The home of the Rm 18 "Limit Breakers" where there are no limits to our learning!
Kia angi tu tātou katoa - Success for all!
Welcome back to Term 4 Rm18 learners and whanau!
Wednesday 8th December Prizegiving
Friday 1oth 11am Last online Distant Learning Google meet/Return Chromebooks
Tuesday 14th December Year 6 Graduation/Farewell
We encourage and welcome all our Year6 to join us for one last day at FBS!
Week 8 - Rāmere
1. Last meet, most may not have devices but if you do or have a phone to try and join in, please do. Yet no worries if you can't! 11am Rm18 meet today.
2. WELCOME to the season to be jolly! Xmas!
Can you skim and scan for specific information that will lead you to your conclusion as to whether the following statements are
What is it really all about? The true meaning of Christmas.
See your SI folder for the following:
Read "The Story of Xmas" and answer questions. Can you find out more information behind the story of Xmas. What are we really celebrating?
Read "The History of Xmas cards" Who began the custom of sending Xmas Cards? When, order events onto timeline?
Popup christmas cards
3. Creating/Decorating a Christmas Tree-
Decorating a Christmas tree is a popular tradition during this festive period. Can you find out why people do this? How did this tradition start?
Take a look at some of our learner below construct their own Christmas trees with jubes and toothpicks being their only materials to use.
What materials could you use around your home to create, make a Christmas tree?
XMAS TREE decorations
Origami Star , Origami Pointed Star , Origami Gift bow & Origami Pine Tree.
4. Christmas Traditions - What are your families? Can you imagine and create a new tradition for your family? See below.
5.Refer to NEW Rm18 Term4 Weeklyplan for Math, additional possibilities Distant Learning.
Learners were challenged to problem solve as to how to race Reindeer over a distance using a balloon(Rudolph), straw, tape, string and half a toilet roll. This winning team persevered until they created the ultimate sled for Rudolph, although he was a little flat at the end. Remaining Reindeer and teams were still stuck in the snow when the bell rang, yet please be assured NOT 1 was injured during this challenge!
Scott and his bikes spreading a little Christmas joy amongst our FBS Learners last week!
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Sarah at home Distance Learning | Miah at home Distance Learning |
Rm18 learners in class and from a distance join in on the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree. These learners went the extra mile and were challenged to create their own with limited building supplies!
Winning creation with Mr Snowman guarding the tree!
Team’s creations are judged by our very own Mr Avatea!
Ake puts the final touch on her team’s creation.
From a Distant Sarah, Miah and Tyler!
Wonderful to catch up with these learners last Friday completing their fabulous Art work based on the text "TuMeke Tuatara!" where we are all reminded, kindness goes a long way!
Faafetai tele lava Mrs Aneru for leading our learners in this creative learning task!
"The Great Escape-Aotearoa" See your SI folder for more information regarding this adventure seeking learning task.
Can you design a new parliament building as the boys did below? Pencil to paper design, build using resources available to you, within your home or garden! Record yourself orally or written version explaining your creation!
Darrell and CJ design and build a new government building, they included 2 fale for when it gets too
hot for MPs in the debating room.
A message from Parliament educator Caroline:
Thank you for coming in to our virtual visit to Parliament this morning. It was great to host your students and they had so many questions – really kept me on my toes!
There were a couple of questions I couldn’t answer so I’ve found out what
I can:
FBS learners at home and at school visit Wellington via a Zoom
meet and take a virtual guided tour around Parliament, the Beehive etc. Where many important decisions are made including lockdowns!
FBS Learners learnt about petitions if they weren't happy with decisions. They even initiated the educator Caroline to seek
permission to have the Pasifika and Rainbow meeting rooms
included on the virtual tour. Unfortunately without this permission we were unable to take a sneek peek into these rooms.
The Maori name for Wellington is Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
GREAT ESCAPE from Auckland around AOTEAROA!
