of Room 12 are passionate lifelong akonga, striving to be the best they can be! They are drivers of their own learning and work in partnership with their kaiako, aiga, peers and extended whanau to actively contribute to their learning.
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuaiwa | Rāpare 10 o Hakihea i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuaiwa | Rāhina 7 - Ramere 11 o Hakihea i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuawaru | Rāhina 30 o Whiringa-a-rangi - Ramere 4 o Hakihea i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuawhitu | Rāhina 23 - Ramere 27 o Whiringa-a-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuaono | Ko te Rāapa tekau ma waru o Whiringa-ā-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Roses for Miss Patterson
"These are an early birthday present for you" whispered Gwenavea, as she presented me with a beautiful bouquet of red roses.
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuaono | Ko te Rātu tekau ma iwa o Whiringa-ā-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuaono | Rāhina 16 - Ramere 20 o Whiringa-a-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This term Rm 12 has been working on NZ native animals (see the video above). Through art they have created a stencil sketch of their chosen animal. They used chalk and pastels and learnt the Maori name of their animal. They then created a class animal song.
Ms Young & Mr Moiho
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuarima | Ko te Rāapa tekau ma tahi o Whiringa-a-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we celebrated Morgan's 9th birthday. Check out the photos and our whole class shared writing below:
Morgan's Birthday
I saw Morgan bring a a cake to school this morning. I heard the class singing "Happy Birthday" to Morgan. I felt excited! I felt joyful because I got to eat some cake with the class. I wondered why didn't Morgan like her cake?
By Room 12
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuarima | Rahina 9 - Ramere 13 o Whiringa-a-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuawha | Rahina 2 - Ramere 6 o Whiringa-a-rangi i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This morning our ten terrific FBS authors shared their book 'This Special Place' with us! Each class was gifted their very own 'This Special Place' book. Hotili visited Room 12 this afternoon and read his part of the book to us (see photo on the right). We are so PROUD if him achieving his dream of being a published writer!
We were inspired by Hotili, 'Otufanga, Teuila, Daetyn, Mickheila, Noah, Siaosi, Tavia, Mishana and Bella to write our own stories. Today we planned our writing about our respective homes. We thought about a special time we have had at home with our whanau/aiga. We thought about the special event, who we were with, what we did, how we felt and why.
STAY TUNED to check out our finished writing later this week...
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuawha | Ramere 30 o Whiringa-a-nuku i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We love learning in Room 12. We know that we come to school to learn! This week we have been spending one on one time with Miss Patterson to see what stage we are working at for mathematics. Faiupu, Gwenavea and Tauetera used their place value knowledge to solve two and three digit addition problems. Be sure to ask your child what maths stage they are working at.
Manuia le aso
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuatoru | Ratu 27 o Whiringa-a-nuku i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
On Tuesday 27th October we went with Rooms 13, 9 and 11 to MOTAT. When we got to MOTAT Miss Patterson put our class into groups with our adult helpers. The adult helpers were David, Mint and Tony. When we got to the meeting place we had morning tea.
After morning tea we went into Building 5. When we were inside Building 5 we saw old planes pictures. Then we went to Building 4. There we saw old fire trucks and we saw an old car too. Then we had lunch.
After lunch we went to take pictures on the MOTAT sign. Then we went to look at the old racing cars. Then we took a look at the old cars. We left Building 3 and we went to Building 1. When we were inside Building 1 we saw games. We stayed and played the games for 2 minutes before going to the meeting place.
It was time for our session with the MOTAT educator. We followed her to a cold room. She talked about simple machines. We had fun because we had to build stufff. I tried to make a car, it was hard but I still tried, until our play time was up. I felt happy as we left the cold room. In the afternoon we went to play on the big roller and small roller. I was tired when I was running on the big roller. After that we left and went on the bus.
We were on the bus with room 11. We had a race to see which bus would get to school first...We won because the other bus took the long way and our bus took the fast way! We were walking to our class when the second bus arrived. We arrived back at school safe and sound, we went to our classroom and after that we went to play at the park.
I felt happy, excited and tired after a great day at MOTAT!
By Darius Savusa
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuatoru | Rahina 26 - Ramere 30 o Whiringa-a-nuku i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
I trust everyone has had a FANTASTIC long weekend with your whanau/aiga. Our school week is short this week and starts off with a bang! Tomorrow: Tuesday 27th October 2020, we are finally going on our MOTAT trip!!! THANK YOU whanau for returning MOTAT permission slips and money to school. The weather forecast is 'mostly sunny'.
Please remember the following in preparation for our MOTAT trip:
Please let me know if you have any questions. We can't wait to go to MOTAT tomorrow!
Ka kite apopo
Miss Patterson
Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue 2020 | Aho Gofua 19 Oketopa 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue 2020 | Aho Tapu 18 - Aho Faiumu 24 Oketopa 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This week our FBS family launched Niuean language (see video clip above).
Wahanga Tuawha, Wiki Tuatahi | Rahina 12 - Ramere 16 o Whiringa-a-nuku i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
It's GREAT to be back at Level 1 in Auckland and to be back together...safe and sound in Room 12 at FBS.
Today our school gathered under our NEW outdoor learning area. Mr Avatea celebrated our FBS learners who had been at school every day in Term 3. CONGRATUALTIONS to our Room 12 100% Term 3 attendees: Tauetera and Gwenavea!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
New Zealand Chinese Language Week | Sunday 20th - Saturday 26th September 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Wahanga Tuawaru, Wiki Tuaiwa | Rahina 14 - Ramere 18 o Maharu i te tau 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Kei te whakanui tātou i te wiki o te reo Māori i tēnei wiki. This week we're celebrating Māori language week.
Uike Lea Faka-Tonga 2020 | Pulelulu, 8 Sepitema
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today Tongan artist Filipe Tohi talked to a select group of senior students/art enthusiasts about his Tongan art. He is the artist responsible for the new bus interchange artwork in Otara. We listened in to his talk via Google Meet. After lunch Otufanga and visited Room 12. Otufanga read the story 'My Sister' in Tongan to us. Then her classmate read the story to us in English (see photos above). What a great way to celebrate Tongan Language Week here at FBS this week!
Malo 'aupito
Miss Patterson
Uike Lea Faka-Tonga 2020 | Tusite, 7 Sepitema
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Congratulations to Karla from Rm 12 who won the 'butt kick challenge' achieving 120 kicks. It was a close finish, with Ezra close behind...but he needed to kick his legs up higher. Thank you all for practising your challenge during Level 3 lockdown and for taking part in our challenge today!!! Here is our Butt kick challenge video:
Uike Lea Faka-Tonga 2020 | Sapate, 6 Sepitema - Tokonaki, 12 Sepitema
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today marks the start of Tongan Language Week 2020 at FBS. We begun the day with an official opening, including prayer and songs said and sung in Tongan.
Our poem for this week is Mālō e Lelei . We are practising how to greet one another in Tongan saying "Malo e lelei". This poem tells us that Malo e lelei means "I think your awesome" and "thanks for being that way". Our challenge for this week is to make someones day, by smiling and saying "Malo e lelei".
Students are invited to wear their pasifika clothes to school this week (if they want to).
Malo 'aupito
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru,Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 7, Thursday 3rd September 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we started our learning day off with the sound of continuous beating, it was great to have Mr D, our drumming teacher with us again. Our 45 minute session just flew by!
We had 10 Brilliant Learners at school yesterday and today. How many learners will we have at school tomorrow?
Tomorrow: Friday 4th September we have a free Mufti day and sausage sizzle at FBS. We are having this special day to acknowledge the hard work, effort and learning of ALL our FBS learners and their whanau/aiga. See you there!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru,Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 7, Tuesday 1st September 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
It is good to be back together at school! We had nine brilliant learners return to FBS yesterday and eleven Room 12 learners today...we miss our classmates and hope that they will come back to school soon.
Today we went swimming with our Room 9 friends. Each of us got two new duffy books (see photo above) today too. Happy reading Brilliant Learners!
Kia pai to ra (have a good day),
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru,Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3,Week 7,Monday 31st August - Friday 4th September 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
The wait is over and we are back at FBS! I have missed you all and can't wait to catch up face to face with you today...
For those of you who have a school chromebook, please REMEMBER to bring it back to school. Chromebooks are to be returned to me in Room 12, THANKS in advance.
