Room 7 - The Rising stars
Term 4 - Week 8
Inquiry learning:
This term we have been learning about celebrations. We have learnt about birthdays, Diwali, Halloween, hair cuttings and Christmas. For our Learning inquiry this term we decided to make recycled decorations for our tree. We had a Christmas tree that was gifted to us from Mrs Boyd and we didn't have any decorations for the tree. All of our class wanted to make our tree look pretty so we decided to make our own decorations. Here is a video of our inquiry learning:
Wheel programme:
This week we had the opportunity to take part in the wheels programme. We loved learning how to balance on the bikes and play games while learning to ride. Everyone enjoyed this activity. Our favourite games were traffic lights and what's the time Mr wolf.
Week 8, Term 4 - CRT with Ms Young
This term Rm 7 have been working on NZ native animals. Through art they have created a stencil sketch of their chosen animal. They used chalk and pastels and had to learn the Maori name of their animal. They then created a class animal song. Here is the video link below:
Term 4 - Week 6
Room 7 and many other students at Flatbush school were very excited to have the famous boxer Joseph Parker attend our Duffy assembly as our Duffy role model! It was awesome hearing about his experience with reading growing up. Our Rising stars managed to get a photo alongside him.
Term 4 - Week 5
We enjoyed our time at the Greedy cat show this week. For some of us it was our first live show to watch. We had a lot of laughs watching Greedy cat sneak all the yummy food and even got a photo with the cast!
Term 4 - Week 4
Room 7 have been practicing our pattern making this week for math's. Many students got the hang of it and decided to have pattern competitions, who can make the longest patterns.
Term 4 - Week 3
Room 7 having been learning a lot of new ball skills and about basketball. We enjoyed some entertaining games with our coaches and learned a lot about dribbling and having control of the ball.
Term 4 - Week 2
Our trip to Motat
We had so much fun on Thursday while visiting the famous MOTAT. It was the first school trip for some of our learners. Thank you to our parent helpers and teacher aides for coming along and helping to make things move smoothly. The Rising Stars had a terrific time exploring push and pull inventions, learning about how things worked in the olden days, from telephones and transport to old classrooms and houses.
Term 4 - Week 1
It has been great to see most of our learners return back to school! Lovely to see faces we haven't seen since lockdown. Week 1 has been jam packed with learning and finding our way around the classroom and school routines again.
Terms 1 and 4 are when we get to lap it up in the sun. Our learners are required to wear sunhats during these times to make sure we protect ourselves as the sun starts to get stronger. If your child has a sunhat at home please encourage them to bring them to school everyday.
We had our first week back at our PMP sessions. Our learners enjoy this part of the week as they get to play and learn phrases for different motions and movements. We were excited to get back into it after having to stop due to COVID restrictions.
Term 3 - Week 10
We had an awesome week to end off our Term. We enjoyed ourselves creating lots of Art and crafts and ended our Student inquiry around Force and motion by creating our own Marble Mazes! We used old boxes, popsicle sticks and blue tack at first to see how we can make changes to make sure our marbles moved smoothly around our creations. I loved seeing how creative the students were and how they were able to independently adjust their popsicle sticks to make their mazes work the way they wanted. Awesome work Room 7!
Term 3 - Week 9
What a jam packed week our Rising stars had. It has been good seeing more and more of our learners return to school. We have been enjoying all kinds of learning happening in the school. This week we had a lot of fun learning of our countries native culture during Te wiki o te reo Maori. I love seeing our students so engaged learning about different cultures.
Term 3 - week 8
It has been awesome seeing more of our learners returning to school and enjoying their time in the classroom surrounded with their fellow peers. I hope those that are still learning from home are keeping well and healthy.
Here is a little glimpse of what the Room 7 Rising stars got up to this week:
Term 3 - week 7
Tena kotou Rising stars and families. Auckland was put into level 2 this week which means our learners are welcome to attend school. Only a few of tamariki manage to make it to school this week and we had a blast. I hope those who stayed home are keeping well and I hope to see you all sometime soon.
