Term 1 2021 Room 14
The students in Room 14 are a mixture of years 3 and 4. I am Mrs Ezekiela, their teacher.
Please feel free to contact me via email: naomie@flatbush.school.nz
Karakia Timatanga
Home Learning – Karakia Timatanga Practice the ‘Karakia Timatanga’ so you know it off by heart. This karakia is one that all classes use at Flatbush to start the day. Home Learning – Karakia Timatanga This karakia is practiced every day when we have singing in the morning. |
This year I will put simple activities that you can practice at home. These activities are part of the learning in our classroom and will give you a chance to practice at home. Underneath each week, the home learning activities will be in a green box. Once the learning has been successful the colour will change to blue.
Student Inquiry
Kotahitanga - Unity
In wiki tuarua, our class tried a group activity about our student inquiry. The students were working together (Mahi Ngatahi) in 4 groups.
Each group had a sentence or question that was cut up and they needed to put it back together.
The students knew that the statement or question should have a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop or question mark at the end.
There was a lot of discussing and negotiating about what the sentence should say and what some of the words meant. Great inquiry skills.
Inquiry – Home Learning Find out the meaning of the word ‘community’. Community - Successful We found out that community is a group of people who live in the same place or belong with certain groups, for example, room 14 is a part of the Flat Bush School community. |
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuaono
Welcome back to school.
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuarima
Jacinda Ardern announced yesterday that Auckland will be moving into Alert Level 3 for 7 days. This means school is closed until further notice. Please keep safe and warm.
Ki Ora Room 14 We have a google meet every day at 11.00am. Please ask siblings to help you join our meet if you are unsure how to join. See you then. |
How to get onto google meet
Thank you Miss Patterson for letting us use your instructions for getting onto google meets. I'm thinking that if you are on an Ipad, you may need the Gmail app and google calendar to get the link for the google meet. Let me try it at home and update you.
Tuesday 2nd March – Google Meet | Well done to Non-non and her brother Eco in Room 17 for coming onto our room 14 google meet. Great to catch up with you Non-non. Thank you Miss Young for the shuttle video, we watched it together. See you again tomorrow at 11am. |
Wednesday 3rd March – Google Meet |
Hi everyone Today we had four Room 14 learners. They were Non-non, Violet, Maata and Wyntah. Thank you to your siblings and parents who helped you get on today. We talked about the learning challenge for today from our web page. Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of the google meet today. But we will see you all again tomorrow at 11am. |
Thursday 4th March – Google Meet | Our google meet today at 11am, we had Non-non, Violet and later on we had Maata and her mum. We looked at the learning challenge and tomorrow they may have completed the 26 objects in my house. Hopefully I will have completed that learning challenge!! |
Kia Ora
We have a change of time for our Room 14 google meet, we will meet at 10.30am on Friday. See you all then.
Team Whanake Learning Challenge
There will be one new learning activity each day. Your challenge is to see if by the end of this week you have completed as many of these activities as possible. Please share these with your teacher or me on my email naomie@flatbush.school.nz
Activity Five - Friday
Mahi Ngatahi - We work as a team
List all the ways that you and your whanau work together when you are in a lockdown.
Activity Four - Thursday
Atawhai - We value others
Give thanks to someone who you would like to show appreciation for something/anything. Share in written form such as a thank you letter/card. Either share with someone in your bubble, if they are not in your bubble you can email it or give it to them at a later stage. Take a picture of your appreciation letter and share it with your teacher to put on the class website.
Activity Three - Wednesday
Mahi Ngatahi - We work as a team
Work with someone in your bubble - find 26 items around the house. Each item must begin with a different letter of the alphabet.
If you can, take a photo of your 26 house items and email it to your teacher for her to share on your class page.
Activity Two - Tuesday
Tu Pono - We know who we are
1. Draw a picture of everyone in your bubble including any pets.
Art for kids hub - this website has YouTube clips for how to draw different
2. Write a compliment for everyone in your bubble.
Compliment means a polite expression of praise or admiration.
e.g., Karen is helpful because she always helps clean the dirty dishes.