We will continue with our Community Swim lessons on Tuesday 1st September at Otara Pools and Leisure Centre. Remember to bring your togs and towel to school tomorrow. We look forward to our drumming session with Mr D on Thursday this week too! Our basketball session with Counties Manukau and Bible session on Friday will begin when we move to Alert Level 1.
It's a jam packed learning week for our Brilliant Learners of Room 12...let the fun begin!!!
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 6, Thursday 27th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This morning I received an email from Faiupu with this video clip (see above). Can you accept Faiupu's challenge and learn how to spell your name in sign language too?
Only four more sleeps until we are ALL back together FBS Brilliant Learners! See you all soon...
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 6, Wednesday 26th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Simrah has been working hard at home this week (see photos above). The Seau aiga continue to explore their scientific skills at home during our distance learning this week. Today they explored how substances change when exposed to heat and cold when making an Ice Chocolate Frappe (see photo on the left). Here is the recipe:
2 tablespoons of milo
2 teaspoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of hot water
1 cup of milk
5 ice cubes
1. Mix milo, sugar and hot water for 5 minutes OR until thick or foamy
2. Blend one cup of milk and 5 ice cubes
3. Pour blended milk/ice cubes and chocolate mixture into a cup
4. Drink up and ENJOY your Ice Chocolate Frappe
Fa'afetai tele lava Faiupu for sharing your home learning with us. I can't wait to try it out! You could try out this experiment at home with your whanau too...
You can continue to work from home on these learning tasks:
Distance Learning Activities Term 3, Weeks 5 and 6 Simple Machines Student Inquiry Home Learning Term 3 2020
Remember you can TUNE into Papa Kainga TV from 9am - 1pm, Monday to Friday on TVNZ Duke too. Happy home learning Room 12 akonga.
Meitaki Maata,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 6, Tuesday 25th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We can do our part by keeping ourselves and others safe by wearing a face mask or covering just like our New Zealand Pasifika role models above, Dame Valerie Adams, Lesina Nakhid-Shuster and David Tua. I wore my face mask yesterday when I did my food shopping at my local Bakers Delight, Fruit World and Countdown.
Today Faiupu took up the FBS DL Mahi Ngatahi challenge to set up a chain reaction using small wooden blocks...check out her video clip below:
Our FBS learning support staff have been working hard today putting together food parcels that they then delivered to our FBS learners and their aiga (see photos below).
Take care and stay safe.
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 6, Monday 24th - Friday 28th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we celebrate Simrah's home learning (see photos above). She has been working hard on her home learning tasks in the FBS distance learning hard pack. Gwenavea and her dad have been working together on her FBS distance learning hard pack tasks too (see photo on the right).
We continue to learn at home this week...but will be back together in Room 12 soon. Today (24.8.20) the Prime Minister announced that Auckland will remain at Level 3 until 11.59pm Sunday 30th August and then we will move to Level 2. FBS will be open for ALL students on Monday 31st August. I look forward to seeing you then...
Nga manaakitanga,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 5, Friday 21st August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we acknowledge Faiupu's SUPER STAR SCIENTIST skills. She has continued her simple machines scavenger hunt, identifying home items that use HEAT and LIGHT (see photos above). What home items have you found that use heat and light?
Yesterday Gwenavea shared a video clip (see below) telling and showing us what we needed to make a simple catapult. She is so keen for others to have a go too that she wrote up the procedure using photos and captions. Check it out here: Simple catapult by Gwenavea.
Remember you can TUNE into Papa Kainga TV from 9am - 1pm, Monday to Friday on TVNZ Duke. I have included an episode link below for your viewing pleasure:
Home Learning TV - Early Literacy Learning with Monique Cox-Timmer 20.8.20
Mrs Ezekiela watched it yesterday and recommended it! What types of machines do you see in this episode?
Kia pai te mutunga o te wiki (have a good weekend),
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 5, Thursday 20th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Gwenavea is a home learning SUPER STAR SCIENTIST who has been exploring her home for simple machines...check out her scavenger hunt grid above. She also made a simple catapult at home too. Check out the video below to see what you need to make one too...
Whaea Julie has set a learning task too. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Tie a spoon to a piece of string or wool. What sounds do you hear? Do you hear a 'ping' or a 'bong'? Then you can change the length of the strong or wool. Does the sound change? STAY TUNED to see the results of Gwenavea's science experiment.
We are gutted we didn't get to go to MOTAT last Wednesday but are EXCITED to go on our school trip when its safe to do so, sometime soon we hope!
We can show our school value of Mahi Ngatahi: We work as a team, by wearing a mask or face covering when we are out and about in Auckland. Not only are we members of our Room 12 and FBS teams...we are also a team of 5 million New Zealanders as we work together in our fight against COVID-19.
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 5, Wednesday 19th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we celebrate the home learning of Jasmine, Francis and Jericho and their dedicated and talented home teacher: Shalon aka mum! Check out the photos above...
Today Faiupu and Tyler started their home learning day with a jump jam session (see video clip above). Sao was motivated to follow the Seau aiga's example...so he had a jump jam session at his home too!
There is a lot of work going on at school at the moment. Check out the photos (courtesy of Mr Avatea) and video clip above (courtesy of Mrs Ezekiela). What simple machines can you spot?
Continue to be the drivers of your home learning! I can't wait to see what else our Brilliant Learners choose to do at home with your whanau while we are in Alert Level 3.
Meitaki Maata,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 5, Tuesday 18th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our Room 12 scientists have been working hard on their scavenger hunt task. Yesterday Karla watched the Simple Machines video (see photo above). Then Karla and her mum went on a hunt for simple machines they could find at home and at the park. Karla took photos of the simple machines she found and recorded her findings on a google doc that she then shared with me. Check out her AMAZING work here: Simple Machines by Karla. Karla is not only developing her science skills but her digital technology skills too. Kia pai to mahi Karla!
It's been great to hear from you, letting me know that you and your aiga are well. I have been chatting with Simrah, Karla and Sao via email, google chat or google hangouts (see photo above). Simrah celebrated her birthday last weekend with a family BBQ and birthday cake. Manuia le aso fanau Simrah!
Today I received another email from Faiupu, sharing with me this photo (on the left) of the things she found at home that need electricity. WOW there are so many simple machines (TV, phone, fan, microwave, toaster, vacuum, light bulb, christmas lights, stove, keyboard, electric guitar, fridge, heat pump, remote control, laundry machine, dryer, kettle, keyboard, hood range and microphone) that you use at home Faiupu that require power. What would we do without electricity?
Fa'afetai tele lava aiga for picking up learning packs and devices from FBS yesterday. Your support with your child's learning at home is so greatly appreciated! Remember you can also tune into The Home Learning TV channel. It is free to air on TVNZ Duke and TVNZ on demand and airs from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday.
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
CRT - Kia Ora Rm 12
Let the games begin 17/8/20
I hope you are all doing well during this lockdown. Unfortunately we will not get the chance to catch up today for CRT so instead Mr Moiho and myself have decided to put forward a challenge for your class. Your class will be challenging Rm 15 in a butt flicks challenge. When we are back at school we will get together and see who can do the most butt flicks in one minute. If you think you can master this, then you may just win the challenge for your class. If you can make a video and send it to your teacher even better: Check out the video (on the right) for details.
Nga mihi, Mrs Young
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 5, Monday 17th - Friday 21st August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We may not be able to come together at school right now...but we can still celebrate the learning success of our Brilliant Learners here: Room 12 Celebration of Success 30.7.20
Have a go at these home learning tasks: Simple Machines Student Inquiry Home Learning Term 3 2020
A hard copy of the Scavenger Hunt and the Student Inquiry document have been included in your new learning packs. I will also email the FBS DL tasks and share it via google too. Your whanau can pick up hard copy learning packs from our FBS library and a device (if needed) from Rooms 16 and 17 on Monday 17th August 2020 between 9am - 3pm. Contact tracing will be in place.
Stay tuned to see what our Brilliant Learners find out when exploring our Angitutanga Guiding Questions:
If I change something, what happens?
When something changes, what is the success that comes out of it?
