Team Tupu Online Learning
How to join a Zoom meeting. We will send you a text message on your phone. Just simply click the link in the text to join our zoom meeting. You can also join our meeting by clicking the zoom link on our website.
If you are joining Zoom using the link on your phone or the school webpage, you won't need to enter the password. If you are joining the Zoom meeting using the Meeting ID. You will need to enter the password. The password will be sent to your phone via a Text message around 10:30 each day. Please contact your child's class teacher if you need any help to join the Zoom meeting.
Zoom ID: 864 301 9793
Zoom Link:
Ramere 10 Hakihea 2021
Friday 10 December 2021
Online: Ms Heather and Mrs Lologa
Karakia- 30sec
Sharing Children’s Work - 2 min
Whakatauki - 1min
Story 10 min
Poetry- 5 min
Art- 10min
Kahoot - 5 min
Karakia- 30 sec
Story Reading to
Visualisation exercise- Draw what you can see in your head while you are listening to this story.
Before reading- My Christmas Superhero
After reading:
Sharing of drawing with each other
Why do we celebrate Christmas?
How do you celebrate Christmas?
Spokenword Writing 5min Challenge
My Superhero- use this sentence starter to write about your superhero.
use 5 senses
write for 5 minutes- draw
sharing time - click if you like a stanza
Sharing Time
Kahoot game
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at 11am - 12pm!
Rapare 9 Hakihea 2021
Thursday 9 December 2021
Online: Ms Heather and Mrs Lologa
Karakia- 30sec
Sharing Children’s Work - 2 min
Whakatauki - 1min
Story 10 min
Follow up questions - 2 min
Maths Revision - 20min
Kahoot - 5 min
Karakia- 30 sec
Whakataukī Today- what does this mean to you?
Story Reading to
Visualisation exercise- Draw what you can see in your head while you are listening to this story.
Before reading-
After reading:
Sharing of drawings with each other
Warm up
Family of Facts -Mult Div
Arrays -Equal Sharing
DMIC Questions
Game of Kahoot
Tuesday 7th December 2021
Teachers: Mrs Mokalei and Mrs Zhao
Reading: Santa’s Underwear
Focus - Adjectives
What is an adjective?
Task - While the story is playing, your task is to write down at least 4 adjectives from the story.
Chat - In the chat, list your 4 adjectives that you discovered through the story.
Follow up activities (A & B)
Activity A - Can you identify the adjectives on these pages
Activity B - Put these adjectives into a sentence.
1. Shiny -
2. Tasty -
3. Jolly -
4. Delicious -
Descriptive writing-Santa Claus
We are going to describe one of my favourite person-Santa Claus.
Game of the Day
End of Year Prize Giving Assembly live on Zoom @ 9:30 on Wednesday 8Th December.
Please send your finished work to:
Mrs Zhao:
Mrs Mokalei:
Happy learning everyone!
Monday 6th December 2021
Teachers: Mrs Haynes and Mrs Zhao
Story Time - The Grinch who stole Christmas
Question Time: Circle the correct answer
Spelling: Create Christmas tree words - see the picture below!
Santa Claus is coming to town! He needs the elves to help him sort out his presents. There are 20 presents and he only has 5 bags. He wants to put the presents in the bags evenly. How many presents should he put in each bag?
Now please work out the following problems. Don’t forget to show your steps.
Mum needs 16 buttons to complete all of the Gingerbreadman. Each gingerbread man needs 4 buttons. How many gingerbread man is mum making?
The elves used 12 shoelaces for their new shoes. How many pairs of new shoes do they have?
Santa wants to give 2 jingle bells to each reindeer. He made 8 jingle bells. How many reindeer does Santa have?
Game of the Day
Please send your finished work to:
Mrs Zhao:
Mrs Haynes:
Happy learning everyone!
Ramere 3 Hakihea 2021
Friday 3 December 2021
Online: Mrs Mokalei, Mrs Haynes, Mrs Lologa,,
Karakia- 30sec
Sharing Children’s Work - 2 min
Whakatauki - 1min
Story 3 min
Follow up questions - 2 min
Maths Revision - 5min
Drawing Narutu - 10 min
Kahoot - 5 min
Karakia- 30 sec
Thank you Aiza, Akeem, St Paul, Polevia, Siaki and Chris for sharing your learning. We are hoping for more learning to be shared before Friday's lesson!