Here is a small glimpse of what we got up to this week:
Term 3 - Week 6
Good morning The Rising stars and Whanau!
Welcome to Week 6, I hope everyone is feeling well and healthy. As you might know the Prime Minister is due to announce the next step for us regarding COVID19 later today. So hopefully not too long now and we can start getting back into the swing of things.
Here are some activities to keep your minds occupied:
CRT - Kia Ora Rm 7. Let the games begin 26/8/20
I hope you are all doing well during this lock down. Unfortunately we will not get the chance to catch up today for CRT so instead Mr Moiho and myself have decided to put forward a challenge for your class. Your class will be challenging Rm 14 in the explodes challenge. When we are back at school we will get together and see who can do the most explode jumps in 1 minute. If you think you can master this, then you may just win the challenge for your class. If you can make a video and send it to your teacher even better: Check the video below for details.
Flat Bush is running an awesome Superhero writing competition.
Who doesn't love Superhero's? We all have sometime thought about what we'd be like as a Superhero and I'm sure everyone has there own favourite superhero movie. So this is a great topic for all the family.
Here are some activities you can try to get those ideas flowing:
Superhero writing challenges
Term 3 - Week 5
Morena everyone and welcome to week 5 distance learning.
I hope everyone is well and enjoying some extra time with their families. I am looking forward to hearing about what everyone gets up to this time round.
Please find time on Monday 17/08/2020 to collect a learning pack from the staff down at Flatbush school. Junior learning packs are available at Room 1 from 9am to 3pm.
A great team of our staff have put together some awesome and engaging activities for our learners to try at home. Take a look at our Distance learning page:
Feel free to contact me for any questions you might have:
Here is some extra activities you might like to do.
Read a story with a family member. You can also watch some stories on youtube. Here is a great one called Mrs Mo's Monster
Write a short journal entry each day about something you've done everyday eg. I helped mum make breakfast. We had bacon and eggs. (this will help when we share about our experiences when we return to school)
Draw a picture for each letter of the alphabet. Eg A = apple, B = banana, C = Cat
Practice counting numbers 1-20 The singing Walrus - counting numbers
Practice ordering numbers 1-20 - Write out all numbers 1-20 have an adult help you practice writing the numbers you struggle with. Cut your numbers out and spread them out randomly. Begin ordering them from 1-20. As you get better at identifying and ordering these you can add more numbers to order.
D.I.Y Marble run - Collect any used toilet paper and paper towel rolls as many as you can. Scatter them out on the floor and connect your rolls to create your masterpiece run, if you have scissors handy cut a small opening at each end of the rolls to allow the marble to move through easily. Use a marble or a small ball and flick/push the marble through your creation. You can also create a small dough ball using a table spoon of flour and a few drops of water. See how many different marble run creations you can make up.
Term 3 - Week 4
Warm greetings to all our Tamariki and their whanau.
As you all know Auckland has been set on Level 3 restrictions regarding Covid. I hope all our families are keeping healthy and well during this time especially considering how close to home it is this time round.
It is strange and unpredictable times ahead so we will be using our school website to keep you all updated with how things will be working on our side. If you are able to please keep an eye out for any updates here.
Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any concerns or questions for me.
Take extra care and keep safe and healthy! I hope to see our little rising stars very soon!
Term 3 - Week 3
Today we made slides and ramps to see how we can push the ball and have to pull it back towards us in order to push it down again. We tried making our slides at different levels and in different ways to see how this impacted our push. It was a fun time in the classroom and created some great discussions around forces.
Term 3 - Week 1&2
Warm greetings to you all and a huge warm welcome to all our new students and their families.
Room 7 has just gone through a huge transition of students. We have been busy getting to know one another and our new classroom setting. It has been awesome getting to see all the new personalities in the classroom and watching everyone making new friendships. I look forward to seeing what the rest of the term has in stored.
Here is a little glimpse of Room 7 has been up to so far...
Room 7 practicing their new balancing skills during our Fundamental skills program.
Introduction to our inquiry topic, forces and motions. We first watched a video on what the forces; push and pull could look like and discussed what this could like in the classroom and outside the classroom. We put our thinking to the test by playing on the playground with the focus on push and pull and writing about it the next day.