We can continue our fight against COVID-19 by being kind, staying positive, washing our hands, sneezing and coughing into our elbow, wearing a mask or face cover when we are out and keeping a 2 metre distance from other community members who aren't in our bubble. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 4, Friday 14th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
My thoughts have been with each of you and your respective whanau as we have all stayed home...in our shared effort to keep each other safe from COVID-19. As Aucklanders have returned to Alert Level 3 again this week, you may enjoy reading these stories at home with your family:
Be a Coronavirus Fighter COVID 19 My Hero is You When the world stayed home
Bear goes into lockdown Bear settles into lockdown Bear stays in lockdown
It was great to receive an email from Faiupu today letting me know that her aiga is well. Yesterday Faiupu emailed me her illustrations of Facebook and Instragram (see photo on left), two activities that are keeping her entertained at home.
Tonight our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern announced that Alert Level 3 in Auckland has been extended until 11.59pm Wednesday 26th August. FBS DL will resume and new home learning tasks will be available here on our Rm 12 class page from next Monday. You can pick up hard copy learning packs from our FBS library and a device (if needed) from Rooms 16 and 17 on Monday 17th August 2020 between 9am - 3pm.
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 4, Wednesday 12th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Last night our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern announced that Auckland (Wellsford to Pukekohe) will return to Alert Level 3 at 12pm today: Wednesday 12th August until midnight Friday 14th August, while the rest of the country will go to Alert Level 2.
Flat Bush School is CLOSED. We will not be going to MOTAT today as planned. We will update you as we receive further details. Please feel free to keep in touch with me via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
BE SAFE, STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES. He waka eke noa, we're all in this together.
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3, Week 4, Monday 10th - Friday 14th August 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our learning week in Room 12 has started off with a bang...
Our brilliant learners enjoy buddy reading with our newest FBS learners in Room 23 each day. On Monday they decided to read to their buddy while on the Senior playground and our independent writers wrote to retell what Hugo could see while wearing his glasses using google docs (see photos above).
On Tuesday Mrs Crawley visited us. We showed her what 'good writers do' (see photo on the left). We had our third class community session (see photo above) at Otara Pool and Leisure Centre. It was Daleini's first time with us...she had a blast!!! She was quick to catch up with her fellow group members and did a stellar job of floating on her back using a flutter board. Check out the video clip below:
THANK YOU whanau for returning MOTAT permission slips and money to school. Rooms 14 and 15 visited MOTAT today. You can check out their MOTAT trip photos here: Room 14 class page. We can't wait to go to MOTAT tomorrow...
Nga mihi
Miss Patterson
Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani 2020 | Tapati Ra 2 - Ma'anakai Ra 8 o 'Aukute 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This week in Aotearoa we celebrate 'Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani 2020' - Cook Islands Language Week 2020. At FBS this morning we launched off the week with the Cook Island flag raising ceremony (see photos above). Our FBS Cook Island group looked stunning in their cultural attire and sung beautifully too (see video clip below).
We ended the day with a performance from our special guests: Manurewa High Cook Island Group (see photo above). Stay tuned for more photos and video clips to be added here soon.
A special SHOUT OUT goes out to Tauetera, Hayzill and Gwenavea for their dedication and talents as actively engaged members of our FBS Cook Islands group. To see what else is happening this week at FBS have a look here: Cook Islands Language Week 2020
Meitaki Maata,
Miss Patterson
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Yesterday was our Celebrating Success afternoon at FBS (see photos above). It was a joy to hear each of you sharing with your whanau/aiga two positive experiences you've had this year (e.g., I am a confident reader and writer), a plus one, for example "I enjoy playing with my friends at school" and a piece of work that you are particularly PROUD of!
Today we had our first basketball session with Auckland Basketball instructors. We have some very keen Basketball players in Room 12 who enjoyed developing and improving their large ball skills! Our Middle team classes also had their first singing assembly this afternoon too. It's been a fun filled week of learning at FBS!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuarua | Term 3, Week 2, Thursday 30th July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we started our learning day off by showing Mr D that we were ready for our drumming session (see video clip above). We continued to explore and refine our drumming skills...Mr D was so impressed ith how quick our Room 12 team of drummers picked up the drumming beat and rhythm combinations (see video clip below) that he taught us more then he had planned to!
Room 12 Brilliant Learners finished off the day celebrating their successes with their whanau/aiga. What a great opportunity it was for me to spend quality time with you and your respective families (see photos below).
He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuarua | Term 3, Week 2, Wednesday 29th July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we had the AMAZING Mrs Tuteru visit Room 12 to work with us. She talked to us about how we are like a family. We learnt that when we work with each other at school we treat each other like we are family. We talked about how we respect each other at school, just like we respect our family members at home. We know it is important to include everyone when we work together at school, nobody is left out or ignored!
We talked about what it means to BE AN ACTIVE LISTENER. We agreed that an active listener looks at the person who is speaking with their listening ears switched on. Active listeners are able to repeat or re voice what their buddy has said. Then we worked with a buddy to practise being active listeners.
We also discussed how we can help each other with our learning by ASKING QUESTIONS. For example, if we are confused we can ask a buddy "Can you please repeat that?"
Our korero also included what it means to BE A DRIVER...NOT A PASSENGER. We know that a DRIVER is someone who does lots of thinking and works hard. We all want to BE A DRIVER in our own learning!
Did you know it's OK to make mistakes...that is how we learn. For example, if Miss Patterson said "6 + 6 = 14", I have made a mistake. As a driver, I can think about how I got the wrong answer. When my buddy explains to me that "6+4=10+2=12 so 6+6=12 not 14" I am able to think through how I got the answer wrong and then correct where I went wrong. In Room 12 we love the learning we get when making mistakes.
Lastly we reflected on how we can have a FRIENDLY ARGUMENT when we AGREE or DISAGREE with someone. For example, if Miss Patterson said "2 x 6 = 14" you can say "Miss Patterson, I disagree that 2 x 6 = 14 because I know that 6 + 6 = 12."
A HUGE SHOUT OUT goes to Mrs Tuteru for working with us today...Room 12 Brilliant Learners will continue to practise these collaborative ways of working together to be the VERY BEST LEARNERS WE CAN BE!!!
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuarua | Term 3, Week 2, Tuesday 28th July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we had our first Community Swim session at Otara Leisure Centre. Our Brilliant Learners were ready with their togs and towel and keen to get into the water! Our three Community Swim instructors: Alyssa, Jake and Lucy worked with our 19 participants today.
Room 12 swimmers were put into two groups. Hayzill, James, Tauetera and Kiripa worked with Lucy blowing bubbles under the water, gliding on the water using their kicking feet and putting their arms together to form a triangle to help them swim. They also dove under water to collect swimming rings and practised swimming backwards on their backs too!
The rest of our Room 12 swimmers worked with Jake and Alyssa. First they put their googles on. Then they practising floating on their front/chest followed by floating in the water on their back. The next challenge was to float on their chest and then turn or flip themselves over to float on their front. To end the session they got into two teams and had a running relay race.
We had a BLAST at our first Community Swim session and can't wait for our second lesson next Tuesday!
Ia Manuia,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuarua | Term 3, Week 2, Monday 27th - Friday 31st July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we CELEBRATE Aiyana, Bob and PJ (see photo above)...our FBS Learner winners. All three have been actively participating in their learning tasks!!!
Room 12 students have their FIRST Community Swim tomorrow: Tuesday 28th July 2020 from 2.00 - 2.30pm at Otara Leisure Centre. The Community Swim bus will pick us up from FBS at 1.30pm and we hope to be back at FBS for the end of the school day at 3pm. Please remind your child to bring their togs, a towel and a plastic bag to with them tomorrow to school! You would have received a reminder text this afternoon (see photo on the right).
Our Brilliant Learners also brought home with them today an 'Interview Times' notice (see photo on the left) with your child's name, class room number and their interview time for our FBS Celebration of Success this Thursday 30th July. The Room 12 akonga can't wait to share with you - their whanau/aiga, their learning successes they have had this year at FBS!!!
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 3, Week 1, Friday 24th July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our first week of Term 3 has flown by and we have some much to be proud of over the past five days...
THANK YOU to our Room 12 whanau/aiga for returning Community Swim permission slips. 20 of our 22 Brilliant Learners have permission to swim at Otara Pool and Leisure Centre. We can't wait till our first session next Tuesday!
