Mrs Lologa Room 8 Classroom Teacher | Ms Heather Room 6 Classroom Teacher | Ms Young CRT Teacher |
Mrs Hou Room 21 Classroom Teacher | Mrs Haynes Room 5 Classroom Teacher | Mrs Mokalei Room 22 Classroom Teacher |
Friday ONLINE LEARNING 10.12.21
Thank you for joining our Team Tupu Zoom for the last time this year!
It has been an honour to serve and teach our learning community in the different learning platforms offered this year.
Whakatauki for today… Thank you Selesitina Lam Sam for teaching alongside me today. For opening us up with a Samoan prayer and sharing your perspective on our whakatauki!
Today we watched the Christmas story. The real reason why we celebrate Christmas is because we are celebrating Jesus’ birthday!
Writing about our Superhero
Spokenword- children to write or to rap, share about their superhero
Collaboration Whiteboard
Drawing our Superheroes
Kahoot Games
Thank you for your support! Have a safe and blessed Christmas with your loved one.
On behalf of our online Team Tupu Team!
On behalf of Mrs Lologa and Mrs Young, we would like to thank everyone who participated in today’s online learning. Apologise at the end of our lesson we ran out of time during our kahoot but Polevia was our winner.
We started at 11am and finished at 12.30pm. We had 11 children attend:
Break down of our whakatauki:
Feedback from assembly
Can we make any improvements. Very different from senior and middles. Put the childrens picture up on the big screen when they receive prize.
We couldn’t hear the sound. (Tina - Polevias mum)
(Chris mum - )Face book live was much better than the zoom. Sound quality was good. Other people were saying it wasn’t good on the zoom. How did you find out about the Facebook live? Found out in the morning. Let parents know about videos being posted up on face book.
Visualisation activity. - The invisible string
Discussion of something that touched your heart.
Sina: When you feel lonely at night you can look up at the sky and see the stars and talk to anyone as they can see the same stars that we see.
Polevia: Trees with a heart. No matter how far we are we are still connected to eachother.
Christopher - Clouds with rain coming down on the house.
Kayden - saw an octopus, love heart. I saw an octopus, teddy bear, bunny so I thought id draw them from the book. I wanted to draw the white string but i didnt have a white pen. Invisible means you can’t see it.
Indigo: When I was scared my mum said don’t be scared ill always be in your heart even when Im not there.
2nd zoom: Maths - houses, family of facts
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Thank you for handing in your work!
Mrs Young and Mrs Lologa
On behalf of Mrs Zhao and myself, we would like to thank everyone who participated in today’s online session! You have ALL been amazing and we both hope you have learnt something NEW today!
Remember - There is NO ONLINE LEARNING TOMORROW AS WE HAVE OUR PRIZEGIVING, which you can watch from the comfort of your home! So make sure to tune in tomorrow!
These were the amazing students who joined us today, there were some who joined us afterwards….
Monday Online Learning
Hosted by Mrs Zhao and Ms Haynes - 6/12/21
Thank you for attending our online session today!
It sure was a fun session, I didn’t personally count how many were online today, luckily Mrs Zhao took a screenshot of us all and as you can see we had a great turnout….
We started off with our Karakia Timatanga
We then moved onto our story for today….
We discussed what made the Grinch change his mind, what made him have a change of heart towards Christmas!
Then we took time to go over the questions and the students helped us circle the correct answers….
After answering the multi-choice questions, we moved onto our spelling activity for today - Christmas Trees! (Pyramid words)...
For Maths we introduced Division and spoke about equal sharing…
Together we worked one a problem and got the children to give us ideas on how to speed up the ‘working out time’....
This is what some of the students called out during the maths lesson…
Then we did a double facts maths challenge!
Today was a great session - I am super proud of you all!
Keep up the smart work you are doing at home x
Saint Paul's work from today. Well done!
Friday Funday
Online session 3/12/21
Hosted by Mrs Lologa, Mrs Mokalei & Ms Haynes
It was such a pleasure to be part of today's online session!
