Haere Mai, Nau Mai ki te
TAU HOU 2022
Welcome Back to school Room 11 Learners.
Week 5: 28th Feb - 4th March
Super Bloomers If you didn't make it to class yet, think about all these things about you, so that when you come back you can fill out your page and we can put them on the wall. Please ask your Whanau to help you to fill in your Family Tree with correct spelling of family names.
* HOMEWORK Book Pages - If you have completed last week's homework pages 1-4, please continue on pages below
* Do page 5, 6, 7, and 8
* Continue learning all cards in your Homework bag
*Practice your Handwriting everyday
Week 4: Activities to do from Home
1. Homework Book: Do page 1, 2, 3, and 4
2. Write a story about something exciting or sad moments at home with your whanau.
3. Practice writing all letters in the Alphabet, here is a work sheet to help you.