Here are a new set of activities of Distance Learning Activities to try or Week 5.
Keep connecting and sharing with your teachers - they love hearing from you. Be sure to check out your class web page for messages from your teachers. Check out the other pages for other ideas of fun things you can do together.
Keep helping your families at home.
As always, Keep safe and be kind to each other.
We work for each other
Write a letter to a family member and tell them how wonderful they are and why that is.
Play a game of ‘I spy’ with your whanau or recite the alphabet in a creative way (rap, poem)
Read a book. Create a storyboard or cartoon strip for it
Make a simple toy or game for someone in your bubble - sock puppet, lego creation, straw doll, finger puppet
Do a jigsaw puzzle together. If you don’t have one, make one by drawing a picture on a blank piece of paper, cut it into pieces and then work as a team to put it back together.
Make a compliment circle with those in your bubble. Go around the circle and share one thing that you think is special about the person next to you.
We care and respect
Recount a time that you showed kindness and caring for someone. It could be from our time in lockdown or another time
Write some positive home values that you and your whanau are practicing throughout this time.
Brainstorm 5 things you can do to help a younger sibling with their learning today or this week.
Collect some items from nature and make an art piece (acorns, feathers, twigs, leaves). Then use these items to make a “nature soup”. Don’t forget to take a photo first.
Draw BLOCK fancy letters for all the positive home, school and community values and colour them beautifully-share with your whanau and explain why?
Cut out pictures from magazines newspapers to make collage
We encourage others
Do an activity from the Ministry of Education Learning from Home pack or the FBS Home pack
Watch a session on the Free to Air Education TV (Home Learning | Papa Kāinga TV) on TVNZ channel 2+1 and on TVNZ on Demand, as well as on Sky Channel 502 between 9am and 3pm and follow along with the activities.
Send an email to a class member, share what you have done from tasks and in your bubble, encourage them to complete tasks and share back
Using objects around the house, write clues for ‘What Am I’ game, for example - I use electricity. I make lots of noise. I clean the carpets.
Use chalk on the footpath to create a hopscotch pattern for people on their walks
Use chalk on the footpath to write encouraging messages for people on their walks
Do a “silent line up”. Make a line with those in your bubble - use things like oldest to youngest, tallest to shortest etc all without saying a word.
Think of something that has been challenging during this time. Write it down, then write down how you overcame that challenge. Who or what helped you?
We value others
Use leaves to create a rub picture for someone in your whanau
Write down 10 things you are grateful for each day
Start a gratitude journal - every day write about something you are grateful for
Write a short story about a giraffe, a panda & a monkey in lockdown - share your story with others
On your family walks, collect 10 different leaves & put them in order from the darkest to lightest
Play a game of charades with your family
Tū Pono
We know who we are
Draw a picture of all the people in your bubble and write a compliment for each of them
Write your pepeha - where do you come from . . . what is the name of your village/marae . . . write the name of your mountain or if you are from the islands the higher ground that you go to if a Tsunami hit
Create a playlist of your top 10 favourite songs. Design a cover for your playlist
Design a board game based on life in Lock Down
Write a bucket list - what do you want to achieve while you are at Flat Bush School
Are your Grandparents in your bubble? Create an interview, how long have your family lived in Otara, what schools did your parents/elders go to?
Mahi Ngatahi
We work as a team
Read a book (maybe one of your Duffy books) to someone in your whanau or the bible
Solve a Pasifika Maths problem from our class website page
Make a 3D paper house
Play catch with someone in your whanau. How many times can you pass it without dropping the ball?
Play “Heads Up” with your bubble. Write the name of a character on a piece of paper and stick it with sellotape to their forehead. They then get to ask questions to guess who they are. Use categories like cartoon characters, movie stars, singers or even teachers at school. If you don’t have sellotape, put the name on the paper face down in front of each person.
Have a paper, scissors, rock championship. Each time the winner takes on a new player until you find the Champion. Make it the best of three.
Physical Exercise
Watch TV2 at 3:00pm Les Mills - Born to Move
Play “Silent Ball” by passing the ball, without saying a word. If it drops you are out.
Take a walk with your whanau - how many bears in windows can you count - Spot the teddies?
Design a 20 minute fitness plan for your whanau
Watch TV1 at 9am for Les Mills Body Balance or Body Attack Monday to Friday
Do some potato and spoon races - remember to ask first and take the potatoes back afterwards.