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The Balanset-1A is a highly convenient and compact tool designed for balancing and analyzing vibrations in various rotating equipment—such as crushers, fans, mulchers, shafts, and turbines. Whether you’re working in a small workshop or a large factory, this device has you covered.
When you switch it to vibrometer mode, it excels in measuring rotational speed (RPM) and determining the phase angle, which is key for precise analysis.
The device also monitors key vibration frequencies and offers a detailed breakdown of the vibration spectrum, giving you clear insights into what’s happening.
It keeps track of overall vibration levels and saves all measurement data, making sure you can analyze the details whenever required.
The Balanset-1A is highly effective for balancing tasks.
It’s capable of balancing rotors in one plane or in two planes for more intricate tasks, providing dynamic stability.
The polar graph feature shows you the unbalance, simplifying the process of adding the right weight in the correct position.
If you have to stop, you can resume your work later from the exact point where you paused.
A built-in tolerance calculator, adhering to the ISO 1940 standard, guarantees your work meets industry requirements.
What’s great about this device is its data management.
You get clear charts from the device, displaying overall vibration, main frequency vibrations, harmonics, and a complete spectrum analysis.
Furthermore, the Balanset-1A has additional features that boost its practicality.
It stores an archive of all previous sessions, generates detailed reports, and simplifies repeating balancing jobs with saved data.
The Balanset-1A package includes the main interface unit, two vibration sensors, a laser tachometer with a magnetic stand, a scale, and the software needed to run everything.
Everything fits neatly into a robust case, ensuring it’s easy to take with you wherever you need.
Overall, the Balanset-1A is easy to use, affordable, and packed with features.
It’s perfect whether you’re balancing some rotors or an entire production line.
At a price of 1999$, it’s a great investment for anyone requiring dependable and accurate balancing and vibration analysis.
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