A huge Fa'afetai tele lava also goes out to Aiyana, Bob, Francis, Cypruss, Tyler, Darius, Karla, Simrah, Hayzill, Faiupu, Sao, PJ, Tauetera, Ezra, Gwenavea, Ben, Kiripa and James and their respective whanau/aiga for booking in a time to meet with me next Thursday 30th July 2020 as part of our FBS Celebrating Success afternoon. We look forward to sharing with you the two positives, a plus one and one piece of 2020 learning your child is particularly PROUD of!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 3, Week 1, Thursday 23rd July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
In celebration of Matariki, the Taha Maori team have hosted Matariki lunchtime activities. On Rahina FBS students took part in Tī tī tōrea (Maori stick games) with Ms Browne and Whaea Dinah. On Ratu Ms Browne taught our tamariki how to make origami stars. On Raapa, Miss Patterson played Matariki Pingo (Bingo) with our FBS akonga. Today our FBS learners explored their artisitic skills, drawing and then painting kowhaiwhai pattern/s of their choice onto a colour painted rocks. Kau mau te wehi FBS akonga!!!
Kai pai to ra,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 3, Week 1, Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This week at FBS we have been celebrating Matariki - The Maori New Year. Our shared reading for this week we have been reading Matariki Breakfast. You are welcome to read this at home with your child too: RTR-Matariki Breakfast-Online.pdf. You can also listen to the story here: Matariki Breakfast.mp3. Today we also played Matariki Bingo (see photo above). We learnt more about the Matariki Stars and special things we can do with our whanau to celebrate Matariki.
CONGRATULATIONS to Kiripa who has received twelve gold principal stickers. His Gold Chart is full and he has been recognised with a prize from Mr Avatea's prize box. He chose a pack of tennis balls to enjoy with his whanau and friends.
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 3, Week 1, Tuesday 21st July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We have started the NEW Term off with a hiss and a roar...getting straight back into the joy of learning!!! James, Francis and Ben had a blast with Miss Vera learning new words and improving their literacy learning.
Yesterday Sao, Faiupu, Morgan and James relished playing Connect 4 and Simrah and Tyler played Hippos with our AWESOME kaiawhina and fellow FBS students in our FBS Library during the wet lunchtime break.
Lastly, CONGRATULATIONS to Francis and Kiripa who have been working hard on their Lexia Programme. It's been a great day of learning in Room 12!
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuatoru, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 3, Week 1, Monday 20th - Friday 24th July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
It's official...SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION!!! Today marks the first day of Term 3 at FBS. I trust you all enjoyed your school holiday break and are happy to get back into the Monday to Friday school groove.
This week we will continue celebrating Matariki, the Maori New Year. FBS students are invited to participate in Matariki lunchtime activities each day (excluding Friday) this week in Room 13 from 12.30 - 1.15pm.
This term we have weekly drumming sessions on Thursday from 9.00 - 9.45am starting this week. Next week on Tuesday 28th July our Community Swim lessons will begin. A Community Swim letter and permission slip will be coming home today with your child. Our CELEBRATING FBS SUCCESS evening is next Thursday 30th July from 1 - 6pm. This is will be a time to come together to celebrate the learning of your child. Please mark your calendar! We also have P.E sessions with Auckland Basketball instructors starting next Friday too. Lastly, our Year 3/4 classes will be visiting MOTAT in Week 4 as part of our Student Inquiry (more details will be sent home soon). It's going to be a jam packed Term 3!
Welcome back everyone...
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 12, Friday 3rd July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we also had a Middle Team Assembly where we celebrated the AMAZING learning that our Year 3 and 4 FBS learners have done this term (see photo above). We also warmed up and exercised our Te Reo Maori waiata skills and enjoyed being with one another on the last day of Term 2!
A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT goes out to Faiupu, Sao, Darius, Gwenavea, Tauetera and Simrah who were recognised today at assembly. Feel free to ask them what they received their certificate for. For example, Sao received his certificate and book for being a committed Rm 23 buddy who has demonstrated our FBS value of Maanakitanga - we care about others.
Our Skids Bible sessions have started up again too...our Middle Team classes have a 30 minute session from 9.30 - 10am every Friday morning. We have been learning about how we can be happy when facing challenges.
What a great way to end Term 2 by coming together one with another as a Middle School whanau. Check out more photos from our Middle Team hui below...
Term 2 begins on Monday 20th July at 8.55am. Continue to be the AMAZING self-motivated FBS learners that you are, reading and writing at home and practising your maths basic fact skills.
Ka pai te hararei (Have a good holiday),
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 12, Wednesday 1st - Thursday 2nd July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Honey, honey, honey, we've got love in our tummy...our FBS bees have been working hard and we have reaped the benefits! Each class recently received a jar of honey. Room 15 had tasted their FBS honey on toast. They were so generous that they shared some honey on toast with me (see photo on the right). We wondered about how we could enjoy our honey? Someone suggested crumpets, we thought honey on crumpets was a great idea!
Firstly, we dropped the crumpet into the toaster and pushed down the toaster lever (see first below). Once the crumpet popped up at the end of 5 minutes we removed the crumpet from the toaster and place it on a paper towel. Then using a knife we spread the FBS honey on top of our warm crumpet (see second below). Finally we were ready to devour our crumpet (see third photo below). "Thank you Miss Patterson, that was delicious" said Room 12 students.
We LOVED sampling the honey made by our busy FBS bees. There is still lots of honey left in our class jar to enjoy! There's nothing like a hot honey and lemon drink, especially during this winter season. What suggestions do you have for using our honey? Let us know your ideas so we can give them a go.
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 12, Tuesday 30th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Each term each FBS class spends two days with Mrs Young and Mojo developing their Physical Education (P.E), Visual Arts, Oral Language and Collaborative skills. This term our Brilliant Learners learnt how to retell a story, using a clear loud voice, changing their voices to match the characters of the story. They also created different art work pictures to illustrate the main ideas of the story. Finally they were able to record a video of their retelling of the Maori myth and legend 'In the Beginning'. See our story above as illustrated and read by our Brilliant Learners.
Our Brilliant Learners also learnt about Matariki and made Matariki stars (see photo below) too! We chose to put our whetu (stars) up on our learning wall in Room 12. You are welcome to visit us in class to check out our Matariki stars.
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 12, Monday 29th June - Friday 3rd July 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
5 school days to go! Our last week of Term 2 is here...Our fabulous learners of Room 12 have made HUGE progress in their Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Student Inquiry, Health and Physical Education and Learning Languages learning this term!
In celebration of the past 12 weeks of 'DISTANCE' and 'AT SCHOOL' learning we will be having a FREE MUFTI DAY this Thursday 2nd July. What a great way to acknowledge all of our FABULOUS FBS LEARNERS.
He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 11, Thursday 25th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we had our first CODING LIKE A PIRATE session with our Principal Mr Avatea. First he read us a pirate story. Then we got ready to 'code like a pirate' used thought of our favourite colour and animal to come up with our pirate name. We wrote down our pirate name on a piece of paper. Then we practised moving like a pirate by following directions as displayed on the screen or given by Mr Avatea. When we saw a forward arrow, we moved forward one step. When we saw a left arrow, when turned left. When we saw a right arrow, we turned right. Check out our video clip below:
Finally we CODED LIKE A PIRATE! We followed the directions to locate specific items on a map e.g., a sword, treasure or pirate flag (see photos below). We can't wait to see what is in store for our next session with Mr Avatea in Term 3!
FBS Forever
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 11, Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We have started Week 11 of this term with a bang...
Each day Kiripa and Francis spend 30 mins a day using the online Lexia programme that helps them develop and improve their literacy skills. CONGRATULATIONS to Francis and Kiripa for achieving your Lexia learning goals (see photo above)!
Last night Gwenavea participated in her first hockey session. I was so happy to receive these photos via email from Gwenavea's nana. What a great example of Gwenavea's whanau sharing her learning with us (see photos on the left).
I have been able to spend one on one time with Baba, Cypris, Kiripa, Ben, PJ, James and Cyprus K over the past two days. Each of them now know what maths stage they are now working at. Feel free to ask them what stage in maths they are working at so they can share it with you!
Our Brilliant Learners are passionate life long learners who continue to strive to be the BEST they can be!
Nga mihi nui
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 11, Monday 22nd - Friday 26th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
The countdown until our next break has begun...with two school weeks remaining until our July school holidays.
This week we continue to be THE BRILLIANT LEARNERS that we are! I will continue to spend one on one time with Room 12 students so that they can show me how they solve maths word problems and determine which maths stage they are working at. Feel free to visit us and check out our Maths wall to see what stages we are working at in Mathematics.
Have a GREAT WEEK everyone...
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 10, Thursday 18th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we welcomed our newest Room 12 Brilliant Learner...Cypruss Koroheke.