It was great catching up with these Rm18 learners last week as they begin to map out their whanau escape from
Tāmaki-makau-rau! Firstly learning the locations of NZ regions, towns and cities on the "Land of the long white cloud".
Too cute for words!
I travelled to my nan's house and I found 4 adorable puppies. There were 2 golden puppies, 1 dark brown puppy,and 1
light brown(youngest puppy).One of the puppy's eyes are blue the rest have green eyes.They love to sleep in the shade. When I first touched one my brain lit up. I can't wait till I get one of those endearing puppys. If I had a choice I would name them Rocky, Chap,Meme and Grumpy.
They are locked in an iron cage and a wooden house that looks like a dwarfs house from snow white. There are 3 cheeky girls and 1 brave brother.
When I hold the puppies I feel special, they are so fluffy and soft.
by Sarah Moungaafi.
The ADORABLE puppies!
Today we went to see Sarah's ADORABLE puppies.It was a boiling hot today and we went to feed the starving puppies.I went with my nana Mary and Sarah in the car, we went to Sarah's nana's house.There are four tiny puppies and there is one playful boy and three fabulous girls.There are two blondes one is a girl and one is a boy,the boy is the biggest.The two others are grey like rain clouds.The puppies love the shade and love to sleep a lot.
When I hold them I get excited and worried that they will pee on ME.
They tried to bite my feet and they chased me around until I fell over.Nana Mary got them food and they didn't want to eat so she grabbed them by the neck and they cried. After that they ran away from nana Mary and they were scared of her.If I had a choice I would name them Mya,Frankie,Ella and Rockie.The blonde girl would be Mya,the dark grey girl would be Frankie,the other light grey girl would be Ella and the blonde boy would be Rockie.When I hold them I'm so excited yet always worried that they will pee on ME!
Week 5 - Rāmere
1. Join us at our 11am meet today coming all the way from FBS!
Read the below information and how about entering the competition to win a Mega Play Prize Pack!
CLM- Choose today to play entry and info!
Malo nephew Sumo, I like the way you play!
3. Read the poem below. Whether you heading Back to school OR continuing with DL at home.
Remember trees find a way to keep growing, we can too! Reslience, Perseverance...
HOPES- What are your hopes for this final term at FBS, next year at FBS or your new school? Hopes for when you attend HighSchool? Hopes for when you completely finish HighSchool, your life as a young adult? Your dreams!
Eg- This term I hope to visually see all our Year 6 learners before they leave FBS.
- Next year I hope that when I begin Ferguson Intermediate that I........
MEMORIES-Create a list of "The MOSTs for your time at FBS"
EG- The MOST hilarious times at FBS was when....
- One of the MOST challenging times at FBS was when....
- One of the MOST memorable lunches I had at FBS...
- My MOST, best ever memorable trips at FBS was...
How many MOST sentences can you write?
4. Your free choice of Story/Book to read and review.
See SI folder for Story/Book Review GS Template
Character profile, Description/Illustration of Setting, Main/Key events,
Conflict& Resolution, New words learnt, My personal rating and review of the book.
Do I recommend it as a "Must" read?
Read the following article "Clowning around".
Create a list of unknown vocabulary, can you take a guess as to what the word means using the surrounding text? Does your guessed meaning make sense?
See you SI folder, work on the GS questions.
Well done to those who have finished a project! Do you need to edit before sharing? What more could you add for it to be the best it can be.
Just starting a project, or midway through, set goals for yourself as to what to work on each day during the week?
5.Refer to NEW Rm18 Term4 Weeklyplan for Math, additional possibilities of Distant Learning.
Miahs emoji task based on text "Clowning around" along with her work adding to her personal vocabulary list.
Great effort Miah!
Using our knowledge of multiplication to understand and solve divison problems along with stones from Sarah's garden. Math and Fitness, running to get more stones.
Mahipai !
1) My most memorable but not the best time at school was when I first started school,and it was a rainy day and Sarah cried when my nana left.