Story Reading to
Before reading- Visualisation Exercise- Draw all the images of being free like the wind as you listen to the story. Doodle!
After reading:
Sharing of Visualisation activity- Show your artwork with the class.
What did Aroha do when she was sad?
DMIC Questions- Clarifying Misconception
How to draw Narutu
Game of Kahoot
Thank you for attending our Team Tupu Zoom!
Rapare 2 Hakihea 2021
Thursday 2 December 2021
Online: Ms Heather and Mrs Lologa
Karakia- 30sec
Sharing Children’s Work - 2 min
Whakatauki - 1min
Story 10 min
Follow up questions - 2 min
Maths Revision - 20min
Kahoot - 5 min
Karakia- 30 sec
Story Reading to
Before reading- How do you treat others? How do you like to be treated?
After reading:
Discuss the following extract from the story
What does inherently tethered mean?
Read on and make a prediction what you think this chunk means?
What was happening to Whaitere’s world?
Why do you think this was happening?
What is the moral of the story?
Warm up
Family of Facts -Mult Div
Arrays -Groups of
Arrays -Equal Sharing
DMIC Questions
Game of Kahoot
Wednesday 1 Dec 2021
Kia Ora Team Tupu,
Today our online Zoom lesson will include:
School Pepeha
Six 60 Song
Close Karakia
School Pepeha
What if…
Children to listen to the story-Rat on the Rug
Think about what if they don’t have a cat. What might happen? What could they do? Use your imagination to write the end for this story if they don’t have a cat to help.
Warm up games: skip counting sequence
Place value: display number using place value house and base ten blocks
Closing Karakia
Please send your complete work to:
Mrs Zhao:
Mrs Haynes:
Happy Learning!
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Monday 29th November 2021
Kia Ora Team Tupu,
Hope you all had a great weekend. Today our online Zoom lesson will include:
School Pepeha
Six 60 Song
Hangman Game
Close Karakia
School Pepeha
What are rhyming words? Can you find words that rhymes?
Rhythming word game:
Let’s read this poem and find the rhyming words in it?
Can you find any words in this poem that rhyme?
Fill up the table
There are 48 birds in a tall tree. 38 more birds are arriving to join them. How many birds will there be in all?
There are 35 flowers bloomed in the garden today. 26 more bloomed yesterday. How many flowers have bloomed in all?
The parking lot has 7 rows of spaces. Each row can hold 9 cars. How many cars can be parked in the lot?
Ryan planed to read 8 books in each week in lockdown. The lockdown is 4 weeks long. How many books did he read?
Nicholas picked up a book with 60 pages. He read the first 27 pages. How many more pages would he need to read to finish the book?
There were 82 employees working in an office building. 32 of them left to go have lunch. How many employees are left in the building?
Hangman Game
Closing Karakia
Please send your complete work to:
Mrs Zhao:
Mrs Haynes:
Happy Learning!
Ramere 26 Whiringa- a - rangi 2021
Friday 26th November 2021
Online: Ms Young and Mrs Lologa
Karakia- 30sec
Sharing Children’s Work - 2 min
Whakatauki - 1min
Rainbow Fish Story 5 min
Follow up questions - 2 min
Maths Revision - 10min
Art 10min
Kahoot - 5 min
Karakia- 30 sec
Before reading- Define what is happiness? How does happiness look like in your life?
Rainbow Fish
Discuss the following extract from the story
What is happening here?
Why is he lonely?
Why does he want people to admire his beauty?
What is more important, beauty or happiness?
How did Rainbow Fish find happiness?
Maths Revision
Equal Sharing
Equal Sharing
Fraction of a Set
Just play the video and draw together.