Koru pattern art
We had to practice drawing our Koru's on whiteboards first then used a pencil to draw our Koru shape on paper before going ahead with our pastel work. We had some great discussions on what Koru's mean in Maori culture and what they look like in our own eyes.
Practicing our hopping skills. Our learners had a lot of fun with this one.
Week 11 term 2 - in school learning
CRT: We have been learning about Myths and Legends. Here is a video clip of our retelling of the story 'In the beginning'....
Walt: Make a video, retell a story, Use art work to create different pictures to match the words of the story, Use a loud clear voice, Change voices to be like the character.
We are also learning about Matariki. We have made some Matariki stars . See picture below::
Week 10 term 2 - in school learning
The Rising Stars have been creating a lot of art work to help display our learning walls. We have focused on the things we are good at and what we want to get better at. We also have been using our learning about shapes to create rocket ships and other pictures. It has been great seeing what our learners can create. Check out some of our learning from this week below:
Week 9 term 2 - in school learning
It has definitely been very busy in Room 7 as more and more of our learners return back to school. So busy I haven't really had the chance to take photos of all our awesome learners, learning. We have been focusing a lot on working as a team during our spare time and learning about one another. It has been so good seeing our learners back in action.
Week 8 term 2 - in school learning
Week 7 Term 2 - in school learning
Samoan Language week
Super proud of our Rising Stars! They have been enjoying practicing Savalivali all week and did a great performance today. Check out the finish product here.
The Rising Stars have had a whole heap of Samoan learning this week. We have focused a lot of Samoan flower designs and Samoan phrases. We even got to make and enjoy some Koko Alaisa along with some fresh bread.
It has been an awesome start to the week with our samoan language learning. So far we have been learning about greetings and manners in Samoa. We have decided to make a modern style tapa cloth and have been enjoying making snowflake samoan flowers to add to our Tapa cloth.
Check out our Samoan flower art so far...
Week 6 Term 2 - In school learning
Room 1 has officially moved to Room 7 Welcome back to all our learners who returned to school this week. It has been great seeing most of our learners return to school and hearing about all the awesome things they have been doing during their time away
Room 7 have been focusing on our experiences in our bubbles and have also been learning about helping each other and working as a team.
Here is a little glimpse of what Room 7 has been up to this week:
Sharing our learning
I would absolutely love to see how The Rising Stars are doing in their distance learning. If you have any photos or videos you would like to share with me please do so through email. I am loving all the photos families have already sent in of the all awesome different ways our tamariki have been learning from home. I look forward to seeing more of what everyone else has been doing.
Support with food
South Auckland Organisation Support
Papakura Marae Open Mon-Fri 10am - 2.30pm 09 297 2036
Food parcel delivery
- Adhering to Ministry of Health guidelines
Manukau Urban Maori Authority (MUMA) Open Mon-Fri 10am - 2.30pm
Food parcel pickup
- Must bring ID
09 297 2036 Open Mon-Fri 10am - 2.30pm 09 297 2036.
- Wait in car until instructed by team
Educational TV channels that will be broadcasting engaging learning throughout the country.
1. Maori television (years 1-10) from 9am Wednesday 15th April 2020
2. TVNZ 2+1, freeview channel 7, sky channel 502. It will run from 9am to 3pm on school days for ages 0-15 as well as some programmes for parents
Week 5 Term 2 Distance learning
Kia ora koutou katoaI look forward to seeing those students returning to school in level 2. School will still be a little different with some limitations in place but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun with our learning.
If you have any questions regarding how school will look during level 2 please feel free to text or email me.
In the meantime here are some extra activities you can do at home till school starts back up.
Extra activites
1. Draw one or more of your favourite moments you had while on lock down. Eg. baking with mum, walk with family, learning a new skill etc. Bring these in when you come into school so you can share with the class.
