Room 16
Welcome to Term 4!
Week 8
Monday- Week 8 - Home Learning Activities – CRT
Kia Ora Room16 Your meet today is at 11am. Here is the attached link: Room 16 Google Meet
Thank you to Jamis and Jovan for joining our zoom meet today. Here is a picture of what they did:
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Listen to the story below and see if you can answer the following questions relating to the story:
Rata and the rakau tree
Why was Rata really tired?
Why do you think Tane was looking for a tall and straight rakau?
Who is Tawhirimatea and what did he send to Tangaroa?
Who is Tangaroa and what did he send in return?
What was Rata saving his people from?
Why do you think everyone in the village will be pleased with Rata?
Who was watching Rata? Why were they horrified?
What was Rata meant to do before cutting the tree?
What happened the next morning when Rata returned?
How did he know it wasn’t a dream?
What did Rata fail to do again?
How did Rata find out about the tree?
Why do you think the animals put the tree back together?
What does respect mean?
Why do you think the insects built a giant waka for Rata?
How did Rata feel about the waka?
What did the insects want in return?
Read and understand the following whakatauki!
Recount the story in your own words:
1: 2: 3:
4: 5: 6:
Use the 6 pictures to recount the story:
Read the extract from the story and make sense of what this chunk means?
What does respect mean?:
Why do think he forgot to show respect?
What is the moral of the story?
Draw a picture of a weta:
Week 7
Whanau, remember to pick up the last learning pack for the year from between 10 am and 1 pm, today (Monday 30th November). Please wear a mask and come to the Flatbush Road gate. Thanks
Google Meet at 11am; Wed - Fri.
Monday & Tuesday - follow the plan for the week.
Plan for the week (click the link)
Weekly Quiz (click the link)
Week 6 (click here for the activity)
Weekly Quiz
Monday google meet
Week 5 (click here for the activity)
At school on Friday.
- Jamis, Talayna, Azalea and a few students from Room 10, 17, and 20 enjoyed the day. Although the internet was down for the whole day, the students coped well with lots of outdoor activities and creative mini-projects.
Monday - Week 4 - Home Learning Activities – CRT
Rahina Waru o Whiringa- a- rangi, rua mano rua tekau ma tahi
Kia Ora room 16, I hope you have all had a great weekend. Our zoom meet today is at 11am. Click on the link to join - Room 16 google meet . Look forward to seeing you all there, Miss Young
It was awesome seeing you all today. I hope you all enjoyed todays lesson on Parihaka. Remember to send your answers to Mrs Fonohema and you can complete the rest of the activities below if you have time.
Listen to the story below and answer the following questions below:
1: What date did the troops invade Taranaki?
2: How many troops were there?
3: What does Parihaka symbolise?
4:What was the larger korero about?
5:After the first Taranaki war in 1860 what did the government introduce?
6: What does the NZ settlement act mean?
7: What is the suppression of rebellion act?
8: How much Taranaki land was taken from Maori?
9:What did the government do with this land?
10:Where was the Peaceful village of parihaka?
11: Who were the Maori leaders?
Poster creations
![]() | Create your own Poster about Parihaka. Draw the leaders, or the Maunga, or the peaceful protesters. Add a phrase to your poster. |
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Can you imagine how much land was taken and how all those poor people felt when they were told to leave their homes/ lands or be put in jail.
![]() | I loved how the people of Parihaki stayed peaceful throughout the invasion. Do you know what peaceful is? look at the picture below and pick one idea of how you can try being peaceful at home. |
Think of another idea of how we could make NZ or the world more peaceful? | ![]() |
Maths problems
A1: On Monday, Tewhiti and Tohu share some Kumara.
Tewhiti has 2 Kumara . Tohu has 4 Kumara .
Together, how many Kumara do they have to share?
A2:If Tewhiti has 2 Kumara , and Tohu has 4 Kumara on Tuesday and Wednesday too, how many Kumara do they each have?
A3:What is the total number of Kumara that Tewhiti and Tohu share in three days?
B1:On Monday, Tewhiti and Tohu have 7 Kumara .
They are not equally shared.
2 of the Kumara are Tewhiti's.
How many Kumara are Tohu's?
