Flat Bush

(09) 274 8279 20 Flat Bush Rd Otara, Auckland

House Sports Competition

On Friday 7 March, we held our first House Sports Competition for the year. Our tamariki came to school dressed in their House colours and were keen to try out all the fun activities that our teacher had prepared. The teachers rewarded points for Support, Teamwork, Attitude, Respect = STAR.First for the day was 'O le fogava'a e tasi'. They put Rata in the lead. Then Team Kakano had their turn and they put Rata in the lead. The last syndicate was Team Panekiretanga who put both Rimu and Kowhai as their top point scorers. At the end of the day, we were all winners but if you are looking at points, then it was as follows:


  A huge congratulations to everyone but especially Rimu for winning 200 tokens. Well deserved!