Cypruss, his younger sister and older brother are new to Flat Bush School.
Cypruss is our 23rd class member and has the same name as another boy in our class. Therefore he will be known as 'Cypruss K' in Room 12, so we can tell the difference between the two. Cypruss K has been getting to know his new Year 3 and 4 peers and his teachers Miss Patterson, Whaea Julie and Miss Vera too! He is becoming familiar with our routines and learning programmes and knows that we come to school to learn!
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 10, Wednesday 17th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today I spent one on one with time Gwenavea, Sao and Simrah. Each of them showed and/or told me which maths strategy they used to a range of solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and fraction maths problems. At the end of our time together we were able to determine which maths stage each of them are working at. For our whole class modelled writing today I used my senses to retell how Gwenavea solved a multiplication word problem using her timetable knowledge (see photo above). Gwenavea can't wait to share this news with her whanau!
We celebrated Gwenavea working at Early Stage 6, Sao working at Stage 6 and Simrah working at Early Stage 5 in Mathematics today! They were able to move their names to their respective maths stage on our Maths wall. I will continue to work one on one with each Room 12 student so that each student will know which maths strategy stage they are working at. Our Brilliant Learners are so keen to see where they are working at in Mathematics that they are volunteering to work with me and/or asking when they can work with me.
I encourage to ask your child what maths stage they are currently working at. We will keep you posted on how we are going in our maths learning...
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 10, Tuesday 16th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We are continuing to use our senses to write to retell a moment in time. Simrah and Darius shared their writing with us today. Ben and Kiripa have been working on writing super sentences using their senses too. When working with the Joy Cowley Tuhituhi Ropu (Ben, Kiripa, Francis, Cypris and Baba) we co-constructed two sentences using our senses:
I saw my aunty sitting on the chair, playing the piano. I felt happy, excited and joyful!
Our Joy Cowley writing group know that they have written super sentences because they have a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a full stop or an exclamation mark at the end of each sentence. They were also successful in using three adjectives in one sentence. MALO Ben, Kiripa, Francis, Cyris and Baba!
Stay TUNED to see what else our Brilliant Learners do when they write...
Ia Manuia,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 10, Monday 15th - Friday 19th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today for writing we thought about a time when someone helped us with our learning. Then we wrote to recount that moment in time. We used our senses, What we heard, what we saw, how we felt and what we wondered when retelling our story. Her challenge was to use three adjectives in one sentence. She wrote her story by herself...she shared her writing with Miss Patterson, Mrs Hira, Ms Brown, Mrs Crawley and Mr Avatea. TINO RAWE TO MAHI (Excellent work) MORGAN!!!
Check out Morgan's writing below:
I heard my mum walking down the hall to the lounge. I saw her sitting next to me and helping me with my spelling words. I felt, excited and thankful. I wondered if I could do some of the spelling words by myself?
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 9, Friday 12th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
It has been a fun filled week of activities to show our aroha for our AMAZING support staff here at FBS! Today staff wore PINK to show our appreciation for our support staff. We had a morning tea where each support staff member received a envelope jam packed with THANK YOU cards - one from each class here at school, while also receiving a beautiful orchid each. They looked HOT in their black and pink sweatshirts too!!! Have a look at the photos above and below...
In Room 12 we are blessed to have Miss Vera and Miss Joyce work with us. Students enjoy reading with Miss Vera and Miss Joyce and then talking about what they have read. This helps us read familiar stories at a quick pace with expression (reading using the punctuation) and show our understanding of what we have read. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Kia pai te mutunga o te wiki (Have a good weekend),
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 9, Thursday 11th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we celebrate Sao, Faiupu, PJ and Bob! Each of them have received 12 Gold Cards and filled in their Gold Card Chart (see photo on the left). They received their Principal Award Certificate and prize this morning.
Today we had our first Room 12 appreciation circle (see photo above). What a privilege it was for me enjoy a muffin and a hot chocolate with Gwenavea, Tauetera, Karla and Morgan. It was a lovely way to recognise and THANK these Brilliant Learners as they led and hosted our Middle Morning Meet on Tuesday morning.
CONGRATULATIONS to Bob and Sao who were gold card draw winners today too! Two prizes in one day for you both...WOW!!!
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 9, Wednesday 10th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
During our lunchtime break today our FBS teachers and support staff played a friendly game of basketball. Our Room 12 students were in the crowd, cheering me on! After lunch, I wrote to retell my experience of the basketball game using my senses. In recounting this moment in time I used the sentence starters 'I heard', 'I saw', 'I felt' and 'I wondered'. We know that good writers read back their writing to check that it looks right, sounds right and makes sense. When we do this we know we are 'self checking' our work. Then we check a partners writing and our partner checks our writing. This is called 'partner check'.
Today our Room 12 students wrote to retell their own moment in time OR the moment in time where they watched Miss Patterson play basketball. They used their senses and the above mentioned sentence starters. I will share some of their stories here soon...
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 9, Tuesday 9th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
One of our six FBS values is Arohatia - We encourage others. One way in which our Brilliant Learners demonstrate this school value is by being friends to our newest FBS learners in Room 23 and helping them to get back to class as quick as they can after morning tea and lunch time each day. Please let me introduce you to this weeks Room 23 buddies (see photo on the right): Tauetera, Sao (front row from left to right), Darius, Hayzill and Simrah (back row from left to right).
Each morning we meet as a Middle Team whanau (Rooms 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) via google meet to start our day together through karakia, waiata and korero. Today Room 12 hosted our Middle Morning Meet led by Morgan, Tauetera, Karla and Gwenavea accompanied by all the beautiful singing voices of ALL Room 12 tamariki. See the video clip below:
These young ladies were awesome role models for their Room 12 peers. Our goal is to have all our Brilliant Leaders having a turn leading our Morning Middle Meet. Feel free to practise the Karakia Timatanga and waiata at home with your child/ren. Stay tuned to see how well we do...
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 2, Week 9, Monday 8th - Friday 12th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This week we continue to be AMAZING lifelong learners in everything that we do! We especially enjoy working by ourselves, with another student and in small groups during Reading, Writing and Maths time. In Room 12 we are blessed to work with Miss Vera, Miss Joyce, Whaea Julie and Miss Patterson.
We will also be exploring in more depth our Term 2 Student Inquiry Guiding Question (see video clip below):
Stay tuned to see what our Brilliant Learners come up with when reflecting on our Kaitiakitanga Guiding Question:
How we can make change to ensure a healthy community for all?
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawaru | Term 2, Week 8, Friday 5th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Once a term each class at FBS has a Garden to Table session. It is an event we always look forward to each term! Today we had our Garden to Table session. We split up into two groups. Miss Tupou worked with one group weeding the FBS garden. Our second group worked with Miss Ann in the kitchen, preparing and cooking a vegetable pasta made with pumpkin, carrot, broccoli and silverbeet. When the pasta was cooked we came together again as a whole class and demolished the pasta for lunch...DELICIOUS!!! It was so good Baba had a second helping. Check out our Garden to Table photos above and below.
Earlier in the day each learner also had some one on one time with me. We worked together on a FBS Distance learning feedback form. While filling in the form each child reflected on what they enjoyed about distance learning, the challenges they faced when learning at home (if any), what they want their teacher to know about their home learning, what they found surprising (if any) and what home learning tasks they would like to continue doing at school. All of our students enjoyed learning at home, working with their mum, dad, nana or siblings and learning at school with our teacher and friends!
Today I went across the road to TANZ KTCHN for lunch. While I was there I saw into Darius. I was so happy to see him! When catching up with each other I let him know that we missed having him at school. Darius said his dad said he and his brother will be back at FBS when we move to Alert Level 1. All going well we may move to Alert Level 1 next week.
Have a FABULOUS weekend Brilliant Learners...
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawaru | Term 2, Week 8, Thursday 4th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
In Room 12 we love to read. We know that good readers activate their prior knowledge (what we already know) and make predictions before and during reading. We use the title and pictures of a story to think about what will happen in the story...
Here are our predictions (see photos) of our shared reading texts over the past few weeks.
You are welcome to read at these stories at home with your families too. Just click on the links below for your reading pleasure:
Be a Coronavirus Fighter Going Back to School Bear-goes-into-lockdown.pdf
Today we had school photos at FBS. Information will be coming home soon for those interested in ordering a Room 12 class photo.