B2:Tewhiti has the same number of Kumara each day up to (and including) Friday.
Altogether Tewhiti and Tohu have 20 Kumara .
How many Kumara are Tohu's that week?
C1:On Monday, Tewhiti, Tohu and Rogomai share some Kumara they'd been given.
Rogomai got half as many Kumara as Tewhiti, and Tohu got a third as many Kumara as Tewhiti got.
They got the same number of Kumara each day up to (and including) Friday.
End with Fitness session below!
Google Meet 11 am (click the link)
Room 16 is happy to have with us, Farha Nisha, for the next four weeks. We hope that the experiences you will have while you are in Room 16 will help to enrich your teaching profession.
Week 3
Click the link below. It will take you to the activity for the whole week:
Monday Google Meet
Tuesday Google Meet
Wednesday Google Meet
Thursday Google Meet
Friday Google Meet
Week 2 - Activities for Week Two
This week (week 2) is the Tokelauan Language Week!
Talofa. E a mai koutou?
Monday 25/10/21
- Labor Day
Tuesday - Friday (26 - 29 October, 2021)
Karakia - opening prayer
Check-In (Wellbeing & Inquiry mini-project from last week)
Any Questions/concerns?
Inquiry Booklet - manual or e-copy
Make a list of the children’s chosen activities
Clarification of activities, if there are questions.
Weekly Quiz (any question/s?)
Ministry of Education Learning Pack - make a list of the children’s focus activities.
Studyladder - Maths, Writing & Reading
Any Question/s?
Closing Karakia
Tuesday's Google Meet - So nice to have you Ms. Awhi with us at our google meet today and thank you Room 16 children for joining in today. Be happy and be active while doing your learning from home.
Week 1
Monday 18/10/2021
Learning Packs can be collected from the Flatbush Road Gate today from 10am - 1pm
Happy Niuean Language Week!
Let's all support Li'amanaia, his family, and the Niuean community to celebrate their beautiful Language.
Niuean Language week activity - learn the fun facts about Niue.
Week 1 Weekly Quiz - Click the link to open the weekly quiz. This activity helps us to practice our reading skills and to learn about what is currently happening in New Zealand and around the world.
First Google Meet for Term 4 (Monday 18/10/2021)
Tuesday 19/10/2021
1. Niuean Language week activity - learn the fun facts about Niue.
2. Choose two activities from the Inquiry Booklet that interest you the most. Have them ready so you can share them with us during the google meet.
3. It was a joy to see all these tamariki. Knowing that you are all safe and are enjoying your time with your family is a relief. Enjoy browsing through the activities in the Inquiry Booklet. Remember to pick two activities that interest you the most then share with us in the next google meet.
Wednesday 20/10/2021
1. Niuean Language week activity - learn about the location, population, and the people of Niue
2. Continue to work on the two activities that you chose on Tuesday and Wednesday.
3. Complete the weekly quiz.
4. Read a story from one of the journals that you had from the Ministry of Education Learning pack.
5. Practice Addition and Subtraction on Studyladder.
Li'amanaia Gatoloai and his brothers shared with us a treat for the third day of the Niuean Language Week.
Wednesday's google meet
Thanks for turning in to our google meet today, boys and girls.
Thursday 21/10/2021
1. Niuean Language week activity - learn about the location, population, and the people of Niue (play Kahoot on these topics tomorrow, Friday 22/10/2021)
2. Continue to work on the two activities that you chose for Inquiry Learning. Make sure to have one activity from the Creativity Mini Project activities.
3. Play Kahoot in today's google meet. The questions will be on the Fun Facts about Niue.
4. Read a story from one of the journals that you had from the Ministry of Education Learning pack.
5. Practice Addition and Subtraction on Studyladder
The Gataloai family shared with us how to count in Niuean Language.
Friday 22/10/2021
1. Niuean Language week activity - learn the greetings and the key phrases (play Kahoot on this topic)
2. Continue to work on the two activities that you chose for Inquiry Learning. Make sure to have one activity from the Creativity Mini Project activities.
3. Play Kahoot in today's google meet. The questions will be about the Population, Location, and the people of Niue.
4. Read a story from one of the journals that you had from the Ministry of Education Learning pack.
5. Practice Multiplication and Division on Studyladder