2) My most interesting time was when there was a gun shooting outside of our school and I went to SKIDS but we couldn't talk loudly.
3) One of my most memorable times at FlatBush school was when I won the pink shirt day award.
4) My most memorable lunch that we got for free was the ham and cheese burger.
5) The most memorable time in FlatBush school was when I first won the most outstanding award.
6)My most best time at FBS was family fun day. I got my face painted and was wearing my fav outfit. Well that outfit is gone now!
Shane gets creative, looks just like him!
Well done to Sarah completing the emoji task from our text"Clowning around".
A busy day for Sarah! Keeping her physically and mentally active. Great efforts Sarah!
Sarah's Daily Do´s List.
9am - get up, have breakfast, wash face, brush teeth, brush hair,
9:45am - I stack the dishwasher and I get ready for the day.
10am - I do some school work and wait for google meet.
11am - google meet with room 18 and Miss Vaka.
12pm - After the google meet i take a break and have lunch.
1pm - I do more school work.
2pm - Go to Miahs house and do p.e with her and her mum.
4pm - Come home and have a shower, eat dinner and watch my phone
10pm - BED TIME!😁😄
Ake getting enjoying painting!
TAGS Day my favourite
FBS Marvellous Memorable Moment! Ake
On Monday,18 of November 2019 we had a TAGs day where we performed dances on the field under the tress with heaps of mats laid down. We had mooses and crackers that you could make yourself and also there was face paints that was my favourite.We had TAGs because it was the last day of school until the next year, and because the year 6s were going to a new school which was really miserable.
I loved TAGS day because I could see that all my friends were having fun, and most of all I loved giggling at people dancing because they were so funny and energetic to watch.
I wish we could do TAGs in 2020 but unfortunately we can't because of the Covid-19!! I was so down when I heard that we were not going to be doing TAGS in 2020 but I knew it was for our own safety.
We are probably not going to have TAGS this year because of the virus going around and because of lockdown. I really want the virus to go away it is taking everyones freedom and chance of having fun!!
I will never forget that moment, that TAGs day at FBS. Even when I go to college I will always remember that primary was the best 6 years Ive have ever spent in my life.
FBS Forever!
My 3 Marvellous Memorable Moments at FBS written by Heleina
When I first started at Flat Bush I was shy but also excited because I started a brand new school and made new friends. The following year I was still in the same class where I began to build more confidence in myself.
When I first went to trial out for Rugby I was shy but with support and encouragement from my family and friends I was able to push myself and made it in the team and I was so proud of myself for building confidence and willingness to try new things.
I also enjoyed and wont forget doing the Matariki Scavenger Hunt. Putting the words together and finding out what they mean was extreme fun!
Pink Shirt Day-Sarahs fav!
Earlier this year we had a pink shirt day at Flat Bush school. Pink shirt day was to encourage children to stop bullying.
We all dressed up in pink and went to school.
We all gave gold for donation to help families in need.
The thing I liked the most about Pink Shirt Day was that I got to be twinning with Miah and I loved my hair and makeup. But I was a bit sad that people were being bullied on that special day. I will always remember Pink Shirt day because Miah and I won the prize for best costume.
Parihaka, learning our history AOTEAROA. Great effort Ake!
True or False ?
Are you able to identify the words or sentences in the story that support or can be used to justify your answer/opinion? WELL DONE TO all those that completed and shared.
I'm sure Francis will appreciate the shout out of Peace from you Tyler!
Ātahua Sarah!
1. Join us at our 11am Friday meet.
2. Try to complete Parihaka tasks Mrs Young set.
3. Following on from Mrs Young- Scroll down the page read more about Parihaka and the story -
Nga tātarakihi o Parihaka me ngā raukura-The children of Parihaka and the albotross feathers.
-Create a certificate that you could give to a FBS learner who stands for peace and non-violence in the playground or class. Call it the Te Whiti and Tohu Peace award OR something similar. Make sure you list the qualities of the person on the certificate.