Share your picture of everyone in your bubble & with your teachers or bring into school when we are back.
Activity One - Monday
Serve your AIGA (community) - do something positive for others. Record what you did in your home learning book or with photos. Share this with me each day if you can.
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuawha
We had our first session in the ‘Life Education’ van and the focus was on feelings. Naming the feelings, we have in different situations. The booklet the students got will be started in the classroom altogether. |
This is our new waiata that we have been learning in wiki tuawha. Our team has a short singing practice every morning under the covered outdoor learning area (COLA).
Wahanga Tuatahi, Wiki Tuatoru
We have had two great days back at school. We continued with our cricket and we started learning the actions for the waiata 'Haere Mai'.
Cricket – Home Learning Use a tennis ball. Practice throwing a tennis ball towards a target (wicket). - Front arm extended towards the target. - Eyes looking at the target. - Throw the ball along the line of the target. - Start closer to the target and then take a step back each time you get the target. Can you think of other ways to make it more challenging? |
Home Learning – Digital Devices If possible, practice opening up your emails and sending an email to the teacher. |
Jacinda Ardern announced today (Wednesday 17th February) that Auckland will move to alert level two from 11.59pm tonight.
See you all tomorrow.
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Jacinda Ardern announced yesterday that Auckland will be moving into Alert Level 3 from 11.59pm Sunday 14th February until 11.59pm Wednesday 17th February. Please keep safe and warm.
Distance Learning Activities
As we are still at Alert Level 3 until Wednesday at the moment, here is a link for distance learning activities you can do at home. If you are able to please send some photos or videos to my email – naomie@flatbush.school.nz and I will upload them to our class web page.
Remember to look after yourself and your whānau and take it easy. Try the home learning in the green box on this page as well.
Wahanga Tuatahi Wiki Tuarua
Waitangi Day
Hope everyone had a great Waitangi Day on Monday. As stated on Wikipedia, Waitangi Day (Māori: Te Ra o Waitangi) is the national day of New Zealand. It marks the anniversary of the first signing of the Treaty of Waitangi (6th February 1840). The Treaty of Waitangi is the founding document of New Zealand.
Learners Back at School
This week we have had most of our learners back at school, just a couple more to come. We will have a class photo for our class web page, once everyone has returned.
We had a Whakatau this week for new learners to Flatbush School. As you can see we have a lot of new learners to our school.
This week our team started cricket sessions. The students were throwing and catching the ball to themselves and a buddy. They also practiced batting and throwing the ball at a target (the wicket). They had a lot of fun!
Cricket – Home Learning Use a tennis ball. Practice throwing the ball into the air and catching it. To make it more challenging: - Throw the ball into the air and clap before you catch it. - Throw the ball into the air and catch it behind your back. Can you think of other ways to make it more challenging? |
Haere Mai song
As part of our Te Reo Maori learning, we have been learning this song 'Haere mai'. We have discussed the translation, and talked about words that are similar in our own cultures. Once we are confident with the kupu and the tune, we will learn the actions that we found on YouTube.
Singing – Home Learning Practice singing ‘Haere Mai’ at home with siblings or anyone at home. Haere Mai - Successful Congratulations - the singing of Haere Mai on Friday was fantastic. I can see that everyone has been learning this waiata and the actions. Now the students are singing it during class time. |
Digital Devices
This week, room 14 were learning how to sign in on the digital device, by remembering their password and email address. They practiced and helped each other to sign in and sign out. Once they were ready, they had a race to see who could sign into the device the fastest. Most students were able to do this and were happy that they could sign in without looking at their password.
Digital Device – Next Learning The next learning is to open google chrome and to find the Flatbush website and save as a bookmark. |
Digital Device – Home Learning If possible, practice signing into their email address and signing out as well. Digital Device - Success Congratulations - nearly everyone can sign into the device and sign out correctly. |