Ia Manuia,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawaru | Term 2, Week 8, Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Did you know that we have birthday twins in Room 12? Today we were BLESSED to celebrate TWO Brilliant Learners birthdays...Francis turned 9 today and Tauetera turned 8 years old. We had a BLAST with Tauetera and Francis as our line leaders for the day, Tauetera choosing our fitness activity and Francis and Tauetera selecting Just dance clips for us to move to. We gifted our birthday boy and girl with their own BLOCKS CONSTRUCTION box set too! Whaea Ann delivered gift bags to Room 12 after lunch for Tautera to share with her classmates (see class photo above). Lastly we ended the day with a lolly scramble and song:
Today Faiupu wrote a reply email to Promise, Talayna and Jahzara. She thanked them for their email complimenting her purple and pink puletasi she wore last Friday. Faiupu let them know that her nana made her puletasi. It was the first email Faiupu had written at school to Senior school students. Malo lava Faiupu! Our class enjoyed using the Senior playground as an obstacle course for our fitness session today and Daleini chose to watch and learn how to sketch (see photos above).
A text was sent to whanau earlier this afternoon to let you know that we have school photos tomorrow: Thursday 4th June at FBS. It would be GREAT to have ALL our Room 12 students at school for our class photo. We have missed Darius, James and Tyler and can't wait to see them again!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawaru | Term 2, Week 8, Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Term 2 Student Inquiry Whakatauki
It's great to have Baba and Kalati back with us in Room 12 at FBS again! They got straight into their learning, working on their Lockdown Windows (see photos above). We look forward to adding them to our class display on our Room 12 windows. Baba planned his writing using a picture plan, drawing a fun activity of what he did at home during Lockdown. Miss Joyce then helped him write his sentence 'I am watching a movie' to match his picture plan.
This term our student inquiry is focused on KAITIAKITANGA | Guardianship. We have been exploring what we think the author of the Whakatauki is trying to tell us and unpacking our Guiding Statement too. Feel free to visit us and have a look at our ideas on our Kaitiakitanga learning wall (see photos below).
Have a talk with your whanau at home about what message they think the author of the Whakatauki is trying to portray. Ask your aiga what they think our Guiding Statement 'Each person can make a difference. What we do impacts they way we make a difference' means. We would love to add their thinking and ideas to our learning wall too!
Fafetai tele lava,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawaru | Term 2, Week 8, Tuesday 2nd - Friday 5th June 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We have had two full weeks back at FBS since we moved to Alert Level 2. This week is a short school week as we enjoy the long weekend with Queens Birthday public holiday on Monday 1st June 2020.
Last week each Brilliant Learner read one on one with me to show me how well they can read a text at a quick pace with expression and answer questions to demonstrate they understood what they read. All students have made pleasing progress with their reading. They are also learning what reading level and/or reading age they are currently working at. This week all FBS learners will be showing us how good they are at independent writing.
Continue to encourage your child/ren to read each night at home to you or with you and to write at home too for fun!
He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Ia Manuia,
Miss Patterson
Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020 | Aso Faraile 29 Me
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Did you know that New Zealand has the largest Samoan population outside of Samoa and that Gagana Samoan (Samoan language) is the third most spoken language in Aotearoa!
It has been a JOY celebrating Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020 at FBS. We have loved starting each day together as a whole school with tatalo, speaking Samoan and seeing how handsome and beautiful our FBS females look in their samoan puletasi and our boys in their aloha shirts and ie faitaga. In Room 12 we have ten brilliant learners and Miss Patterson who identify as Samoan - our largest ethnic group in Room 12!
Schools across Aotearoa have had a blast celebrating Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa this year. Check out this video clip of educators showing us some of their Siva Samoa moves here: Samoa Siva Faiaogo 2020 (Facebook login required).
In Room 12 we continue to work hard at our learning. Each time a student shows that they are ready for learning by bringing their book bag to school each day, when they use the right size, shape and spacing during handwriting, when they read to themselves, read with the teacher or teacher aide, use Gagana Samoa or Te Reo Maori language or using a range of strategies to solve a maths problem, they are rewarded with a Gold Card. The gold card in taken to Mr Avatea and then they receive a gold Principal sticker. Each Brilliant has their own Gold Gold chart they put their Principal stickers on.
Manuia le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa
Miss Patterson
Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020 | Aso Tofi 28 Me
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
In Room 12 we have 22 vaega o tamaiti aoga (students), 2 faiaoga aʻoga tulagalua (primary school teachers) and 2 learning support teachers who help us with our learning at school. We are proud of our diverse cultures - Samoan, NZ Maori, Cook Island Maori, Tongan, Fijian, Niuean and South East Asian.
It has been such a blessing to celebrate and embrace the Samoan language and culture this week. We continue to use the Samoan language for the days of the week, the months of the year and counting (see photo below).
We have also highlighted this week is by wearing Samoan attire (see photo above). Faiupu and Simrah looked manaia tele (very beautiful) in their puletasi today! Malo lava to our support staff who made Samoan Koka laisa (cocoa rice). It was DELICIOUS!!! Does your aiga have a favourite Samoan dish? If so, we would love to hear about it. We'd love it if you have the recipe to share with us too!
We will continue to use our Gagana Samoa as in our Room 12 learning programme. Please continue to practise the Samoan language at home with your aiga too.
Manuia le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa
Miss Patterson
Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020 | Aso Lulu 27 Me
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Did you know there are 17 letters in the Samoan Alphabet? We enjoyed learning a simple pese, including sign language for the 17 letters and sounds of the alphabet and a sasa using common Samoan words and phrases to easily remember the Samoan Alphabet. Our home and school challenge for today is to practise the Samoan alphabet at home. See the video clip below for the actions and tune of the pese and sasa. Each student also has their own copy of the lyrics for the pese and sasa: O Le Pi Faitau Fa'ataga.pdf
Manuia le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa
Miss Patterson
Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020 | Aso Lua 26 Me
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we HIGHLIGHT Karla, Sao, Faiupu, Simrah and Tauetera for accepting the challenge of talking with their aiga about what things are the same or different at school after Lockdown and recording their responses in their 'Going Back to School' booklet. Learning is a partnership between home and school and these brilliant learners are great role models of such a powerful connection. Malo lava Karla, Sao, Faiupu, Simrah and Tauetera!
We have also been practising our counting in Samoan from 1-26 (tasi, lua, tolu, fa, lima, ono, fitu, valu, iva, sefulu, sefulu tasi, sefulu lua, sefulu tolu, sefulu fa, sefulu lima, sefulu ono, sefulu fitu, sefulu valu, sefulu iva, lua sefulu, lua sefulu tasi, lua sefulu lua, tolu, lua sefulu fa, lua sefulu lima, lua sefulu ono) counting in tens from 10 to 100 (sefulu, lua sefulu, tolu sefulu, fa sefulu, lima sefulu, ono sefulu, fitu sefulu, valu sefulu, iva sefulu, tasi selau) and counting in hundreds from 100 to 1000 (tasi selau, lua selau, tolu selau, fa selau, lima selau, ono selau, fitu selau, valu selau, iva selau, tasi afe) in Samoan. We even learnt how to say 1,000,000 in Samoan - tasi miliona. We will continue to practise numbers in Samoan at school and at home.
Manuia le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa
Miss Patterson
Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020 | Aso Sa 24 Me - Aso To'onai 30 Me
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
This week we celebrate Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa 2020. The theme for this year is Tapena sou oso mo lou malaga, Prepare yourself a gift for your travels.
At FBS we launched the week with the raising of the Samoan flag accompanied by the singing of the Samoan National Anthem. Each day we begin and end our school day with a tatalo led by Room 10, our Year 5-6 Samoan language focus class. We will be learning Samoan greetings, Samoan manners, numbers, colours, days of the week, months of the year and the alphabet in Gagana Samoa. Stay tuned to see our Samoan language learning. We'll share what we are learning with you at home too.
Students are invited to wear their Samoan attire at school this week if they would like to. I'm looking forward to wearing my puletasi each day this week in recognition of my Samoan heritage.
Manuia le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaono | Term 2, Week 6, Friday 22nd May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our Windows into our 2020 Lockdown are finished and displayed in our Room 12 windows for your viewing pleasure. This visual art project gives you an insight into what we did during our time at home during Lockdown, including our home learning tasks. Check them out the next time your at FBS picking up or dropping off your child/ren.