-Complete True/False statements, a copy in your folder for you to highlight.
4. Well done to those that have shared , keep sharing your marvellous memorable moments at FBS, that you will never, ever forget!
Describe one of those times, don't forget all the detail. When? Who? Where? What?
Why will you never forget that moment?
I Just will never forget the time..... Or use your own sentence starter.
OR draw a cartoon or a single picture depicting one of your favourite memories at FBS. You can add speech bubbles to share more about that memory.
Your choice hardcopy or digital.
5.CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT - What have you achieved, what is your goal for the week?
6.Refer to NEW Rm18 Term4 Weeklyplan for additional possibilities of Distant Learning.
Malo 'aupito to Mrs Young for sharing the history of Parihaka and working through the questions with Rm18 learners.
Well done to Sarah who went the extra step typing up her answers and who also recently shared some interesting information about GuyFawkes.
At the end of the video Ms Young shared, the presenter shared she thought November 5th should commemorate Parihaka instead of GuyFawkes? Whats your opinion? Why?
1: What date did the troops invade Taranaki?
November 5th 1881.
2: How many troops were there?
There were 1600 troops.
3: What does Parihaka symbolise?
Parihaka symbolises the peaceful resistance to the confiscation of Maori land.
4:What was the larger korero about?
I was about the Pakeha people unlawfully took the Maoris land.
5:After the first Taranaki war in 1860 what did the government introduce?
New Zealand's Settlement act.
6: What does the NZ settlement act mean?
It means that they can confiscate Maori land to punish Iwi that did not listen to the Queen.
7: What is the suppression of the rebellion act?
Any Maori fighting against British forces could be arrested and detained without trial indefinitely.
8: How much Taranaki land was taken from Maori?
1.2 million acres.
9:What did the government do with this land?
It was handed out to the troops and European settlers.
10:Where was the Peaceful village of parihaka? Taranaki coast South West of New Plymouth ,on confiscated unoccupied land.
11: Who were the Maori leaders?
Tohu Kakahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai.
The History of Guy Fawkes
Year 1605.
Guy Fawkes was a man who wanted to blow up a parliament building. They had gunpowder and he and his friends put it in the basement of the parliament building.
Lucky the guards heard about the plot and arrested Guy Fawkes.
The people were happy because their king was saved and they celebrated with fireworks.
That's why we celebrate Guy Fawkes on the 5th of November.
By Sarah Moungaafi.
NZ Wars, Land confiscation, Taranaki, Parihaka and Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi.
Parihaka where inspiring men and women(past and present) have striven to work and live as a community and uphold a set of values, during crisis. Principles of peace, love, caring and empowerment in their lives.
5th November - Te Rā o te Pāhua - The day of Plunder. Recognising a sad time in NZ history at Parihaka.
7th November- People of Parihaka and descendants come to Parihaka to celebrate the survival of their Tupuna and commemorate their peaceful resistance and resilience during the invasion. The day Colonial soldiers pointed a cannon at the residents of Parihaka but it never fired!
“This is what your tupuna did and this is a way in which you can recognise their strength, stamina and resilience”
True or False ?
Are you able to identify the words or sentences in the story that support or can be used to justify your answer/opinion?
Sharing a few photos of Ms Vaka in her highschool years who attended hui on the 18th and 19th of every month at Parihaka to learn about the teachings of
Te Whiti and Tohu.
Wednesday - Week 4 - Home Learning Activities – CRT
Raapa tekau o Whiringa- a- rangi, rua mano rua tekau ma tahi
Kia Ora room 18, I hope you have all had a great Monday. Our zoom meet today is at 11am. Click on the link to join Rm18 Meet CRT. Look forward to seeing you all there, Miss Young
Thank you all for turning u[ to our meet today. It was awesome to see you all especially Mrs Vaka who didn't have to be there, but wanted to stay and learn with the class, Tumeke Mrs Vaka.
Listen to the story about Parihaka below and answer the following questions below:
1: What date did the troops invade Taranaki?