Game of Kahoot
Thursday 25th November 2021
Online: Mrs Zhao and Ms Heather
Six60 Pepeha Waiata
Reading - Dragons, Dragons, Dragons
Maths - Time: Days of the Week and Months of the Year in Maori
Word Problem
Before reading-What is your impression for giant, fire-blowing dragons? Scary? Mean? Fritenghing? Scary?
During reading:
Check words meaning, speech marks, exclamation marks, etc.
After reading:
Are the dragons in this story scary?
Are they mean? Friendly?
Why were they lonely?
Did you change your idea about the dragons?
What did you learn from the story?
How does the writer describe the dragons? Think about the verbs
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Ko te _________ tenei ra
Please send your work to Ms Heather and Mrs Zhao after you finished.
Raapa 24 o Whiringa- a - rangi, rua mano rua tekau ma tahi
Wednesday 24 November, 2021
Punctuation discussion - “speech marks” - what does it mean when we see these marks in text???
Link to the story (click on link, click text, save and read along |
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Questions to follow.
- - - -
Spelling Activity: go over the sounds d / r = dr How many words do you know that have dr in it? Dragons, …. |
Finish off with a game of kahoot!
Looking forward to seeing you all on our Team Tupu Zoom Meeting at 11 am - 12pm!
Manuia le aso!
Mrs Haynes and Mrs Lologa
Tuesday 23rd November
- Week 6 - Home Learning Activities
Listen to the story and answer the following questions below:
Why Questions?
1:Why was Dad lighting the fire?
2:Why did Dad say to keep away from the fire?
3:Why did Mum say “go and help Nena”?
4:Why Did Nena say “not today Simi”?
5:What did Dad tell Simi to do?
6:Why did Simi say “it’s not fair”?
7:Why did Papa say “thank you Simi”?
Write in the missing verbs:
1: Simi saw mum ___________ the meat.
2: Simi wants to ___________ the meat.
3: Simi’s Dad is ___________ the fire.
4. Simi wants to ____________ the fire.
Design your own Umu. What are some of the things you know go into an umu? What would you put in your umu? Draw them in your basket below:
Write a list of all the things you put in your umu!
Sharing: taro maths:
1.Nana peeled one taro for the Umu. Nana cut the taro in half. She put one piece in each pack. How many packs did she have?
2.Nana peeled one taro for the Umu. Nana cut the taro into 4 pieces. She put two pieces in each pack. How many packs did she have?
3.Nana peeled one taro for the Umu. Nana cut the taro into 6 pieces. She put two pieces in each pack. How many packs did she have?
4.Nana peeled one taro for the Umu. Nana cut the taro into 8 pieces. She put two pieces in each pack. How many packs did she have.
5.Nana peeled two taro for the Umu. Nana cut each taro into 8 pieces. She put two pieces in each pack. How many packs did she have.
6.Nana peeled two taro for the Umu. Nana cut each taro into 16 pieces. She put two pieces in each pack. How many packs did she have.
Monday 22nd November
Monday - Week 6 - Home Learning Activities – CRT
Listen to the story below and see if you can answer the following questions relating to the story:
WALT: make connections between their own experiences and information in the story to make predictions and inferences.
Think critically.
What does Kia Ora mean? What do you say to greet your families at home?
Why was Koro and Nan waiting for the family?
Why were the family helping at the marae?
Who did Nikau help? What did he do?
Why did Koro ask Tama to help him in the kitchen?
Who did Mum and Dad help? What did they do?
What did all Nikau’s cousins do?
What does the word kai mean?
What did Uncle mean when he said ka pai to Nikau?
What other compliments could we say to someone in the book?
Can you translate your compliment into Maori?
Lets see if we can add the word endings to the following words in the table
Discus and write some of the good things you could help to do on a Marae?
Talk with a partner about the jobs you do at home or at school. Make your own list of jobs and write about the job you like best (or least), or you could draw themselves helping and write a simple explanation of what you are doing
Maths time problem solving
Vilis school starts at 9 0’clock. One day she arrived at school one hour late. What time did Vili arrive at school?
Mum went shopping at 12 0’clock. She drove for half an hour to get to the shop. She spent one hour in the shop. Then she drove home again for another half an hour.
a.How long did it take mum to do the shopping (include the driving time)?
b.What time did Mum arrive home?