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaono | Term 2, Week 6, Thursday 21st May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
We have many passionate and focused LEGOMASTERS in Room 12! Carrying on from our Lockdown activities brainstorm and our Lockdown Window visual art task - PJ, Gwenavea, Faiupu and Sao worked together to build a Lockdown house which illustrates what the house looked like and the activities that were happening in the house during Alert Levels 4 and 3. What would you Lockdown house look like? What activities would be happening in your Lockdown house?
We welcome you to visit us and ask our Legomasters all about their Lockdown House and other lego creations.
Ia Manuia,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaono | Term 2, Week 6, Tuesday 19th May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
When reflecting on Lockdown at Alert Level 4 and staying home to continue our distance learning at Alert Level 3, our Room 12 students were able to work together in small groups to brainstorm activities they enjoyed while at home (see photos below). Small whiteboards and whiteboard pens are popular learning resources in our class!
By activating our prior knowledge to complete our brainstorm we were then able to select our favourite activities to illustrate in our Lockdown Window visual art task. You can see how PJ, Karla and Tauetera (see photos above) have used a pencil to sketch their window with opened window panes and a sill and then their lockdown activities inside the window. Once they were happy with their sketched they used a black vivid to go over their sketch in pencil.
STAY TUNED to see how each students finished visual art project turns out...
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuaono | Term 2, Week 6, Monday 18th - Friday 22nd May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
The wait is over...Flat Bush School is NOW open for ALL FBS learners and we couldn't be happier!!! We've had a blast working on our distance learning activities at home...but there is nothing quite like being back with our friends and teachers (in person), learning alongside each other in our AMAZING learning environment at Flat Bush School.
A huge SHOUT OUT goes out to us all, for are shared effort to save lives by staying home during Alert Levels 4 and 3 and learning from home. Your time and energy spent with your children to assist them in their home learning as been so greatly appreciated. We will continue to work in partnership in your child's learning journey. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuarima | Term 2, Week 5, Tuesday 12th May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
The countdown is on for our return back to Room 12 at FBS. Yesterday it was announced that we would be moving from Alert Level 3 to Level 2 this Thursday 14th May 2020. Flat Bush School reopens for ALL FBS learners on Monday 18th May 2020. Click here: ALERT LEVEL 2 UPDATE for more details.
Faiupu has been exploring her artistic skills this week at home (see photo on the right). I too have been keen on doing some canvas art which I will share with you all next week. What other visual art skills would you like us to learn this term? Let me know!
Six more sleeps until we will see each other again - face to face..I can't wait!!!
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuarima | Term 2, Week 5, Monday 11th - Friday 15th May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Welcome to Week 5 of Home Learning! Try out these activities: Distance Learning Week 5 and the learning tasks included in your MOE and FBS resource packs. You can choose to have a go at some of the below suggestions too:
REMEMBER you can also log on to Studyladder (internet access required) to access Handwriting, Spelling and Mathematics online learning tasks. Remember you can also tune into TV 2 +1, The Home Learning TV channel. It is free to air on TVNZ Channel 2+1 and TVNZ on demand and airs from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday.
I am readily available to help you out with your home learning and would love to see your AMAZING work! Keep in touch with me via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawha | Term 2, Week 4, Wednesday 5th May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our Room 12 Brilliant Learners continue to drive their own learning as they continue their home learning this week. It is so much more FUN when you get to learn together with your sibling/s and parent/s. During their lunch break yesterday Shalon (mum), Francis and Jericho had a game of Jenga. I could the see the concentration, turn taking, patience and hear the laughter as I watched the video clips. You can view the video clips here: Shalon Lapana (Ask your parents first - Facebook login required).
What are your favourite rainy day games that you play with your aiga?
I LOVE card games...a few of my favourites are: Five Crowns, Monopoly Deal and Phase 10. Not only do you get to have QUALITY FAMILY FUN TIME, you also get to apply a variety of problem solving strategies, use your forwards and backwards number sequencing and number ordering skills, as well as recognising and naming various shapes, sorting, organising card into different categories and taking turns. Who knew playing games was learning too.I can't wait to share these card games with you when we are back at FBS in person. Let me know what games you enjoy. We could teach each other our favourite rainy day games and and use them as independent tasks in our learning programme too!
Fa'afetai tele lava,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawha | Term 2, Week 4, Monday 4th May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we HIGHLIGHT Faiupu Seau's SUPERB FBS DL (see photos above). I love how Faiupu has included a caption for her first two photos to let us know (1) she is having lunch with her fluffy friend Tibble and (2) how her brother Tyler is helping her with solve multiplication number problems. I'm keen to find my own fluffy friend to have lunch with this week. Faiupu has already made her Mothers Day card and completed the Mothers Day flower origami (included in her latest FBS learning pack) for her other grandma which she delivered in person last Saturday. What a great way to share her love and appreciation for these AMAZING women!
We also celebrate Simrah Kumar's OUTSTANDING HOME LEARNING (see photos below).
The Ring of Fire
Cross section of a Volcano
Volcano Report
Keep up the great home schooling Brilliant learners!
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuawha | Term 2, Week 4, Monday 4th - Friday 8th May 2020
Welcome to our fourth week of Home Learning. Continue to work on our FBS DL activities here: Distance Learning Weeks 3-4 and the learning activities included in your MOE and FBS hard copy resource packs. Gwenavea has enjoyed completing and recommends the fractions maths section in your Homework book (included in your MOE pack). You can also log on to Studyladder (internet access required) to access Handwriting, Spelling and Mathematics online learning tasks. Remember you can also tune into TV 2 +1, The Home Learning TV channel. It is free to air on TVNZ Channel 2+1 and TVNZ on demand and airs from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday.
Mothers Day is this Sunday 10th May 2020. I would love to see the special things you do to recognise and honour your mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, aunties and other WONDERFUL women in your lives! Remember to keep in touch with me via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 2, Week 3, Wednesday 29th April
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today I am updating you from the safety of Room 12 at Flat Bush School. Our AMAZING FBS staff have been here at school today and yesterday getting the school ready to reopen today! Families picked up new hard copy learning resource packs today too. If you weren't able to come to FBS today but would still like a new pack for your child, please contact the school office on 274 8279 to arrange a suitable pick up day and time. I am happy to report that our 22 Brilliant Learners will carry on with their distance learning safe at home during Alert Level 3! Well done to you and your families as you continue to stay at home and save lives. Check out our new FBS DL activities here: Distance Learning Weeks 3-4.
Our STAR learners Faiupu and Francis having been CREATIVE in completing FBS DL at home (see photos above). Using cutlery to spell your name Faiupu aka 'Upu' is so easy and visually appealing. It would be great to see others names spelt with cutlery too! Francis and Jericho are so focused on their Maths learning that the time flies by (see video clip above).
The sharing of your learning always makes me smile and is a great example of our school value Mahi Ngatahi - we work as a team! I look forward to seeing your lovely faces in person...when we move to Alert Level 2 (fingers crossed). In the meantime, keep those emails and photos coming...
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuatoru | Term 2, Week 3, Wednesday 29th April - Friday 1st May 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Week 3 of Term 2 begins with our annual Anzac Day public holiday which we officially observed on Saturday 25th April 2020. This years Anzac Day remembrance was UNIQUE as we were unable to gather together and participate in dawn parades that have been traditionally held across New Zealand and Australia.
How did you celebrate Anzac Day? Over the weekend my family shared with me the special experiences they had on Saturday 25th April 2020 (see the photos above). Here in New Zealand my 10 year niece and her parents stood at the end of their driveway at 6am in remembrance of New Zealand and Australian soldiers who served in World War 2. My 8 year old niece wrote a poem, while my nephews and niece drew Anzac Poppies pictures that they displayed on the windows of their home. Tanner and Hayes made a 'LEST WE FORGET' sign (with help from mum and dad) which they proudly held up as they sat outside the front of their house on Anzac morning in Sydney, Australia.
This week as you work on your distance learning activities you may want to write your own Anzac poem, design and create your own 'LEST WE FORGET' banner or draw your own Anzac poppies pictures and display them on your window at home too! You could make Anzac biscuits with you family and/or listen to or read Anzac stories here: Anzac Day 2020. I would love to see how you and your family celebrated Anzac Day this year. Remember to send your photos to me via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
FBS reopens this week. Flat Bush School Board of Trustees ask that children should ONLY be coming to school if they aren't able to remain home. See full notice here: ALERT LEVEL 3 UPDATE. If you need more resources to work on at home, we will have new learning packs available for you to pick up this Wednesday 29th April 2020 between 10.30 - 11.30am from the school library.