2: How many troops were there?
3: What does Parihaka symbolise?
4:What was the larger korero about?
5:After the first Taranaki war in 1860 what did the government introduce?
6: What does the NZ settlement act mean?
7: What is the suppression of rebellion act?
8: How much Taranaki land was taken from Maori?
9:What did the government do with this land?
10:Where was the Peaceful village of parihaka?
11: Who were the Maori leaders?
Poster creations
![]() | Create your own Poster about Parihaka. Draw the leaders, or the Maunga, or the peaceful protesters. Add a phrase to your poster. |
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Can you imagine how much land was taken and how all those poor people felt when they were told to leave their homes/ lands or be put in jail. Imagine your favourite toy/person being taken away from you. How would you feel? What would you do?
![]() | I loved how the people of Parihaka stayed peaceful throughout the invasion. Do you know what peaceful is? look at the picture below and pick one idea of how you can try being peaceful at home. |
Think of another idea of how we could make NZ or the world more peaceful? | ![]() |
Maths problems
A1: On Monday, Tewhiti and Tohu share some Kumara.
Tewhiti has 2 Kumara . Tohu has 4 Kumara .
Together, how many Kumara do they have to share?
A2:If Tewhiti has 2 Kumara , and Tohu has 4 Kumara on Tuesday and Wednesday too, how many Kumara do they each have?
A3:What is the total number of Kumara that Tewhiti and Tohu share in three days?
B1:On Monday, Tewhiti and Tohu have 7 Kumara .
They are not equally shared.
2 of the Kumara are Tewhiti's.
How many Kumara are Tohu's?
B2:Tewhiti has the same number of Kumara each day up to (and including) Friday.
Altogether Tewhiti and Tohu have 20 Kumara .
How many Kumara are Tohu's that week?
C1:On Monday, Tewhiti, Tohu and Rogomai share some Kumara they'd been given.
Rogomai got half as many Kumara as Tewhiti, and Tohu got a third as many Kumara as Tewhiti got.
They got the same number of Kumara each day up to (and including) Friday.
End with Fitness session below!
Big shout out to these lovely FBS learners who resisted the temptation of staying in bed, playing games or watching movies to join in our meet to make the last Term of the year count! For some the last term at FBS.
Can you guess who this Rm18 learner is taking some time on Friday for a scooter ride and fresh air?
Week 3 - Rāmere
1. Please note NO class meet today however you can still keep in contact via email. Remember send a fellow Rm18 learner who we haven't seen on Class meets a positive message. Encourage a fellow Rm18 learner, 2 or 3 to join us on Monday. Let them know about the FBS class suprise weekly giveaway
Take a look in your SI folder read all about Diwali, can you find an Art or Craft you would like to create to celebrate Diwali.
SI folder-Songs, Dances and Celebrations, would you like to give one a go?
A lovely Prayer and I would like to add onto the end "Free from pandemics,disease and all other darkness "
Is there anything you would like to add on when saying this prayer?
3.CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT - What have you achieved, what is your goal for the week?
4. Read Sarahs summarised version below of "Inati in Tokelau".
Create a post card either on google doc or paper to share with me. Write or illustrate to share how you and your family practise/have practised kind acts similar to Inati within your immediate or wider lockdown bubble. Ms Vakas postcard
5.Refer to NEW Rm18 Term4 Weeklyplan for additional possibilities of Distant Learning.
Happy Diwali from this Room 18 Learner Sarah who joined us at our class meet in her Diwali costume in celebration of this beautiful Festival of Lights, where Good triumps over all Evil with light over darkness.
Also a super congratulations to Sarah and her whanau for being our Room18 Distant Learner of the Week! Tu meke!
The creator of these lovely laterns Heleina was lucky enough to venture out to a shop to get some some supplies with her whanau for her creations. A stunning outcome Heleina! Light over darkness!