2. Cultural art: To add some identity to our new classroom I thought it would be a great idea for our students to design their own mini Tapa cloth. Fold a piece of paper into four parts. 1 part is for you design your name, the second draw a flower or plant from your culture, the third draw your cultural flag, and in the last box choose a cultural design/pattern of your choice, could be a mixture of all your cultures or something that represents something important to you like religion or family.
3. Everyday try to draw what your favourite or an interesting part of the day was. Have a family member help you write a short description.
4. Build a fort out of your blankets, pillows and dining room chairs. (ask permission first)
5. Use your chalk from your learning pack to draw a hop scotch outside on the concrete and play with a family member. If you can't find chalk when I was little I use to use bark or a rock to scratch into the pavement. Washes off with the weather just as chalk does.
Here is a great recipe for play dough with easy ingredients found at home
¼ cup Salt
3 tablespoons oil
1 cup boiling water
3 cups flour
Food colouring
1. Mix the salt and oil together. You will find that the salt soaks up most of the oil and becomes quite dry.
2. Pour in the boiling water and stir until the salt is dissolved.
3. Add a few drops of food colouring.
4. Slowly add the flour, stirring as you go. Keep adding flour until a soft dough forms, then tip the dough onto a bench, and knead it well before use.
That’s it, you’re all done!
You can make up a couple more batches in different colours if you like. For something special you can add glitter, food essence or essential oil to the water as well as food colouring.
Fun activities you can do with play dough
1. Create letters of the alphabet, numbers 1-10, or spell your name by shaping the play-dough.
2. Read a story with a family member and focus on a main character of the story. Try and recreate this by first drawing them focusing on features about them eg what sort of shaped head does he have? What sort of dress is she wearing? etc... Then try molding your character out of play-dough.
3. Fun play - If you don't have any sort of play-dough utensils at home to use, don't worry children are very resourceful and great inventors you could easily give them a pencil, plastic fork, knife and spoon, anything you think is safe and would be useful to use and watch what they create. Take some pictures and try write about what you created with a family member.
4. Snowman building challenge - Have a look around the inside and outside of your home for some things you could use to help create your snowman. Discuss about the amount of play-dough you have and what size objects do you think would be good to use with the amount you have eg. Twigs, toothpicks, bottle caps, etc... Create your body with play-dough and decorate. You either work on a snowman individually or together.
I would love to see some photos or videos if anyone tries any of these activities out!
Week 4 distance learning sharing
This play dough looks amazing! There is a lot of fantastic learning happening in Jeremiahs bubble. I cannot wait for his return to school so he can share his learning with the class. Well done Jeremiah and family!
Week 4 Term 2 distance learning
Kia ora Room 1!
I hope everyone is doing swell. I have been busy at school moving our classroom into to Room 7 with the help of our Junior teacher team. I cannot wait for you all to help decorate our classroom with all your awesome art work and learning when you all come back to school.
Welcome to week 4 of distance learning. I hope everyone has been enjoying the learning packs created by all your awesome teachers. Please continue to use the learning packs that have either been sent to you by the ministry or the school. These have some awesome activities to engage with at home. If you have any questions regarding any of the activities please feel free to contact me via email
Extra activities you can do
1. Here is a great reading from one of our amazing teachers at Flatbush school, Mrs Young. She's also given a fun follow up activity to do! Watch and enjoy!
2. During this time I have noticed many of New Zealand native birds visiting around our area. Go outside in your backyard or on a walk with your family and see if you can spot any birds along your way. If you cannot find any then choose anything you find interesting in nature. Have a go at drawing it then have an adult help you write a small description.
3. Using the chalk from your school learning pack practice writing out the alphabet, your name, any words you know or want to practice. If you don't have chalk, fill an old squeeze bottle and practice drawing it out with water.
4. On your next walk out count how many red and yellow cars driving along.
5. Ask a family member if they know any hand games like; slime yuck/chicken or any other ones that involve counting and have them teach you and play with you.
6. Design your own snakes and ladders board game using a piece of paper and any colourful art utensils you can get a hold of to decorate. Have a family member help you draw out the boxes and count and write the numbers out. You can do numbers 1-20 to begin with or go for numbers 1-100 and get right into the game! This is a excellent way to enjoy practicing our counting and identifying our numbers.