May you all continue to be kind, be safe, stay home (if you are able to) and save lives. We will continue to stay connected. Our relationship with one another in our shared responsibility in your child’s learning is VITAL.
He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Fa'afetai tele lava,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuarua | Term 2, Week 2, Thursday 23rd April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Anzac weekend is quickly approaching...but the long weekend hasn't distracted FBS learners from working hard at home. Francis and Jericho love maths, working with two and three digit addition problems today and had a blast building their paper volcano as part of their science studies (see photos above). They also kept themselves moving with the popular just dance video: 'I got the power' (see below). Great hand and eye co-ordination skills boys!
In the Seau home, Faiupu has been exploring her artistic skills, drawing her unicorn and making a sign for her wall.
What a pleasure it was to talk to and text whanau today as we continue to stay connected. Today our SHOUT OUTS go to the Aukustino, D Lea'ana, Kumar, Lu'uga, Milne, Soia and Vailea families for keeping their children home during Alert Level 3. Kiripa, Bob, Simrah, Ben, Tyler, Kalati and Hayzill will continue their FBS DL from the comfort of their own homes.
Keep up the great work Brilliant learners!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuarua | Term 2, Week 2, Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today we CELEBRATE the home learning of Tauetera Lazaro (see photos above) and Francis Malaga and his brother Jericho from Room 11 (see photos below). Tauetera has inspired me to set up my own outdoor learning space! Thanks mum (Ann) for emailing Tautera's lockdown bubble photos to me, I couldn't help but smile when I saw your beautiful faces.
Francis and Jericho have received their school devices and logged into their school google accounts successfully! Shalon (mum) is doing a stellar job as 'teacher' . Check out Francis and Jericho's home learning video clips here: Shalon Malaga (Ask your parents first! Facebook login required).
It was lovely to connect with you today via call, text or email today. I have connected with twelve families today and will contact the remaining ten whanau tomorrow: Thursday 23rd April. A huge SHOUT OUT to the Anderson-Williams, George-Tatu, Lazaro, Malaga, Mareikura, Ngatai Rio, Ramarn Putta, Savusa, Seau, Tulua, Vitilino and Whaanga families for staying home and continuing their distance learning when we move to Alert Level 3 next week.
Flat Bush School Board of Trustees ask that children should ONLY be coming to school if they aren't able to remain home. See full notice here: ALERT LEVEL 3 UPDATE.
If you need more resources to work on at home, we will have new learning packs available for you to pick up next Wednesday 29th April 2020 between 10.30 - 11.30am from the school library.
Please keep in touch: elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
Ma te wa,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuarua | Term 2, Week 2, Tuesday 21st April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our Room 12 Brilliant Learners having been working hard on their Term 2 distance learning activities. Check out the photos above of Sao in his bubble. What a great role model Sao is to his peers of a self motivated learner!
Faiupu has her desk set up at home, wrote about what she did on Monday and has set out a plan for Week 2 of home learning (see photos above). The Seau crew have taken on the challenge to create a Tik Tok dance video this week. I have included it below for your viewing pleasure!
I had the opportunity to talk to PJ and his mum and Shalon (Francis Malaga's mum) yesterday and will be making calls to more Room 12 whanau today. We will continue to stay connected. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Ia Manuia,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuarua | Term 2, Week 2, Monday 20th - Friday 24th April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
New Distance Learning activities for Week 2, Term 2 are now available here Week 2 Distance Learning . You can work together with your aiga on a range of tasks (aligned to our six school values) at a time that suits you!
For those of you with access to the internet, you can log on to Studyladder to access Handwriting, Spelling and Mathematics online learning tasks. Your studyladder username and password in your learning packs that you took home before lockdown. You can also choose learning tasks from your FBS pack and/or the MOE box you received in the mail.
Remember you can also tune into TV 2 +1, The Home Learning TV channel. It is free to air on TVNZ Channel 2+1 and TVNZ on demand. It runs from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday. For physical activity sessions, your options are a Les Mills class from 9-10am on TV1 or Born to Move on TV2 at 3pm (Monday to Friday).
Talanoa Ako Radio for Pacific Communities starts today: Monday 20th April 2020 starting with English, followed by PMN Cook Island Maori, PMN Niue, PMN Tonga, PMN Samoa, PMN Fiji, PMN Tuvalu and PMN Tokelau. Tune into 531pi or watch live here: www.facebook.com/531pi . For further information regarding radio schedule times, dates, teachers and sessions topics, click here: Talanoa Ako Radio for Pacific Communities.
I look forward to keeping in touch via phone call, text and email again this week. Keep sending those emails and photos to me: elisap@flatbush.school.nz too!
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 2, Week 1, Friday 17th April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Our first week of Term 2 Flat Bush School Distance Learning is done and dusted. It has been great receiving emails and photos from Faiupu, Simrah and Gwenavea this week! You’ll see what home learning looks like in the Seau, Kumar and Whaanga bubbles here: T2 W1 Fri 17.4.20 TBL FBS DL.pdf. Keep checking the school website, particularly our class page: Room 12 to see how learning at home is going for our FBS learners.
Don’t worry if you haven’t heard from me yet, I’ll be giving you a call early next week! You can also continue to keep in touch via email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Alofa atu,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 2, Week 1, Wednesday 15th April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends…
Today marks the first day of our Flat Bush School Distance Learning. It’s great to see our learners and their whanau logging into our school website: Flat Bush School, particularly our class page: Room 12 and working on the suggested distance learning activities for this week. FBS devices are in the post and on their way to: Bob, James, Francis, Daleini, Tyler, Baba, Sao and PJ.
You've got mail! I have emailed each of you, so check out your school google inbox. Click on this button to see the email: T2 W1 Wed 15.4.20 TBL FBS DL .pdf . I have also sent a text to your whanau to reconnect. I have also had the pleasure to speak to some of you too. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard from me yet, I’ll be giving you a call too!
TINO PAI TO MAHI Gwenavea, Ben, Ezra, Karla, Simah and Tauetera who have been logging into Studyladder to access Handwriting, Spelling and Mathematics online learning tasks. You can find your studyladder username and password in your learning packs that you took home before lockdown.
May you all continue to be kind, be safe, stay home and save lives. Stay positive and strong. Our relationship with one another in our shared responsibility in your child’s learning is VITAL! We will stay connected. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
Nga mihi nui,
Miss Patterson
Wahanga Tuarua, Wiki Tuatahi | Term 2, Week 1, Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th April 2020
Kia orana, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Namaste, Fakalofa lahi atu ,Bula vinaka, Ni hao, An Yeoung ha se yo, Greetings to our Brilliant Learners whānau and friends...
I trust you have all enjoyed your quality whanau time over the past two weeks. Please know that my thoughts are with you and I encourage you all to continue to stay positive and strong. I'd also like to express my gratitude to you and your aiga in our shared effort as New Zealanders to save lives, as we have stayed home and been kind to ourselves and each other. He waka eke noa, We are all in this together!
FLAT BUSH SCHOOL DISTANCE LEARNING (FBS DL)Term 2 begins in a unique way as we learn together from the comfort of our own homes. Although we will not be meeting together in our usual way, face to face at school, we will stay connected!
I will be contacting you and your whanau by phone, text or email this week. I can't wait to reconnect! Also feel free to share what you are doing at home during lockdown by sending me photos or an email to elisap@flatbush.school.nz.
Feel free to have a go at these activities this week:
Start each day saying the Karakia Timatanga with your whanau.
Draw your family bubble including names or take a photo. Tell me about your bubble.
Tune into TV2: 'Born to Move' at 3pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for a 30 minute movement and mindfulness session.
Make time in the evening to watch the 6pm news with your aiga. Everyone can share one thing they learnt from the news.
Ko Kahuranaki raua ko Whakaturia oku maunga. Ko Te Ngaruroro te awa. Ko Te Moana Nui a Kiwa te moana. Ko Takitimu raua ko Ngatokimatawhauroua oku waka. Ko Ngati Kahungunu raua ko Ngapuhi oku iwi. Ko Whaturapiti raua ko Ngatiwai oku hapu. Ko Kahuranaki raua ko Tuparehuia oku marae. Ko Elisa Waina Patterson toku ingoa.
Elisa Patterson | Room 12 Teacher | Te Puke o Taraimainuku Kahui Ako Across School Leader|Email: elisap@flatbush.school.nz