Congratulations to our very own MIAH for coming in 2nd to Ms Russell during the wonderful Diwali assembly lead by Mrs Moodley and Mrs Hira. Shout out to Heleina who we also saw on the score board, Ake not far behind either. Well done to all other learners who attended.
Shout out to Tyler who has been pushing beyond his comfort zone with his Math, even with the distraction of dogs chasing cats trying to take shelter within his home gates while on a meet!
We look forward to an update Reporter Tyler!
Another shout out to James for getting back on board the DL journey yesterday, lovely to korero with your Aunty and great having Ama join us too:)
Great to have learner Ake send through some of her learnings about Diwali, take a look at just some of the info from her Doc she sent through. Well done Ake!
How long have we been celebrating Diwali?
Every year around October and November, Hindus around the world celebrate Diwali, or Deepaval, a festival of lights that stretches back more than 2,500 years
Well done to Ake and all the other Rm18 learners who have chosen to work on New Quiz's during the week.
Learner Sarah gets creative with Diwali decorations.
Tu meke!
Beautiful picture Sarah and great observations.
A huge well done to Miah and all her mammoth efforts working her way through Math DL books. Keeping her Mathematician mind ticking over! Well done to others who have sent through their math work.
Shout out to Penny, Tyler and Sarah for completing WQ31! There is still time Room18.
Also HUGE shoutout to Sarah, Miah and DJ on their Creative GS! Soon to be uploaded....
This is probably the most famous Diwali legend and many of the traditions practised nowadays relate to the story.
| Tue, Nov 2, 5:58 PM (14 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Lovely words of Alofa and encouragement from Heleina!
Malo 'aupito Heleina! Love the flowers.
A postcard sent in by Sarah! Tino pai rawa! Beautiful front cover.
Sharing how her family works together to help out each other.
Miah sends an encouraging postcard to Eli after hearing of her struggles. A lovely gesture Miah demonstrating Alofa-Compassion, sharing your wishes of good luck.
Well done and a huge thankyou to Sarah for summarising the Principles of INATI in Tokelau:
INATI is a traditional system of sharing resources in Tokelau so all village members are included and get the same.
Aganuku- Family Tokelau culture in relation to family support eg. Fishing
Elders give advice and prayers before the men go out fishing.
Men go out and catch the fish.
Women prepare the food for the fishermen.
The children distribute the fish for the families.
Alofa - Compassion
Alofa means compassion for the people of Tokelau. Teaching their language to everyone and giving extra help to those who need it.
Tokelau people show Alofa by sharing the fish to families who don't have men to go catch the fish.
Fakaaloalo - Respect.
Fakaaloalo is respect to the elders and the people who have expert knowledge in the community who can and will pass the knowledge down to the younger generations.
Maopoopo - Inclusion.
Maopoopo means to involve everyone to work together. Everyone is involved and included in learning, fishing...
Fakahoa lelei - Equity
Give everyone equal opportunities to learn and to give everyone shares of the resources so that everyone has equal amounts. Give more to some who might need it to have the same as others. WEEK2: Enjoy your weekend!
Aho Tōnai | Saturday |
Aho Hā | Sunday |
Aho Falaile
Todays possibile tasks:
1. Join us at our Room18 Class meet 11am
2. Take some time outside, play, walk and enjoy the beautiful weather!
3. Work on completing anything you have started from previous days.
Well done to Tyler for completing last weeks Niue & Math tasks.
4. CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT Be prepared to share your progress in our class meet. If you're just starting what are you passionate about learning/working on? Shout out to Miah! who shared yesterday the great progress she has made.
5. Tokelau Language Week - Can you learn to introduce yourself in Tokelau? View some Tokelau dances, which were your favourites?
Sharing an email from one of our learners as to how we can help Tokelau and welldone to Sarah who has also made a fabulous start on summarising the Priniciples of INATI in Tokelau.
Morning Miss Vaka,
preserve: save, not waste .
We can help Tokelau people by sending clothing and food and we could build an airport so they can travel places faster.