Wow, we sure have some talented artists at FBS……
We had 17 students online today!!
We started off with a whakatauki and discussed what it meant to us as teachers to the students…
We then moved onto shout outs to our Tamariki for completing and sharing their online work with us!
We then listened to a story and doodled while we listened to the words!
We shared our doodling and the teacher’s shared their drawings and talked through what we drew and why we drew it the way we did…
Maths: We worked on Splitting numbers to help us with multiplying double digit numbers.
After our maths talk….. We did a drawing session teaching us step by step how to draw a character!
Add pictures of our own attempts!
After our drawing time we played two games of kahoot!
Ending our Friday Funday session with a Karakia!
Children’s Work
Polevia and St Paul’s Work
Wednesday Online Session 1/12/21
Hosted by Mrs Zhao, Ms Haynes & Ms Young
WOW…. Another great turnout today, I think we had 14 students online and 3 teachers.
I love this online engagement - keep up the amazing online work that you are all doing!
Today we started off with our Karakia and our FBS pepeha…. Thank you Ms Young for leading our FBS Pepeha.
We then sang and went over the actions for the Six 60 NZSL -My Pepeha song!
After the song we read a story called - Rat on the rug. We asked a number of students to read different parts of the story making it a team effort creating a shared story moment together...
Mrs Zhao went over the writing worksheet for today in segments based on the story we read.
Your writing task for today is to think of an interesting story ending - did the fat cat catch the slow grey rat? Or did the grey speedy rat escape? Mmmmmmmm
After our story, we played a maths warm up game online…
Then Mrs Zhao taught us about the Place Value House family - 3 siblings lived in the house little brother names ‘ONES’, middle brother named ‘TENS’ and big sister named ‘HUNDREDS’
We spent time working on a few number problems using base 10 blocks….
When you have 9 (Ones) and you are given 1 more you make 10; this row of blocks connected together represent 1 row of 10 (Ten).
We learnt that to add faster we add the tens and then we count the ones.
We would like you to try and work out the last math page like the working out we did together (see picture below in green rectangle box).
We ended off with another Math quiz based on the place value system!
Check out how smart our Tamariki are!!!!
Ending our online session with our closing Karakia!
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Check out Polevia‘s work from Monday!
Good understanding of the New Zealand Birds book, Polevia!
Monday Online Learning Session
Here is Saint Paul's work form today! Good job!
29/11/21 Hosted by Mrs Zhao & Ms Haynes
Today was a great day for us online - we had so many students turn up to be part of our fun online session today!
We started off with a story about a little girl that liked to dream when she slept.
The story was called - Remember to dream Ebere
We then introduced our learning for today and went over the School Pepeha….
Well Done to Zapphire (Mum) and Jezrkaya who read out the FBS Pepeha for us!
After reading the FBS pepeha, we looked at rhyming words - the main idea was that words had the same ending sound!
We then had the opportunity to listen to Mrs Zhao read a poem. While Mrs Zhao read to us, we listened out for rhyming words….
Check out the photos of our rhyming word detectives that listened for rhyming words in the poem!
We also had time to go over a multiplication word problem!
Check out how we solved question number 3…
We made tidy 10s and took away 7 as we discussed that it was easier to skip count in 10s than to add 9+9+9+9+9+9+9=
We then had time to sing along and learn NZ sign language to go with the six 60 - Pepeha song!
To end off our online learning we played a game of hangman!!
The word was Rhyming.
Friday online learning
Our online learning started at 11:00 today and finished at 12:20. Thanks to all the parents and other family members who have helped our kids to participate in the Zoom lessons. Today's online photos are as below. The activities are on our Team Tupu Online Learning Page. Please send your completed Goku artwork to Miss Young after you have finished.
