts about a Stick Insects? Here is an example; Stick Insect are mostly found in trees and plants. |
distance learning page
Wednesday - Week 2 - Home Learning Activities - CRT
Malo ni Room 22! - Hello Room 22! I hope you are all well.
This week is Tokelauan Language week. Here are a few greetings in Tokelauan that you can practice witHOMh your family.
Fakafeiloaki – Greetings Ulu tonu mai – Welcome E fakafeiloaki atu – We greet you Fakafetai – Thank you Tōfā ni – Good bye. | |
Have a listen to the Tokelau national anthem and try and sing along |
Ko na fuainumela - Numbers
Can you count to 10 in Tokelauan? The language sounds very similar to Samoan language, Try counting to 10 in Tokelauan. Watch the video below to help you say the numbers in Tokelauan. Then see if you can write the numbers and draw objects for each number in the box like this:
1= Tahi
| 2= Lua OO | 3=Tolu | 4=Fa | 5=Lima
6= Ono
| 7=Fitu | 8=Valu | 9=Iva | 10=Hefulu |
One of my favourite stories from Tokelau is called ‘The safe place’. Listen to the story. Where else do you think would be a good place for the hen to lay her eggs? Draw a picture and write a sentence where you think this safe place would be. Click on the red button below to go to the link.
The safe place - click open link
Designing your own stamp. These are stamps that represent Tokelau. They are pictures of coconuts, fish, breadfruit and Taro. Can you design your own picture of your own stamp? Try to watch the video above from Tokelau and see if you can find something you think might be a good design for a Tokelauan stamp.
Here is a video of Tokelau. Watch the video and find out two things about Tokelau. Write them down and send them to your teacher.
Last task for the day. Breathing. Find somewhere quiet to sit and close your eyes. Imagine you are sitting on the beach in Tokelau. Take 5 deep breathes in and blow out slowly. What can you hear? Imagine you can hear the waves splashing on the beach. Take another 5 deep breathes in and blow out slowly.
week 2 - distance learning activity
message from teacher - 26.10.10
Hi Room 22, hope you all enjoyed your long weekend? As we head into week 2 of the term, below are activities that I would love for you all to have a go. I know it's not like being in the classroom, but a lot of these activities you have done before. If you have any questions regarding the activities, please email me and I will call you back. I am available from 9.00 to 3.00 unless I have CRT which is happening this Wednesday. So make sure you check out what Ms Young has installed for you! Miss you all very much - please send in those amazing photos for our class display x
Writing Focus: To put capital letters and full stops in the correct place.
WRITING ACTIVITY A Letter to a Classmate Write a letter to one of your classmate from class. Tell that person, how you're feeling and how much you miss them. Tell your buddy, what you miss about them? Here is an example; Dear Ana, How are you? Hope you're well? I miss you so much. During this lockdown, I have learnt how to bake a yummy chocolate cake, help mum in the garden and helping my little brother with his homework. I miss you so much, I miss hanging out with you, I miss laughing at your jokes and I miss hugging you when I see you in the morning. I can't wait to see you and hug you tightly. I can't wait to see your smile. Love from Ayah | WRITING ACTIVITY B Design a THANK YOU card Design a THANK YOU card to tell those who have been working hard to provide you with either the learning pack or if you have received a food parcel during lockdown. Please select one of these amazing people to address your THANK YOU card and we can put it on our class page. Mr Avatea, Mrs Mayerhofler, Teacher Aides, Miss Heather | WRITING ACTIVITY C Being Grateful Write down 5 things that you are truly grateful for or thankful for. Here is an example; Here are my 5 things that I am truly grateful for.
So tell me what are you grateful for... |
READING ACTIVITY A Adjective Activity Write the sentence out and circle the adjective in the sentence. Here is an example; Danny caught the red ball.
| READING ACTIVITY B Compound Activity Compound words are two words that are joined together to make one word. Match the word from List A to List B to make a compound word. List A Cup, Rain, Foot, Basket, Under, In, Out, Rain, Tooth, Birth, To, Grand, Air, Any, Some, Bed, Count, Cheese, Candle, Car List B stick, wash, burger, room, one, where, plane, father, day, day, brush, side, ground, side, ball, bow, coat, cake, side, down, Here is an example; Under + ground = Underground | READING ACTIVITY C Compound Activity Select 5 words from the list in Reading Activity B and put the word into a sentence. Here is an example; Underground - The door to the underground tunnel was open. |
Math Focus: Learning the times table from 1 to 12
Challenge - Once you have practiced learning each of the times table, ask your parents or an older sibling and see if they can time you on you 3x, 4x or 6x. See how fast you can record the answers under 5 minutes - good luck!
MATH ACTIVITY A 3x ![]() | MATH ACTIVITY B 4x ![]() | MATH ACTIVITY C 6x ![]() |
week 1 - distance learning activity
message from teacher - 19.10.10
Fakaalofa lahi atu, kia mutolu oti, this will be our learning page, where I will be putting up extra learning activities for the week. Unfortunately this week, you will be working from home. I know this must be frustrating as I have heard from your parents, you just want to see your friends. NONOFO FAKAMAO ROOM 22 (which means STAY STRONG in Niuean) but for now, do what you can with the learning packs and there will be extras for those who are keen.
Fakaaue lahi - Mrs Mokalei
Writing Focus: To put capital letters and full stops in the correct place.
WRITING ACTIVITY A If you were stuck on an island, write down 5 things you would take with you and why? Give a reason for each of the item that you will be taking.
| WRITING ACTIVITY B If you could be any SUPERHERO, who would it be and why? What would your SUPERPOWER be? | WRITING ACTIVITY C If you were the PRINCIPAL of FLATBUSH for the day, what would you do? Write 4 interesting things you would do as a Principal? |
Reading Focus: An Adjective is a describing word. When describing think of colour, size, feelings, taste, smell and noise.
READING ACTIVITY A Adjective Activity Put these adjectives into a sentence, for e.g. The stars in my room glow at night. Let's see how well you go with these adjectives. stunning, fluffy, soft, annoyed, blue, silent, scared, broken | READING ACTIVITY B Adjective Activity Look at the picture carefully. Write 5 interesting adjectives to describe the picture, for e.g. dusty path Describe what you can see? | READING ACTIVITY C Adjective Activity Look at the picture carefully. Write 5 interesting adjectives to describe the picture, for e.g. calm sea Describe what you can see? ![]() |
Math Focus: Learning the times table from 1 to 12
MATH ACTIVITY A 2 x times table ![]() Goal is how many can you record within 1 minute. | MATH ACTIVITY B 5 x times table ![]() Goal is how many can you record within 1 minute. | MATH ACTIVITY C 10 x times table ![]() |
I was able to write out my 2 x times table from 1 to 12 just under 35 seconds and that was only a practise round. Let's see if anyone can beat my time?