From Sarah
We are all making a great start joining in on the celebration of "Tokelau Language Week"
Big shout out to Penny who shared with me video of her greetings and farewells in Tokelauan!
Tokelau Song and Dance:
Aho Tofi - Thursday (Please scroll down the page for tasks of the day)
Have you wondered where Ms Anne & Ms Tupou get the eggs for our Garden to Tables.
Look who joined us in our class meet yesterday to show us.
Tyler makes a start creating music. Te lelei ō koe !
Todays possibile tasks:
1. Book in for an individual, buddy or whanau meet on todays Thursday timetable.
2. Following on from the book we listened to and to show kindness towards our class peers, lets make sure noone is having to "Keep the blues at bay". Help them reconnect with us.
Send a fellow Rm18 learner who we haven't seen on Class meets a positive message. Encourage a fellow Rm18 learner, 2 or 3 to join us at Friday's meet. Let them know about the FBS class suprise weekly giveaway!
3.Tokelau Language Week - Research, record and share some interesting information about Tokelau and the people of Tokelau.
4. CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT Book in for a Thursday meet if you need support, would like to discuss your progress.
5. Story writing competition, just click on the link Pacific Kid's Digital Stories. Take a look at some FBS Digital stories written by fellow FBS students.Your storyline, BE CREATIVE, brainstorm with your whanau.
6. Complete math practise page on class week planner. Bring your math DL problem book to Thursday 11.30 meet.
Aho Lulu - Wednesday
Check out some of our learners T4 learning below and our End of Term3 class awards.
Penny and her whanau collect some leaves for her creative project.
Te lelei ō koe Penny!
Tyler creates a 2022 calender for himself. Kai te manaia!
Ms Vaka's creative project, a little late as I was learning how to create and experimenting with my creation:)
Todays tasks:
1. Join us Rm18 Class Meet 11am , hope to see you there!
2.Tokelau Language Week - Did you complete tasks from yesterday?
'Tokelau! Preserve your language and culture to enance spirital and physical wellbeing.' Send me a message and tell me what preserve means and why/how can we help the people of Tokelau?
Can you learn to say the days of the week or count in Tokelauan?
3. If you haven't already share your CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT plan and book in for a one on one/buddy meet Thursday.
4. Story writing competition, just click on the link Pacific Kid's Digital Stories.
5. Complete math practise page on class week planner. Bring your math DL problem book to Rm18 meet.
Don't forget Study Ladder , prodigy, freerice for additional practise.
How do you think we say Number 11, 12, 13......?
Aho Lua - Tuesday
1. Today's Rm18 GoogleMeet 2pm , hope to see you there!
2. Have a go at singing the Tokelau National Anthem.
Can you learn how to say Hello,Goodbye, How are you? in Tokelau.
What is INATI in Tokelau? Can you identify and summarise each principle of Inati,record and share. See your SI folders for readings.
3. Make sure you have chosen an area you wish to inquire further about for your CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT. See you at GMeet where we can disuss further details and how you are going.
4. Story writing competition, just click on the link Pacific Kid's Learning.
Join us at our Rm18 GoogleMeet to discuss details.
Can you brainstorm a possible story line?
Do you have a special story to tell through animation?
A cultural story? A family memory?
Mālō ni! Rm18 and welcome to Tokelau Language week:
Aho Gafua - Monday Labour Day!
Week 1- Fakaalofa lahi atu learners and whanau, welcome to Niue Language week
We are all super proud of our very own Rm18 learner AVA giving it a go! Introducing herself and counting in Niuean. Fabulous AVA !!
Welldone to the following learners:
Please scroll further down the page to see our Niue task for the day.
Lovely to connect with these Rm18 learners yesterday. A huge welcome to Mamia joining us for the first time and also a huge thanks to Ake for helping her come on board via her phone.
Can you guess who the learner is that came ready in her school uniform?
A big thanks to Sarah sharing some of her learning about Niue.