Roll call - 19 students online
Recapping number work
Saint Paul learning online
Saint Paul’s Goku drawing
Class showing their first part of Goku drawing
Kahoot winner - Polevia Well done💥
Jeramiah's learning
Goku Drawing![]() | ![]() |
Thursday 25th November 2021
Our online learning started at 11:00 today and finished at 12:20. Thanks to all the parents and other family members who have helped our kids to participate in the Zoom lessons. Today's online photos are as below. The activities are on our Team Tupu Online Learning Page. Please send your work to Ms Heather and Mrs Zhao's email after you finished.
Maori Days of the Week and Months of the Year
Wednesday 24/11/21 Online learning:
Wow what a turn out we had today!!
Group shot:
Today our reading focus was based on reading with expression, we looked at reading with expression by identifying speech marks in the text. We asked children to have a go at changing their voice to sound like different characters and to allow the story to come alive.
Questions and answers were discussed and shared amongst ourselves online today, as I typed the answers up.
How many dragons were there?
Four dragons
Where did the dragons live?
In the cave
How did they feel in the cave?
They felt lonely
List the places they went looking for friends.
Skate park
How did the people at the park feel when they saw the dragons waiting by the bbq?
Scared, frightened, terrified, scary, worried
What did the dragons do to show that they are friendly dragons?
The dragons helped by sizzling the sausages on the bbq with their fire.
Spelling Activity:
We then took a look at our sound knowledge and looked at ‘Dr’ words, extending their learning to the idea that when you change the end suffix you will create more words!
Adding: ing, ed & es as word endings.
We looked at the place value system - identifying that the zeros are place holders in larger numbers. (10 x bigger)
Family Facts:
We looked at arrays:
Equal Sharing:
Finishing off with a game of Kahoot!!
Our finalists were 3rd place Kezia, 2nd place Indigo and in 1st place we had Benji!!
St Paul's Learning
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Fa'afetai lava St Paul for completing all of your work! You are a fantastic learner! I am so proud of you!
Thank you
Mrs Haynes and Mrs Lologa
Monday 22 November 2021
Hi everyone, check out what we did in our zoom lesson today. We had Ms Young and Mrs Zhao with us.
Please send you online tasks to
Ms Young: or
Mrs Zhao:
We will post your love work to your classpage.
Here is Saint Paul's work. Nice job!
Friday 19 November 2021
Today we had Ms Haynes and Ms Young with us on Zoom.
We have revisited our Tautara story and have learned to write descriptively about a character.
We also learned to do a word pyramid for our spelling words.
Then we did some Maths word problems. We have used counting on, doubling, skip counting, and multiplication to solve our problem.
In the end, we played a little game. It was fun!
The related activities are on the TEAM TUPU ONLINE LEARNING page for each class. Please send your complete work to your teacher's email.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday 18th November - 18.11.21
Saint Paul's work for today! Great Job!
Today was so much fun!
I had a great time spending time with you all online - Thank you for coming to our zoom session today check out some of our learning we did together - Tu meke !!!
We started off with a (find something that makes you feel happy) scavenger hunt.
Moving onto Ms Haynes reading the story - Weka helps out!
We looked at speech marks & exclamation marks
We also had a look at 'est' word family and shared some words we knew.
recapping time from yesterday
We went over the days of the week and Months of the year.
Please send your children's work to or
Raapa 17 Whiringa- a- rangi, rua mano rua tekau ma tahi
Wednesday 17 November 2021
Team Tupu Online Learning
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![]() | Morena Online Zoom learning for Rooms 5 6 8 21 & 22 at 11am Passcode: tupu2021 - FBS |
Thank you Team Tupu On-line Learners for attending our first Team Zoom session!
See you all the same time and the same link tomorrow!
St Paul's Learning
Thank you St Paul for learning how to use google Jam Board to draw your clocks! Looks like you have consolidated half past and o'clock! Mrs Lologa😊
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Thank you for sharing your maths smart for the DMIC question St Pau! Mrs Lologa😍
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Thank you for using google drawing to insert the clocks into the worksheet! Superb work!
Keep on working hard! Mrs Lologa😊