Week 4 distance learning sharing
An awesome start to the week Jeremiah and family! It's so cool to see you enjoying the activities from the school learning packs and having some fun in the kitchen as well! What a yummy kai you helped cook up!
Week 3 Term 2 Distance learning
Warm greetings to our Tamariki and their Whanau.
Thank you to our parents and caregivers who made contact with me last week. This week we will be providing more learning packs for our students to continue to learn from home.
Learning packs are available from the school library on Wednesday 29th April from 9.30am - 12.30pm. Please come by and collect your child/rens learning packs and feel free to stop by Room 1 and say hi.
Extra activities you can do
1. Create a Mothers Day card for your mum, nana or someone else who is special to you.
2. Write a letter or draw a picture of thanks to a family member, friend or someone you know of who is an essential worker
3. Learn your Cultural National Anthem
4. Using the chalk from your learning pack, create a chalk obstacle course on the drive way or footpath out front of your house. Enjoy a friendly competition of who can complete it fastest.
Week 3 distance learning sharing
Jeremiah and his mum have been working extremely hard in his learning! Its awesome to see all the work you have been doing from the learning pack you picked up last week. Thank you mum for all your awesome work and the updates.
Distance learning sharing: Week 2 Term 2
Room 1 students and their families have been working hard in their learning this week. Thank you to our awesome parents for all their work they have been doing with our tamariki!
Here is a little glimpse of what some of Room 1 have been up to!
Hilly and his family have been working hard at the activities included in his explorer kit. He has been practicing a lot of writing with mum and as you can see in the photos he has been drawing heaps too! Hilly has also enjoyed going for walks and enjoying outdoor exercise activities with his family
Ka pai Hilly and whanau! Thank you for your awesome work on your distance learning activities!
Jeremiah and his mum have been learning so much at home too! They have been doing a lot of the activities from the distance learning activity sheet as well as helping with chores around the house and some fun activities mum has set up for him too.
Massiah, his little brother and mum have done a lot of preparation for their distance learning. They spent the first part of their lockdown cleaning out a spare room to convert to their learning space! How awesome! They have been engaging with their learning packs and distance learning activities with the help of their mum and overall just enjoying each other's company.
Term 2 Week 2 - Distance learning
This week we will be choosing our activities from our distance learning activity sheet you can locate this sheet as well as the distance learning timetable on our home page.
Following the distance learning timetable choose an activity from each area and complete at home, take pictures if possible and send through to me so I can share our Tamariki's learning through here.
If you have any questions regarding activities or would like some more ideas, feel free to contact me through my email: or send me a text using the number I contacted you on last week.
Extra activities you can do
1. Alphabet treasure hunt - Find an object that starts with each letter of the alphabet around the house/neighborhood.
2. Create an obstacle course with items found around the house. Time each other completing the course by counting from 1. This will help our little ones practice their counting.
3. Draw a picture of one thing you did today, eg helped mum vacuum the lounge. Have an adult write your sentence of what you're doing in your picture. Cut out each word and have the learner try a place the words in the correct order to make the sentence you first wrote. They can either copy the sentence once they built it or can glue it down in the right order.
Week 1 - Sharing our learning
Awesome work from our very own Kezia and her whanau as they engage in distance learning from home. Kezia has done some Jump jam with her sister and Nana. She has drawn an amazing picture of those in her bubble and has been playing memory card games that nana made to help learn her pink high frequency words. When the lockdown is over Kezia would like to go to the movies with her family.
Thank you for sharing your fantastic learning with me. Keep up the great work Kezia and whanau!
Term 2, Week 1 - Distance learning
I hope everyone has had a good break from school and are excited for a new term of learning. School is going to work a little differently for hopefully only a short period of time. In the mean time we will be engaging in distance learning. This page will be updated frequently with learning activities for our tamariki to help them stay engaged at home.
Parents please have phones handy as I will be making contact with you this Tuesday and Wednesday to check in and say hi and also to just catch up.
Distance learning activities to do from home