10 Amazing Facts About Niue.
The capital of Niue is Alofi.
The population of Niue is 1,620 and the last count was in 2018
The colour yellow on the Niuean flag represent the bright sunshine of Niue and the warm feelings of the Niuean people towards New Zealand and her people.
There is only one primary school in Niue.
Some foods people eat in Niue are tropical fruits ,vegetables,fish, seafood,casava, taro,uga and yams.
Some animals found in Niue Uga (coconut crab),Flying fox, Kulkulu(Bird), Heahea (bird) ,Spinner dolphins, Humpback whale, Sea snakes ,Ghecko and Skinks.
The national flower of Niue is Puakenikeni.
The National anthem for Niue is ¨Ko e iki he lagi¨ ( Lord in Heaven) .
The national fruit from Niue is coconuts
The National Sports of Niue is darts.
The National currency in Niue is new Zealand dollars.
Thanks Miah for sending in some of your learning about Niue.
10 facts about Niue
The population of Niue was in 2018 1620.
Niue is one of the smallest countries in the world at the centre of a triangle made up of Tonga, Western Samoa and the Cook Islands.
Niue is sometimes called “the Rock of Polynesia,” or just “the Rock.” The capital and largest settlement is Alofi.
This is some of the food Niuean people eat uga (Coconut Crab),Nane (Niuean Porridge) and Takihi (Pawpaw, Taro and Coconut Cream Treat).
the bright sunshine of Niue and the warm feelings of the Niuean people towards New Zealand and her people.
Niue is an endangered language.
Islanders in the North Speak Differently from Islanders in the South
The flying fox is native to Niue; it looks like its part bat
and part fox.
Thankyou to my learners yesterday who reminded me remember one step at time with our learning in the Niue Language.
Can you learn how to count in Niuean today?
Join us if you can at our Wednesday 11am meet. I would love to see you there Rm18 Learners.
Are you able to translate 3 or more of the following questions into Tongan, Maori , Samoan and Hawaiian? How about CookIsland?
Ask your family, your friends in class, google …..
Make a table for each question, can you see the similarities and differences? YOU could choose to translate some NIUE greetings to compare as well. I will need your help in today’s google meet to finish.
NIUE Language
Can you learn to say goodbye in Niuean today.
Can you find a FBS teacher who once performed in a Niue Culture group?
Aho Ua | Tuesday | Aho Ua Ua means “two”. Tuesday is often regarded as the second day of the week. |
Great to see these learners back on on board yesterday along with Tyler and Ake today! Join us if you can at our Wednesday 11am meet.
A huge thanks to the Gatoloai family for sharing their Niue culture with us.
Takalo is a war dance. It was performed prior to going to war. Nowadays, takalo is performed at formal welcoming occasions. Usually it is led by a male leader. He performs the calling out (hea) in the whole takalo. Males are in the forefront, whilst females stand side by side in backing them up.
Women were forbidden from performing the takalo. But this can vary depending on the clan or village you come from especially nowadays. Actions are quite challenging and very masculine.
Can you find some more fun/interesting facts about Niue and its people? Make a list of them and share with your whanau or teacher.
Can you practise these phrases today and share with your bubble members today or teacher/class?
Aho Gofua | Monday | Aho Gofua Gofua means “permission”, so Monday is a day free from the restrictions of Sunday when people can go about their daily activities. |
Once you have collected your learning pack join us today 2pm for a Meet(click on the underlined link), greet and discussion goal setting around the learners pack options for inquiry.
Before today's meet:
1. Please read through the options within the pack, what interests you? Circle what interests you.
2. Based on our class norms to be a great learner, create a list of what we could be doing in our meets, during the week to ensure we are ready to learn and we continue to learn.
3.How about trying to learn how to introduce yourself in Niuean prior to the meet? Learn how to greet others in Niuean?
4. If you can, log into Kiwi Kids news and explore/read around before our meet.
FBS Forever!!!!
Can you learn how to greet others in Niuean?