Sarah went to play football outside. She left home at 4 0’clock. She came back home at 6 0’clock. How long was Sarah out playing football?
Mrs Lologa is planning a trip to the zoo. She plans to get the bus at 8 0’clock. It takes two hours to get to the zoo from her house. What time will Mrs Lologa get to the zoo?
Mr Avatea was waiting for the bus to get to school. The bus should have arrived at 7 0’clock. The bus was late. Mr Avatea waited for 3 hours. What time did the bus arrive?
Friday 19th November
Friday -week 5 Term 4
Morena FBS whanau,
Today your online teachers will be Mrs Haynes and Ms Young.
Mrs Young will be looking after Rooms 21 & 22 so if you need to ask any questions you can email her on
Ms Haynes will be looking after Rooms 5, 6 & 8 so if you have any questions you can email me on .
Today our online learning will be based on 4 sections:
Reading & Story Questions
Descriptive writing
Listen to the story below and see if you can answer the following questions relating to the story:
What does Tu meke mean?
Where did Tahi live?
How was Tahi positioned in his burrow?
Why do you think he couldn’t face the world?
What does kei te pehea koe mean? Can you say it to a friend?
Why hadn’t Ruru seen Tahi in a while?
Why do you think Tahi was feeling sad?
Where did Roger take Tahi to try and show hime some fun?
Where did Tahi want to go instead of swimming?
What does Tahi mean when he said grubs won’t improve my mood?
Why did Tahi know he needed to help?
How did Roger help? How did Tahi help?
How was Pepe feeling before she got rescued?
What made Tahi feel better?
Discus what things can make you feel better when you are feeling blue?
Shared Writing-description - Use Stephen Graeme strategy
e.g Roger the ruru
Number: 1 tail, 2 ears,2 wings
shape:pointy beak, sharp claws
size: big head, big yellow eyes, small body
colour- brown feathers, yellow eyes,
texture-smooth, soft, fluffy
position-live in a tree
Doing-hunts at night,
Shared writing-description Tahi the tuatara
Tu meke tuatara
Draw your own picture of Tahi under your descriptive writing.
Pyramid Spelling activity:
Tahi had four legs and Ruru had 2 legs. How many legs would there be altogether?
If there were 2 Tuatara’s How many legs would there be altogether?
If there were 3 Tuatara’s how many would there be altogether?
If there were 5 Tuatara’s how many legs would there be altogether
If there were two Tuatara and two Ruru how many legs would there be altogether?
Thursday 18th November
Thursday -week 5 Term 4
Morena FBS whanau,
Today your online teachers will be Mrs Zhao and Ms Haynes.
Mrs Zhao will be looking after Rooms 21 & 22 so if you need to ask any questions you can email her on
Ms Haynes will be looking after Rooms 5, 6 & 8 so if you have any questions you can email me on .
Today our online learning will be based on 4 sections:
Reading & Story Questions
Spelling Activity
Story link: Weka Help Out (Click on link, click on text tab and save)
Story Questions:
Spelling activity: ‘est’ word family
For example: N- est spells nest, B- est spells best.
Can you write down as many words that you know that have the same word family -est?
Maths - Time
We will be looking at the Days of the Week and Months of the Year.
In Aotearoa, New Zealand
What Months are Summer? D _______, J______, F_______
What Months are Winter? J___, J___, A_____
What Months are Spring? S________, O______, N_______
What Months are Autumn? M____, A____, M__
What are your favourite months of the year?
What Month is your birthday?
Quick Times!
Can you brainstorm different ways you can show kindness towards others around you?
Your challenge for today is to be kind to your parents/caregiver and offer your help.
Here are some ways you can offer your help at home.
Vacuum the carpet
Wash the dishes
Fold the washing
Help prepare a meal for your family
Encourage others by saying nice things
Tidy your room
Wednesday 17 November 2021
Kia Ora Families,
Here are our online activities for today. This will be taught in our Zoom Meeting @ 11 am as well.
Watch the video-Tu Meke Tautara Activity 1:
Activity 2: