Flat Bush

(09) 274 8279 20 Flat Bush Rd Otara, Auckland

Room 5 shout outs!

Week 5 Term 1:

Shout out goes out to Lavella for sharing her work efforts with us - check out her snaps of her home learning!

Thursday 3.3.22

I love how you managed to find objects from around your home to match the scavenger hunt shapes on our home learning task for Thursday!

Here are some more snaps from Lavella's (Wednesday) home learning that she shared with us... Check out how she used her highlighters and pens to help her solve her subtraction problem.

A massive shout out goes out to  Azayliah for working so hard on her home learning tasks - I am super proud of your efforts!

Keep up the amazing work that you are doing.

Well done to Lavella for sharing her home learning with us today!!

Keep up the fantastic job that you are doing at home.

This is a really cool story about the meaning behind your name. 

Shout out goes to Lavella for completing her written work on Monday 28th Feb.

Lavella drew a cool picture of herself and wrote a sentence that says - I am special because I'm happy, kind and good looking. 

 Awesome work Lavella!!